Thanks for the input guys,
I have completed the Dmitry Lytov's questionaire and will wait for the results (don't know how long they take to reply). I understand your point Cheerio, but I will give brief answers to the questions as it may help.

1. Very
2. briefly try to rationaly show that they are wrong but if I can see there mind is made up, would leave them to their incorrect assumptions.
3. I am the least forcefull person I know.
3!. Not concerened, peoples business is there own, would help if asked.
4. The 9-5 job, routine house chores etc, im laid back.
5. I dont understand the question.
6. Yes for family, I find intimate relationships hard though, never had one!(im 24!!!) im never sure what Im supposed to say or do etc!!! I have a few very good friends though.
7. Not usually, Im usually the last to know thing like that.
8. Nearly always late for things, however if it's absolutely essential that im on time, I will be.
9. Don't mind. Unless im left on my own for ages and ages waiting for people.
10. I can get a reasonable measure of people quite quickly. their motivations etc.
11. In general stick to tested methods to new tasks but when I know what I am doing I can find many ways to get the same results.
12. Of course, who dosen't?, sometimes feel uncomfortable if its excessive though.
13. Hardly ever show emotion to other people but can be taken by emotionaly moving films etc. In general definately no though.
14. Comfortable clothes (informal), sofa etc, warm house and various entertainment immediately available. I can easily put up with cold or rain etc without making a fuss though.
15. I don't usually make a fuss about things like that, if its me or someone else. I would put up with it if it were me, but if asked by someone else I would gladly give my coat and be cold myself.

Anyway, the more socionics stuff I read, the more I think I am ISTp, I wonder if that fits with the above.

I will report the results of the Dmitry Lytov's questionaire when I get them.