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Thread: Why I've Given up on Socionics (I.e., why I Essentially have no Dual)

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    jason_m's Avatar
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    Default Why I've Given up on Socionics (I.e., why I Essentially have no Dual)

    I've tried using socionics in social situations a number of times, and I've had no success. It has become frustrating enough that I've decided to essentially give up. Here's why: everyone who is 'enthusiastic' is almost always either one of two types - every time: 1) They're really cheerful, but in an 'Fi' kind of way. I kind of like the enthusiasm, but there is a really girly side to this type that I don't enjoy - that I essentially supervise. (E.g., Reese Witherspoon.) I don't care what anyone says, they simply aren't my dual... 2) The other kind seems sort of 'Se' - they're a really fun-loving type of person, but there can be a real b*tchy side to them that I don't want... I'd love to think that they're my dual, but , if they are sort of snide, that is something that I can't handle in a person... Therefore, as much as I like them, there may simply be no way around it for me... For this reason, they are 'actor' - which I don't think they technically are - I wonder if they're 'SEE' but the relation is a lot like moth and the flame - hence my typing as LII-IEI... And that's about it. Other than this, there are simply the outliers which sort of work - but they are far and few between. What am I supposed to do? I mean, I essentially have no dual... People could politic about peacemaker or director all they want (or even craftsman, which is as dry as a bone to me or commander or pragmatist, for whom I feel scared for my life) - they are simply not what I like in a person... I mean, do I have no soulmate? Does anyone have any suggestions? I just want to give up on this theory...

    Last edited by jason_m; 10-05-2016 at 05:11 AM.

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    you're not around me If you were you and I would use it together; try to curb your negativity
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Even with career... I started out quite sure about what I wanted to do for work. Now, every career is either painfully dry or completely inaccessible. Take computing: I would love to have a Ph.D. in computer science, but after the fiasco at my school, I find this career inaccessible. The alternative is that I do programming work in industry - but I can't think of anything more dry, tedious, and unimaginative... I mean painfully so... For some reason, it's like this for every job I think of! And it's because of this theory. I just wonder what the hell is making it that way...

    Or even philosophy: I have learned as much as I can learn about philosophy - I'm simply not getting anything from it when I study it anymore. But my friends and family would insist: "You're so good! You must go for your Ph.D...." At this point in my life, I can't think of anything more dry... And, like I said, it's like this all the time...
    Last edited by jason_m; 10-05-2016 at 05:14 AM.

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    There's a more basic issue, namely do we want to go with trait theories or type theories (trait theories tend to measure the "quantity" of a variable describing personality in someone...type theories on the other hand are more like defined categories.

    To me, really the difference between these two is that trait theories often are less provocative/controversial since they are, on some level, basically spitting back the data at you in a more quantitatively sophisticated form. That is what theories like the Big 5 do. I think purely on this level, people can feel like trait theories have the flexiblity to describe them as they are, without any real assumptions.

    The thing with types is it's not even clear everyone has a well-defined (that is, "well-differentiated" in Jung's language) type to the same degree. Given type theories are based on the coherency of different possible worldviews assembled through a certain finite number of basic information processing units, there is often going to be the situation where someone doesn't have quite as sharply defined a psychological type as someone else. It is also possible, of course, that someone doesn't have a well-defined type in one system but does in another -- that's also perfectly fine.
    But the point is that you can always spit back something you somewhat relate to in the trait theories, because they don't talk about these higher levels of coherency, and are more of an organizing principle based on how the data clusters.

    So I recommend just first of all deciding who you get along with independently. I wouldn't say socionics is one of those "packaged and just works" theories so much as a good experimental idea that can have both fantastic interpretations and more concrete ones, depending on who you're talking to. If you separate the tasks of understanding socionics for its own sake and understanding who you get along with for its own sake, you may be able to see where they overlap more clearly.

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    You could always just pick people/do what you *like.*
    Reason is a whore.

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    Jesus is the cruel sausage consentingadult's Avatar
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    There are two common pitfalls why Socionics doesn seem to work for some people:

    1. one is not adequately individuated, i.e. you're not acting according to your natural inclinations, but according to how you think you must act. Typically the result of all kinds of constructs. This is very common for younger people. I myself did not learn 'to let go' until I had my midlife crisis ;-)
    2. one thinks one has a good understanding of Socionics, but this is not really the case and the level of understanding of Socionics has not evolved beyond explanations that could just as well be Forer-effect understanding of things. Socionics cannot truly be understand without some understanding, either intuitive of scientific, of other social and behavioral sciences, such as (personality)psychology, sociology, anthropology. These sciences do not only increase the understanding of Socionics, they can also help to falsify your personal understanding of Socionics, and so sharpen your understanding of Socionics:

    Difficult for me to say if you can overcome these limitations. Perhaps your current level of knowledge and life experience make it next to impossible to get an understanding of Socionics beyond the mere intellectual.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    I've tried using socionics in social situations a number of times, and I've had no success. It has become frustrating enough that I've decided to essentially give up. Here's why: everyone who is 'enthusiastic' is almost always either one of two types - every time: 1) They're really cheerful, but in an 'Fi' kind of way. I kind of like the enthusiasm, but there is a really girly side to this type that I don't enjoy - that I essentially supervise. (E.g., Reese Witherspoon.) I don't care what anyone says, they simply aren't my dual... 2) The other kind seems sort of 'Se' - they're a really fun-loving type of person, but there can be a real b*tchy side to them that I don't want... I'd love to think that they're my dual, but , if they are sort of snide, that is something that I can't handle in a person... Therefore, as much as I like them, there may simply be no way around it for me... For this reason, they are 'actor' - which I don't think they technically are - I wonder if they're 'SEE' but the relation is a lot like moth and the flame - hence my typing as LII-IEI... And that's about it. Other than this, there are simply the outliers which sort of work - but they are far and few between. What am I supposed to do? I mean, I essentially have no dual... People could politic about peacemaker or director all they want (or even craftsman, which is as dry as a bone to me or commander or pragmatist, for whom I feel scared for my life) - they are simply not what I like in a person... I mean, do I have no soulmate? Does anyone have any suggestions? I just want to give up on this theory...


    how big was your sample and how much do you vary dating techniques? I feel like there's infinite different "types" of women, start finding one that feels dualistic! I'd start researching into those outliers.

    Also, I feel your pain career wise, again here it's best to experiment more and listen to other people less (or as few as you're doing now) being good at it doesn't mean it's good for you!

    Mayhe you also need to let go of the "one girl one career" hypothesis; you're more likely to be happy with different women and different jobs throughout diferent phases of your life rather than the one/one that society seems to hold as ideal.

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    Maybe ESE/SLE are merely not your duals and you need an SEI. Or something else. You don't have to believe in and live through socionics to be happy, you know. Go with the flow and try to enjoy your life regardless types.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I think there is a lot more going on here than socionics but I don't know how to address it. You sound disenchanted? I don't want to tell you to settle, but it sounds like you're coming to terms with your ideals not actually being ideal and I think that's just kinda life. @Reficulris might be onto something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GuavaDrunk View Post
    You could always just pick people/do what you *like.*
    Exactly. No theory should get in the way of preference that is already there. The fault here is not socionics but perspective. Essentially not having a dual does not matter. 7.5 bn people on this planet- there is something relatable among that for everyone, dualization aside. If not, space is also cool.

    And. Feeling alone is ok^^ Soul mates don't exist, they have to be, how to put it... galvanized. No theory needed, you can discard it. Too abstract or does it help you @jason_m?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reficulris View Post
    how big was your sample and how much do you vary dating techniques? I feel like there's infinite different "types" of women, start finding one that feels dualistic! I'd start researching into those outliers.

    Also, I feel your pain career wise, again here it's best to experiment more and listen to other people less (or as few as you're doing now) being good at it doesn't mean it's good for you!

    Mayhe you also need to let go of the "one girl one career" hypothesis; you're more likely to be happy with different women and different jobs throughout diferent phases of your life rather than the one/one that society seems to hold as ideal.
    Yeah, I doubt the actual problem(s) have anything to do with socionics.
    Reason is a whore.

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    Lol is that what people think socionics is? A shortcut for finding your soulmate?
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pookie View Post
    Lol is that what people think socionics is? A shortcut for finding your soulmate?
    Lol, literally yes.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    Maybe ESE/SLE are merely not your duals and you need an SEI. Or something else. You don't have to believe in and live through socionics to be happy, you know. Go with the flow and try to enjoy your life regardless types.
    I was thinking SEI, too. There you go. SiFe. have you spent time with a SEI, Jason?

    I know 4 of them. They are great! mellow, kind, sentimental..
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
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    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Sounds like you're frustrated with a lot, to include the soulmate search, the career search, and the use of socionics to achieve the goals you desire. If so, I'm sorry you're struggling in these capacities. I've been there, so I understand what it's like.

    When it comes to the soulmate search- you don't need socionics to find that person. I found my husband well before I knew about socionics. I look at socionics as a means to further understand the people already in your life. I wouldn't close doors because of potential typings. Enjoy the process of getting to know another human being. Socionics is just one tool to do so. You'll naturally gravitate towards the right people.

    As for the career- an ENFj once told me, "let the creative process take place." Meaning, don't be down on yourself for "trying on" multiple ideas or careers and moving on. Not everyone follows one track and sticks with it. The right career will stick at the time that it needs to. I've had two careers, one of 7 years and another of 4. I'm 32 years old. There may come time for a different one in the future. Who is to know? Try them all out, follow your heart. The right one will stick. Otherwise it'll be a grind.

    From a general standpoint, your identity is far more than your soul mate and career. I once thought I had to be "THE teacher" or "THE wife" or "THE __(fill in the blank)__", but I found nothing but frustration and lack of fulfillment when I tried to take those on as identities. You were made for more than that. I personally believe this is a spiritual thing.

    Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss anything further. I enjoy listening, and sometimes it helps to just talk things out.
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    Well you also have to consider possibilities that your dual aint your dual. Well he or she is by type but some say that you are ready for your dual at older ages. In your 50s maybe. Just putting that idea out there. At this phase in your life maybe a super-ego relation is where its at? Also just forgetting about Socionics entirely for the the time is not a bad idea. Eventually you will find use in those ideas from Socionics that actually apply to the world and the rest will slowly be removed from your mind.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    I've tried using socionics in social situations a number of times, and I've had no success.
    If you systematically get too bad results - great possibility types are other than you think. You recommend to start with checking own type.

    The other thing, - take into account different factors affecting on people besides types. What you meet in books is about trends caused by types, while the practice with concrete case may differ in some degree.

    > I just want to give up on this theory...

    It's strange for LIE to spent so much time on what then see as ineffective.

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    Also, I have to give you some advice. You probably shouldn't pay too much attention to the theory since it's not very well fleshed-out at all. Also, it's useful, but don't completely rely on it for everything. You know, the common saying, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. But everything is not a nail. Your personal experience should come first, and then you'll see how the theory actually plays out and be able to use it (but again, don't over-rely on it). If someone is your friend or enemy or something, don't try to change your relationship because of types, at least if you don't understand completely. Socionics is just a tool to help you understand psychology and social relations, not a shortcut to finding your soulmate. It's probably actually easier to do that without getting bogged down in theory, since there's a sort of "just do it"-ness and lack of intellectualizing to finding soulmates in general from what I've seen. I think you're sort of scared of that and using theory to hide behind. I've done things like that too.

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    In my opinion socionics is really only practical to use in situations when the only information you know about someone is based off datasheets, otherwise socionics is best keep in the realm of "fun facts". I don't think it is anywhere near fleshed out enough to be an influence on how you would naturally interact with people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Lol, literally yes.
    lol maybe that's why people get disillusioned so easy.

    I came into it like, this explains why I pissed someone off.

    Positive things are not to be had through shortcuts. Just blame.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

  22. #22


    You seem more IP than IJ to me. As an LII, I backtracked all the interactions I had in my life (had low self esteem [not due to my type but due to my life xperiences]) and would wonder why (who I now know to be extravert judgers) these outgoing energetic sorta popular people would be my friend. In my head I felt like a loser yet I was closest with those who had a large amount of acquaintances where I had next to none. Interestingly enough socionics accurately described how my relations with ENTjs would deteriorate in the presences of others. Now in a position to interact with hundreds of youth and adults on a regular basis, I have seen that EJs are in fact among the easier to naturally be drawn to and vice versa. I have met countless ESFjs who there was a fairly quick dissolution of the normally tense atmosphere when meeting a new person. I would try to speed this process up by simply being almost a caricature of myself but not really; I mean i would just be me and not filter any part of what I might normally do in front of others. Alas, they were all either moms or kids for the most part, one or 2 were males, but I don't see this often. Ask yourself does their bossiness but bossiness with a professional tinge as opposed to bossiness to be in control attract or repel you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I was thinking SEI, too. There you go. SiFe. have you spent time with a SEI, Jason?

    I know 4 of them. They are great! mellow, kind, sentimental..
    They're okay, but not really what I like in a person. I am kind of quiet. I need someone much more upbeat, friendly, outgoing. I find SEIs nice, but too mellow in some ways...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    I was thinking SEI, too. There you go. SiFe. have you spent time with a SEI, Jason?

    I know 4 of them. They are great! mellow, kind, sentimental..
    Having met Jason in person, I can attest that he isn't ILE. But, he might still prefer a non-dual relationship for various reasons. Or maybe he has mistyped some people. In any case, there is nothing wrong with giving up on socionics as a practical tool. It's of somewhat limited use in that respect.

    About the job - why do you think programming is dry and tedious? What's your experience with it? True, it's not exactly "imaginative" all the time, but there are definitely interesting problems and challenges that come up.

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    Socionics is probably better for reverse engineering, for trying to figure out what might be going wrong in a relationship and gaining understanding rather than using it as a criteria to select people to be with.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    They're okay, but not really what I like in a person. I am kind of quiet. I need someone much more upbeat, friendly, outgoing. I find SEIs nice, but too mellow in some ways...
    Oh, I see. Yes, you are both introverts and that can be to mellow. Then maybe you need ESE! Its Alpha, so, FeSi. Maybe you are LII. From the little I have read it seems more likely that than IEI. I mean, you don't post much like Aylen at all.

    I have an ESE friend - not close now but I knew her when our sons were in scouts, which she was really into. I think meeting all those requirements and all that constant organized activity really fits ESE much better than IEE. She was so into it, while it was a chore and a stress for me (I always tried to hide that I saw it that way). I looked at her as my guide for how to be a mom-of-scout. She had a good SEI husband, and a nice family, very cohesive. She was definitely upbeat, friendly, outgoing and a real initiator and doer with the scout thing. The leader was a LII, and she just gushed over with admiration for his carefulness, thoughtfulness, and all his very LII traits he put to use as scout-leader. It was over-the-top, her obsessive admiration of him. Like it looked like a crush. I remember her husband showing up more often, by her side, and I had the strong sense he'd been hearing a bit too much about this wonderful-amazing-guy from his wife. I am glad to say it didn't turn into anything awful, they kept their families and no horrid affair or anything, and in fact the two couples became "couple friends" (I honestly think with both spouses looking on a bit bewildered at ESE's enthusiasm for the LII). It was several years later than I found Socionics, and we'd long moved from that town and from scouts. It was easy identifying her as ESE, as I have several in my life (like my ex, a dysfunctional example, and good friends who are great examples) and its easy to identify him as a LII - thoughtful, intelligent to a gifted degree, thorough, quiet. Learning about Duality, years after, completely explained her "crushing" on him.

    I have a friend I admire a lot who is LII. She is very successful in the corporate world and has many other varied accomplishments to boot. And I often marvel when I think that my ex is her Dual! Seems unlikely! I am particularly interested in her thoughts and ideas and theories - we are both holographic-panoramic thinkers, so maybe that's why. I cannot see my ex being interested in those things. However, I can see how she would like my ex's charming public persona, and the outgoing ease he has in social situations. And, an ESE would be interested in what a LII thinks about. Oh, and he would be interested in her accomplishments, and likely brag about them.

    I just introduced two Duals I have known many years, and never ever would have thought of them as a pair, yet, when I realized they were in fact Duals, I arranged a meeting, and wow did they hit if off amazingly. The sparks were flying.

    Yes, I knew them for years and never considered they might make a pair. I think that's why sometimes Duals don't meet in real life. Most people don't know Socionics, and so people follow their own ideas of what couples would be good. People think people are attracted to someone more like them. Like, for you they might set you up with someone quiet. For the ESE, they would set him up with another outgoing person. But they'd be wrong...

    So spend some time with some ESEs. They are easy to find in any social situation. They are practical souls not dreamers and contemplaters so you won't find too many on a forum. On Facebook, more likely. But its in real life social situations that you find them. A social group that has a job to do, a bake sale, or scouts - they are the one organizing and keeping everyone going, in the thick of things. You probably aren't a parent, so probably that's not a useful suggestion. But try a club, activity or interest group or volunteer group. A lot of my teacher colleagues were ESE - they are often elementary teachers. In a social situation you do not have to put yourself out there very much to be noticed by them. Just be your own self. They notice everything socially, and they will notice you. You will probably find they think you are pretty amazing!
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
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    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by uncivilized View Post
    Socionics is probably better for reverse engineering, for trying to figure out what might be going wrong in a relationship and gaining understanding rather than using it as a criteria to select people to be with.
    Well, you also legitimately can't really do the latter on a practical level anyways. I mean, unless you're sitting people down and making them take psychometric tests, you're probably for the most part judging people's types based on your interaction with them or with other people as well as behaviors, mannerisms, maybe appearance, etc., and, guess what, that's how you would select people to be if you weren't thinking in terms of socionics as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
    I've tried using socionics in social situations a number of times, and I've had no success. It has become frustrating enough that I've decided to essentially give up. Here's why: everyone who is 'enthusiastic' is almost always either one of two types - every time: 1) They're really cheerful, but in an 'Fi' kind of way. I kind of like the enthusiasm, but there is a really girly side to this type that I don't enjoy - that I essentially supervise. (E.g., Reese Witherspoon.) I don't care what anyone says, they simply aren't my dual... 2) The other kind seems sort of 'Se' - they're a really fun-loving type of person, but there can be a real b*tchy side to them that I don't want... I'd love to think that they're my dual, but , if they are sort of snide, that is something that I can't handle in a person... Therefore, as much as I like them, there may simply be no way around it for me... For this reason, they are 'actor' - which I don't think they technically are - I wonder if they're 'SEE' but the relation is a lot like moth and the flame - hence my typing as LII-IEI... And that's about it. Other than this, there are simply the outliers which sort of work - but they are far and few between. What am I supposed to do? I mean, I essentially have no dual... People could politic about peacemaker or director all they want (or even craftsman, which is as dry as a bone to me or commander or pragmatist, for whom I feel scared for my life) - they are simply not what I like in a person... I mean, do I have no soulmate? Does anyone have any suggestions? I just want to give up on this theory...

    If you're looking for duality, definitely give up. Meditation and angry management far more helpful

    If you aspire to lead your own personal fourth reich, then socionics will help you separate people

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    Quote Originally Posted by 666 View Post
    If you're looking for duality, definitely give up. Meditation and angry management far more helpful

    If you aspire to lead your own personal fourth reich, then socionics will help you separate people

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    Quote Originally Posted by Schildmaid View Post
    Well, you also legitimately can't really do the latter on a practical level anyways. I mean, unless you're sitting people down and making them take psychometric tests, you're probably for the most part judging people's types based on your interaction with them or with other people as well as behaviors, mannerisms, maybe appearance, etc., and, guess what, that's how you would select people to be if you weren't thinking in terms of socionics as well.
    So there are absolutely no overt characteristics that would warn you away from someone

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Just watch forumites. Look what they do with it. I wouldn't want socionics to become widely known

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    Quote Originally Posted by 666 View Post
    Just watch forumites. Look what they do with it. I wouldn't want socionics to become widely known
    This kind of argument is very tiring.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    This kind of argument is very tiring.
    Then plug your ears and don't worry about that sort of thing

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    Quote Originally Posted by 666 View Post
    So there are absolutely no overt characteristics that would warn you away from someone
    What? There are. In fact, there are even people on this very thread whom I am warned away from
    However, I didn't have to make them take psychometric tests and then report back to me to find that out.

    Quote Originally Posted by 666 View Post

    If you aspire to lead your own personal fourth reich, then socionics will help you separate people
    I was already doing that without socionics. It seemed to be quite irritating to a lot of other people so I'm not sure I can recommend it. Perhaps now I can be subtler
    Last edited by Pallas; 10-07-2016 at 11:19 AM.

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    It's okay. There are some things I don't like about each type. Not every person of the same type you will like either. I think the dual idea is a suggestion that if you find a dual you like, it'll be better than finding people you like of non-duals. But that's also contingent upon having a strong type identification, which not everyone does either.

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    I don't understand not liking girliness. I can understand not being sexually attracted to it lol but not liking it... Why? To me it's more appealing than being sporty or macho.

    Think of how shitty the average male is, how much of a bully little shithead he is... and I mean girl culture seems more appealing than that. Not perfect, but better. Of course I am more indirectly and passively bullied by some females... sometimes even directly. But I never had a girl kick the back of my shoes though and hatefully push me and try to physically beat me up for not liking sports.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Think of how shitty the average male is, how much of a bully little shithead he is... and I mean girl culture seems more appealing than that. Not perfect, but better. Of course I am more indirectly and passively bullied by some females... sometimes even directly. But I never had a girl kick the back of my shoes though and hatefully push me and try to physically beat me up for not liking sports.
    Heh, it's funny you say that; reminds me of a female bully I happened to meet once. She was gorgeous, had a very curvy feminine figure, and one of the cute asian faces. She said she used to be a stripper, so maybe that has something to do with her being an effective bully.

    Well anyway, I had heard about guys getting bullied by her and I didn't really understand how a girl like that could make tough guys depressed and shit, lol. So I tried messing around with her once, insulting her ego and such just to see how she'd react and wow, she was very good at making me feel small and insignificant. I actually felt really bad about myself after talking to her. That sucked. At least with a guy they don't attack your soul, just might get a little aggressive, insulting, and mean, but it's just a sense of frustration or adrenaline you're left with. With her, I was actually at a loss for words and felt embarrassed and just shitty, like I wanted to run away lol.

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