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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    The heart triad is like that in general, the person-to-person/solitary thing can be found in 3 and 4 as well. Enneagram 2 to 4 is one's identity, 5-7 is oneself within the group, 8-1 is one's independent position in society.
    Well it's interesting, because 2s and 6s are typically the "helper" types, but they go about it differently.

    I'd suppose the Heart triad ultimately think that they can rely on "love" of others. 2 is the most obvious, 3s think that they can rely on the respect and admiration from others, and 4s play the victim because they think that they will be "rescued" (loved).

    The Head triad have to rely on something more concrete for protection. 5s think that knowledge will offer them protection. 6s can't rely on themselves, so they must rely on something strong, like authorities or organizations. I'd suppose 7s have no security issues, but they didn't feel that they got or could get what they wanted?

    As a 4, I often wondered why 4s had to be "unique". I'm thinking that it has to do with their fear of being overlooked. If only they were unique enough, then they would not be looked over of their love. If they were not special or unique, then they might not receive the love that they need.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    The opposite of 6 is 6. 6 are polar opposites.
    Well ultimately, I think 6s will have to rely on something, whether it be someone, an authority, ideologies or organizations.

    Basically someone like Trump is a magnet for 6s.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Well ultimately, I think 6s will have to rely on something, whether it be someone, an authority, ideologies or organizations.

    Basically someone like Trump is a magnet for 6s.
    Some 6s despise him because he's morally bad. 6s have a morally extreme good side and the opposite, a morally evil side.

    In Jungian psychology, "shadow" or "shadow aspect" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. There are, however, positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem, anxieties, and false beliefs).[1] Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, therefore, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."[2] It may be (in part) one's link to more primitive animal instincts,[3] which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind.Carl Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality.[4][5] According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognised as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. Jung writes that if these projections remain hidden, "The projection-making factor (the Shadow archetype) then has a free hand and can realize its object--if it has one--or bring about some other situation characteristic of its power."[6] These projections insulate and harm individuals by acting as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world.
    From one perspective, 'the roughly equivalent to the whole of the Freudian unconscious';[7] and Jung himself asserted that 'the result of the Freudian method of elucidation is a minute elaboration of man's shadow-side unexampled in any previous age'.[8]

    Jung also believed that "in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness—or perhaps because of this—the shadow is the seat of creativity";[9] so that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow...represents the true spirit of life as against the arid scholar.'[10]
    I read this awesome article:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Well ultimately, I think 6s will have to rely on something, whether it be someone, an authority, ideologies or organizations.

    Basically someone like Trump is a magnet for 6s.
    Really? 6s in general seem to be the type most hostile to Trump, along with 9s and 1s, precisely because he's so unpredictable, impolitic, braggadocious and unconcerned about creating harmony. Trump has no coherent ideology, doesn't like zealots and prefers to "wing it". Someone like this will induces phenomenal amounts of anxiety in a 6.

    As it happens, most SJWs are SX-last 6s and 9s.

    The types who are warmest to Trump will be those who see his behaviour as a strength, rather than a weakness - probably 3s, 7s and other 8s.

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