There's no 'supposed to' when it comes to romance. The people that others tell you should date often you feel 0 attraction or chemistry. Part of the reason why bad boys your parents don't like are so sexy.

I think romance is an inherently dangerous thing. Romance is for bad boys whose end game is something devastating. Because they are bad. But it's appealing because they are bad. So the bad must be redeemed to be good, or it will end in a tragic way. This is essentially the story of Romeo and Juliet.

A healthy relationship that works is something that's kind of boring but good for you. Eat a salad, get a good job and go to school- be compassionate to puppies. Zzzzz God some boring beta male boy scout, how revolting. But you actually can rely on a good person... a truly bad person you can't. Of course it's more complicated than this but in the end if they are abusing you and making you feel like shit even if your heart is so much into them... it's not worth pursuing them. It's childish. The Illuminati encourages this, because the illuminati wants to kill you. But people learn. Also so many beta guys are attracted to psycho raver druggie chicks. The opposite but just the same of the woman being into the bad boy.