View Poll Results: What am I NOT?

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  • SEI

    2 33.33%
  • ESE

    4 66.67%
  • IEI

    2 33.33%
  • EIE

    3 50.00%
  • ESI

    5 83.33%
  • SEE

    1 16.67%
  • EII

    5 83.33%
  • IEE

    4 66.67%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Typing video

  1. #1
    maniac's Avatar
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    Default Typing video

    SEI or not SEI?

    deleted. ask for video if you want.
    Last edited by maniac; 09-28-2016 at 07:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #3
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    I think SEI>IEI. It is really strange how much more like my cousin you are in this video than the last one. I wrote a little about her in the Si thread. Your energy levels are similar and I am not just talking about physical movement. I think the way you express yourself online confuses people. It is clear you are not as confrontational irl as you are with your words online. You are reactive though and I know this based on our conversations. You have not been reactive toward me, that I can remember. I feel like I "get you" perhaps better than I "get" some others here. The connecting point on that is probably in our enneagrams types and instinct stackings.

    I have seen you make preemptive strikes on forum members which is usually something attributed to IEI but I see no reason why an SEI would not do the same. Ip>Ij. Your movements do not appear stiffer or more angular to me. They are sort of fluid. I believe that you are an introvert based on everything you have said about yourself.

    I feel that Te makes most sense for your polr. I know ESI has been suggested too. I go with SEI>ESI. Just trust yourself no matter what anyone else says. You will figure it out if you haven't already.

    Here are some comparison for informational purposes only.

    Differences between SEI (ISFp) and ESI (ISFj)

    1. ISFps tend to judge their available options by how likely the option will help them reach their goal. If a choice no longer helps ISFps reach their goals, it will be dismissed and discontinued. On the other hand, ISFjs prefer to continue pursuing their current option, opting to adjust their ultimate goal in order to fit the current choice.

    2. ISFjs tend to have a more authoritarian, hierarchical leadership style than ISFps.

    3. ISFjs are more likely to believe in objective truths than ISFps. That is, ISFjs are more likely to believe there is a correct or best way of doing something than ISFps.

    4. ISFjs are more likely (than ISFps) to use special rituals or other culturally accepted formalities when forming relationships with others. What that means is that the emotional proximity and relationship status for ISFjs be more externally predetermined. Additionally, ISFjs generally progress in relationships through stages, and therefore are more familiar with these stages than ISFps. ISFjs tend to be more linear in their relationship progression than ISFps, and ISFjs assign importance to the formalities of recognizing the start and end to each of these stages.

    5. ISFjs tend to plan ahead, making decisions early. On the other hand, ISFps tend to prefer a wait and see, more spontaneous approach.

    6. ISFps are more inclined to believe there are relative truths than ISFjs. That is, this relativity is perceived by ISFps as an extenuation of the differing beliefs, opinions, intentions, etc. of each person.

    7. When something is perceived by ISFjs as being incorrect, they are more likely (than ISFps) to tell the person who made the error what they did wrong and how to do it the right way. ISFjs are focused on who made the error and helping them to correct the mistake.

    8. When planning to complete something, ISFps are more likely to focus their attention on the goal itself, overlooking and deprioritizing the individual actions needed to reach that goal. On the other hand, ISFjs tend to focus their attention on the each action; i.e., they're focused on how each decision and choice is being made (towards reaching the goal), in a step by step process.

    9. When describing their reasoning for their actions, ISFps (more so than ISFjs) tend describe how and why they came to a certain decision, and focus less on the timing and initiation of the action.

    10. When something is perceived by ISFps as being incorrect, they are more likely (than ISFjs) to ask why it was done that way. Instead of necessarily trying to correct the person who made the error, ISFps attempt to understand the person's reason for their decision/action.

    11. When describing why they undertook a project, ISFjs are more likely than ISFps to focus on the moment when a decision is made and to speak in detail about the stages of its implementation.

    12. When describing reality, ISFjs are more likely to talk about the properties and structure of reality. ISFps are more likely to describe reality as movements, interactions, and changes.

    13. When working on a project, ISFjs experience more discomfort (than ISFps) if the project does not have a clearly delineated end-goal or result. This happens because ISFjs have more difficulty monitoring and understanding how the project is developing than ISFps because they are outside of the process.

    14. ISFjs tend to have stiffer more angular movements. ISFps tend to have more relaxed fluid movements.

    15. ISFjs tend to internally combine emotional exchanges with other activities rather than separating them out like ISFps. E.g., ISFjs see having fun occurring simultaneously with other activities, such as work or even serious affairs. ISFps are more likely to internally separate out having fun with other activities, although the two can be interchanged at a high frequency.

    16. When developing a plan of action or process, ISFps tend to see themselves as "within the process"; they are immersed in it. Often because of this, they have more difficulty managing several plans at once. On the other hand, ISFjs tend to place themselves "outside of the process"; they dissociate from it. For them the process or situation is something external from themselves.

    17. ISFps are relatively better at assessing the emotional atmosphere occurring in a group or during an activity than ISFjs.

    18. ISFps are comfortable making changes and adjustments to their decisions quite frequently. ISFjs, on the other hand, prefer to not make changes to their decisions.

    19. ISFps are more likely (than ISFjs) to seek new and novel experiences rather than returning to something already lived through. They will generally only re-read a book, re-watch a movie, or revisit the same place if they have forgotten it or are hoping to learn something new from it.

    20. ISFjs are more likely than ISFps to tackle a task in its entirety, rather than breaking it up into smaller separate stages.

    21. When working on a project, ISFps are more likely than ISFjs to break up larger tasks into several stages. Then ISFps mobilize to carry out each stage (and demobilize between the stages).

    22. ISFps are relatively more flexible and tolerant than ISFjs.

    23. When describing the stages of an event, ISFps are more likely to focus on how stage A leads to stage B, how stage B leads to stage C, etc. ISFjs, on the other hand, focus more on the stages themselves without necessarily seeing or emphasizing the transitions or causes and effects of the stages to the extent that ISFps do.

    24. When getting ready to start a project, ISFps spend more time planning and preparing for the project than ISFjs. In particular, ISFps spend more time discussing the plan, discussing options and ways to approach the project, etc.)

    25. ISFjs are relatively more rigid and stubborn than ISFps.

    26. ISFjs are not as inclined to compare and verify concepts as ISFps. ISFjs assume that these can have only one unique interpretation (the "correct" interpretation), and ISFjs often do not think about the fact that the other person may be interpreting them differently. Much more than ISFps, ISFjs apply concepts such as "objective reality," "unequivocal facts," and de-emphasize concepts; ISFjs consider that they know the "right" way of doing things, how something "truly is," etc.

    27. When doing a task, ISFjs are inclined to work for the sake of the result (for example, a reward or bonus for completing the task). In contrast to ISFps, ISFjs can renounce their comforts and conveniences for this; ISFjs evaluate their place of work by looking at what returns they get for the effort they invested (e.g., monetary, prestige, etc.).

    28. ISFps have a relatively higher stress tolerance than ISFjs. ISFjs often struggle with continually changing situations more than ISFps do.

    29. ISFjs are more likely than ISFps to use "emotional anchors" that resonate with their internal emotional condition. These emotional anchors could be a book, a movie, a place, a song, etc. ISFjs use these anchors to strengthen their inner emotional state and thus will repeat the experience: e.g., re-reading a book, re-watching a movie, continually going back to a place to experience the emotions associated with it.

    30. When conversing, ISFps types are inclined to communicate in the form of monologues, where each party has "its turn." Because of that they subconsciously attempt to transform a dialogue into a series of monologues. Conversely, ISFjs tend to prefer more of a question and answer style format.

    31. ISFps tend to start more tasks and other projects than ISFjs, but the ISFps are less likely to complete all of them.

    32. The "comparison and verification of concepts" is a more common phenomenon among ISFps than ISFjs. This comparison not only concerns ISFps methods, but also their understanding, terminology, etc. ISFps are attuned to the fact that different people might understand and interpret different concepts and terms differently. They perceive terminology as well as actions of other people as part of the subjective concept inseparable from personal opinion, position, intent, etc. In contrast to ISFjs who perceive terminology as "objective," ISFps understand personal differences behind terminology (this applies even to well established terms) and they attempt to compare and verify them.

    33. When discussing work, ISFjs are more likely than ISFps to focus on the fruits of their labor, about what their effort will yield. ISFps on the other hand are more likely to focus on the environment they work in, e.g., their work conditions, conveniences, commute time, etc.

    34. When it comes to completing a task, ISFjs are more likely than ISFps to mobilize for longer periods of time. Specifically, ISFjs tend to mobilize for an action early and stay mobilized for a longer period of time after the task has been completed. For ISFjs, this state of readiness is their natural state.

    35. ISFps are rmore relaxed in their natural state than ISFjs. However ISFps will mobilize and concentrate when needed to accomplish an objective. After the task has been completed, ISFps demobilize again. This state of demobilization is the natural state of ISFps.

    36. ISFjs tend to perceive events in an episodic manner, i.e., they see events evolve in discrete states rather than continuous changes. On the other hand, ISFps tend to perceive events in a continuous sequence; i.e., they see events evolving fluidly rather that one state to the next.

    37. ISFjs tend to put more effort than ISFps into finishing any new project they start.

    38. When meeting someone knew, ISFps are not as likely as ISFjs to perceive "getting to know somebody" as a special kind of activity. ISFps know very well whey they are getting acquainted (i.e., what the purpose of the relationship is, be it business, personal, travel, etc.). ISFps, in contrast with ISFjs, do not divide the process of getting acquainted into consecutive stages; rather ISFps immediately establish the necessary emotional distance in contact and can regulate it if needed. To bridge the gap between poorly acquainted people in a group ISFps amp up the emotional tone; this can be mutually experienced happiness or misfortune. The name and title of the person are of secondary relevance to ISFps and their relationship with the other person.

    39. When contemplating a task, it takes ISFps longer time to mobilize than ISFjs; i.e., ISFps prefer to spend some time in a more natural state of relaxedness which will then prepare them to subsequently mobilize and concentrate at the crucial moments, improving their performance.

    40. ISFjs are able to change and make adjustments to their goals more easily than ISFps (depending on how progress is being made, etc.). ISFps on the other hand, prefer to stick with their original goals.

    41. ISFps tend to have a more democratic leadership style than ISFjs.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I think SEI>IEI. It is really strange how much more like my cousin you are in this video than the last one. I wrote a little about her in the Si thread. Your energy levels are similar and I am not just talking about physical movement. I think the way you express yourself online confuses people. It is clear you are not as confrontational irl as you are with your words online. You are reactive though and I know this based on our conversations. You have not been reactive toward me, that I can remember. I feel like I "get you" perhaps better than I "get" some others here. The connecting point on that is probably in our enneagrams types and instinct stackings.

    I have seen you make preemptive strikes on forum members which is usually something attributed to IEI but I see no reason why an SEI would not do the same. Ip>Ij. Your movements do not appear stiffer or more angular to me. They are sort of fluid. I believe that you are an introvert based on everything you have said about yourself.

    I feel that Te makes most sense for your polr. I know ESI has been suggested too. I go with SEI>ESI. Just trust yourself no matter what anyone else says. You will figure it out if you haven't already.

    Here are some comparison for informational purposes only.
    Thanks. You have never been rude to me or anyone else so I have no reason to have a big reaction and get mad at you. haha. You seem like a genuine person and I have trust towards you.
    But yeah I'm alot like "no bullshit", because of my tritype and stacking, so that confuses people probably because they stereotype SEI as a social 9w1. Like a fairy or something.
    You are right I'm not as outwardly reactive in public, don't like drawing that much (negative) attention to me, that would make me have so much shame and stress. I can be with close family and friends, though.

  5. #5
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    Hahaha I regret making the poll, can you delete it somehow?

  6. #6
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Thanks. You have never been rude to me or anyone else so I have no reason to have a big reaction and get mad at you. haha. You seem like a genuine person and I have trust towards you.
    But yeah I'm alot like "no bullshit", because of my tritype and stacking, so that confuses people probably because they stereotype SEI as a social 9w1. Like a fairy or something.
    You are right I'm not as outwardly reactive in public, don't like drawing that much (negative) attention to me, that would make me have so much shame and stress. I can be with close family and friends, though.
    You actually reminded me a bit of myself when I first joined the forum. I was a bit lot more reactive, toward some people, and found myself at the center of several conflicts. I also launched preemptive attacks. I have chilled since then. I think I was just digging out a spot for myself here and setting some boundaries. I was in a strange headspace. Some of it seems dreamlike when I look back on old posts. I might like some of them to disappear forever but I know why I said the things I did at the time. I have no regrets and some of the people I conflicted with, I have respect for now. I even feel quite fond of some of them. Others I feel neutral toward, for the most part.

    Edit: I also formed some "unholy alliances", for my own reasons, which confused people. lol

    Edit2: The drama was fun for me at first but then it became a huge energy drain.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I thought I found ILEs more attractive, but I've seen some super odd ILEs who are not attractive to me. So I don't know if this intertype thing works until you actually interract with the person.

    And btw, SisOfNight is the only person that seriously think I am ESI but hasn't made a good argument for it, and she's not here to defend it of course. Others VI:d my last photo as ESI, but I think I just look social last/4.

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    It feels like you are some kind of energy vampire or something. And i dont get it how are you sx first, you look pretty dead to me. Yeah not esi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    It feels like you are some kind of energy vampire or something. And i dont get it how are you sx first, you look pretty dead to me. Yeah not esi.
    "dead" is a very superficial description with no depth, but thanks. I'm guessing you are not social last. =D

    Let me make an attempt to make you a little bit smarter (or less dumb).

    4 is a withdrawn, low energy type.
    Social last types are generally withdrawn, or they have a shrouded or dark vibe, because we have no idea how to use the soc instinct (light, sunshine, morals to some extent, reputation).
    Vampire is a good word for sx/sp yeah, but also sp/sx. In my experience in relationships sx/sp are generally the ones getting used (urgent bonding, attached) while sp/sx are the users (detached).

    You can look at Prince, who has almost the same enneagram typology as me (sx/sp 4w3 - 7 - 8)
    Last edited by maniac; 09-29-2016 at 01:20 PM.

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    Has @Sol typed you?

  11. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Most definitely not SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rougerogue View Post
    Has @Sol typed you?
    He has typed me ethical type leaning towards SEI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Check what I wrote before about your type - my opinion hasn't changed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Check what I wrote before about your type - my opinion hasn't changed.
    Uh where? You wrote to me saying you wasn't sure about my type, so that means you are still not sure. If you have an opinion, share it here so other people can discuss.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rougerogue View Post
    Has Sol typed you?
    My resume: F type, excluding EII, ESI. Most probably SEI, without high assurance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Uh where? You wrote to me saying you wasn't sure about my type, so that means you are still not sure. If you have an opinion, share it here so other people can discuss.
    ok. Well, based just on this video:

    -You have a really hard time giving answers to the abstract NiTi questions that require self-reflection, like about your spiritual beliefs. Though you seem to care about finding some spiritual purpose, the answers are very short and not well expanded on. This is more typical of 1D Ni and Ti rather than 2D Ni and Ti like an SEI has.
    -You talk way more in depth about Lost in Translation. The major theme here is relationships, the problems people have in them etc. (Fi) It's an example you're personally familiar with, so it's also more concrete and specific (sensing). Interest in relationship drama is pretty typical of Gamma SFs.
    -you believe in helping yourself and not relying on others - this is a typical Gamma sentiment
    -you say you don't talk to strangers. This probably indicates unvalued (or weak?) Fe. But you also mention that you adapt your behavior in relationships to how the other person is, so probably not completely weak/unvalued Fe.
    -not interested in cleaning or maintaining your environment so probably not ego Si

    So, I think you are SEE.
    Last edited by Exodus; 09-30-2016 at 11:47 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anglas View Post
    It feels like you are some kind of energy vampire or something. And i dont get it how are you sx first, you look pretty dead to me. Yeah not esi.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    ok. Well, based just on this video:

    -You have a really hard time giving answers to the abstract NiTi questions that require self-reflection, like about your spiritual beliefs. Though you seem to care about finding some spiritual purpose, the answers are very short and not well expanded on. This is more typical of 1D Ni and Ti rather than 2D Ni and Ti like an SEI has.
    -You talk way more in depth about Lost in Translation. The major theme here is relationships, the problems people have in them etc. (Fi) It's an example you're personally familiar with, so it's also more concrete and specific (sensing). Interest in relationship drama is pretty typical of Gamma SFs.
    -you believe in helping yourself and not relying on others - this is a typical Gamma sentiment
    -you say you don't talk to strangers. This probably indicates unvalued (or weak?) Fe. But you also mention that you adapt your behavior in relationships to how the other person is, so probably not completely weak/unvalued Fe.

    So, I think you are SEE. There's probably not a ton to suggest not-SEI just based on this video but from what I have seen you don't seem averse to conflict at all, to put it mildly.
    How do I have a hard time answering them? It's just personal to me and I'd rather not spend a lot of time talking about it.
    Typing someone based on whether or not a function is 1D or 2D seems useless to me, lol. How do you even measure that? Do you have a special manual? You type people on what they use the most.
    SEI still care about relationships as they have 4D Fi. SEE has weaker Fi than SEI.
    I don't talk to strangers unless I have to because I am an introvert. It's mind boggling how you can think I am an extrovert.
    so probably not completely weak/unvalued Fe.
    this = SEE??

    I dont think you understand what I meant with no one being able to help me. Well partly its a 4 issue, believing one is naturally broken. But also when I get a question on whqt do i need help with i think of the most important things in my life which are deeper than like, business or seeing how a future will be like. So the things I think about are personal and have to do with my own bad thought patterns and fears that are deeply rooted, and I know that only i could make a change if I can. Yes people can take help of psychiatrists (i have but not with success) but still it is up to them whether they choose to do what the psychiatrist tells you and be vulnerable.

    Btw. Saying that you think someone is ESFP but "definitely not ISFP" shows a lack of understanding of socionics.
    Last edited by maniac; 09-30-2016 at 01:36 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    SEE has weaker Fi than SEI.
    The strenght of Fi is similar. But SEE more care about Fi. For example, they are generally more polite as people dislike rudeness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    The strenght of Fi is similar. But SEE more care about Fi. For example, they are generally more polite as people dislike rudeness.
    I think the reason he types me SEE is because i havent been that polite. So that argument falls. I dont have much sympathy and trust in him (like i do with Aylen, or even you. And chryssie who i think is LII) i also think hes ILI over LII because LIIs are more likeable and soft and fun. He is the opposite of fun and adventures.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    i also think hes ILI over LII because LIIs are more likeable and soft and fun. He is the opposite of fun and adventures.
    His messages are boring enough to be him J-T type. So LII is among possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    His messages are boring enough to be him J-T type. So LII is among possible.

    He is LII but not boring

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    He is LII but not boring
    in my perception. how they discuss something
    Ambush may to be LSI, for example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    in my perception. how they discuss something
    Ambush may to be LSI, for example
    Probably. Btw it's just "may be LSI" not "may to be LSI"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Btw it's just "may be LSI" not "may to be LSI"
    LSI - my main version for him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    LSI - my main version for him.
    Yes but I was correcting your grammar =D

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Yes but I was correcting your grammar =D
    to make my English better needs much more so it's better to think as about dialect

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