Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
It is, here is how he describes himself:

@0:53 Elon Musk: "I seem to have a high innate drive. That's been true ever since I was a little kid. You know, I really had a very strong drive, did all sorts of risky things when I was a kid that I've ... like why did I do these things, they are crazy [laughs]."

In Elon's own words, his Ni was nowhere near catching up with the impulsive stuff his Se was driving him to do.

This is Se ego with an accentuated Se af.
I see nothing in here that indicates egoic Se. LIEs often like certain risky things more than LSIs.

Next, he says this: Elon Musk: "I care a lot about the truth of things and trying to understand the truth of things. I think that's important. If you're going to come up with some solution then the truth is really really important."

Much like Jordan Peterson his Ti attention is drawn to trying to understand the truth, except that being Ti-Se and SP-first, rather than Ti-Ne and SX-first, in his words it is the "truth of things" rather than Jordan's SX-Ti "personal truth".
What kind of truth?

Moving along @2:22 Elon Musk speaking about the school he's organizing for his kids: "And making all children go in the same grade at the same time, like an assembly line."

Clearly nothing like LIE or Gamma values here. This is an ST attitude and primarily this has been prescribed to LSIs and LSEs to some extent: "LSI - brings to automation, formalization, petrification." (link)
Why does he want it this way? As for "petrification", no, Musk is way way more dynamic than that.

Further along @2:55 Elon says the following: Elon Musk: "It's important to teach problem solving, or teach to the problem not the tools. Let's say you're trying to teach people about how engines work. You can start by ... a more traditional traditional way would be to teach all about the screwdrivers and the wrenches, and you're gonna have a course of screwdrivers and a course of wrenches. This is a very difficult way to do it. A much better way would be like: "Here's the engine - now let's take it apart. How are we going to take it apart ... huh, you need a screwdriver - that's what a screwdriver is for, you need a wrench - that's what a wrench is for. And then a very important thing happens is that the relevance of tools becomes important."

Teaching his kids and anyone else around him the importance of tools to solve some concrete problem, like taking an engine apart, is some standard ST male parenting. Yet the n-th thing he says about himself that runs at odds with any gamma nt typings.
That tools thing is very Te to me lol