Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
@silke, how do you conclude that what he was talking about was not Te? Outsourcing is efficient and is what you do if you want to get a lot done in a short amount of time. No one in their right mind would try to do every little detail themselves, like making their own nuts and bolts. You can't develop the expertise fast enough to be taken seriously. You have to rely on other companies which have experience doing things, and you just act as an integrator. You sell the idea, you outsource everything that can be outsourced, and you only keep in-house the expertise that you can't find already in existence elsewhere. You inspect their incoming work before you integrate it and you promote your successes so you get more business. Plus you have people who keep track of the money.

I spend most of my time on engineering and interfacing with customers and a lot less on finding new business, but I'm acutely aware that other people keep the place running.

The space business was basically handed to Musk because congress wanted the space program to go private. He didn't really have to look too hard for that. I don't think he entirely planned it, either.

He seems embarrassed that he can't really explain what he does all day. I relate this to the idea that LIE's have an easy time accomplishing tasks and a hard time explaining why they are doing them. Musk may have had an Ah-Ha moment there in the interview, when he was trying to define what he does. His mind might have inadvertently strayed into "And why am I spending my day like that?" territory.

I was wavering between LIE and ILE for Musk, but @Myst's argument above about screwdrivers and engines convinced me that he's LIE.

*EDIT* I see that I just reiterated most of Myst's points. I need to learn to type faster.
I've yet to meet an LIE who would not describe themself as a business man, like he does. Maybe he's not awkward, he just finds the subject boring?

I've yet to meet an LIE who describes themself as a nano-manager (he does).

Or an LIE who fits the description of romance style aggressor.

His Te discussing was not about Te but about understanding, Ti, ie teach the theory of engines not the use of the tools for engines.

The arguments for LIE are just lacking for me, and sparse, ie 'he invents things' isn't enough to conclude LIE.