Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
I'm not referring to their rationale, I'm referring to Gulenko's rationale. I'm aware that members have typed Elon Musk LSI for various other reasons, but I'm not critiquing those reasons. I am specifically critiquing Gulenko's half-baked explanation for typing Elon Musk LSI, which is unrelated to their rationale unless they're using it as justification for their own LSI typing. I don't know what it is that you keep trying to explain to me here, but I didn't ask for it, nor do I need it, because it's not even referencing what I'm saying. I don't mean that offensively, I just don't think this is gonna go anywhere.
Considering we don't know Gulenko's full rationale, we're using a translated article and the purpose of Gulenko's response in the article was not to give his full reasoning for LSI, but to answer the question of an inspector (LSI) being confused with an explorer (ILE).

Despite this, Gulenko still gives a part of his reasoning,

Quote Originally Posted by Gulenko
Indeed, sometimes this happens. This is the case if the Inspector fell under the heavier influence of the Seeker. The fact is that the auditor is able to put his program in a proper manner in the right approach. In this case, I-accentuation may occur. I will give an example of a famous person who falls under this rule - this is Ilon Mask. On a distant distance, we perceive it through the image of the innovator (ILE), and close to us is a hard-line Beta-type manager (LSI).

I did a google search, and more or less the first article I found was this,


Speaking with the Wall Street Journal, Musk described himself as a "nano-manager."

While other leaders might have a reputation as micro-managers, Musk said he's a nano-manager. In scientific pursuits, micro- means a thousandth of something, while nano- means a billionth. In essence, Musk is saying that he's exponentially more hands-on than the average boss.
A hands on nano manager is not the way ILE manages you, or even LIE (your typing) but it is an ST style of management. It's so hands on - even more than micro managing, that the level of hardline control is LSI,


LSI in supervisor role:

  • Interaction with subordinates often takes form of "trainer - students." Independent initiative is not supported.
  • Strategy: maximum attention to productivity, little attention to the human factor.

'As a supervisor (LSI) he gives instructions on exact implementation of various tasks and orders. "Instructor" is characterized by one-way communication, where he defines the roles of his subordinates, as well as what, when, where and under what conditions the work should be done.'

Whereas LIE:

  • Strategy: freedom of management, maximum attention to production, new technologies, human resources.
  • Collaborating type of behavior. If necessary, can successfully participate in competitive actions and projects.

Elon musk himself describes himself as an LSI - an ST manager.

Not even LSE is as controlling as Elon,

  • Strategy: full freedom to manage and control within the framework of the law.
  • Characterized by collaborating type of behavior with elements of competing style.
  • Business activity is aimed at removing barriers and discomfort in productive activities of his subordinates. (Si)

So, I think Gulenko did OK in his brief explanation, furthermore, looking into this further, in addition to the aggressor behavior (more Se) I can only conclude too that Elon is LSI.