Quote Originally Posted by Soupman View Post
Partially by the stereotypes which can be reliable as a heuristic guess, however, I have an LII friend from university with a very high IQ and he defies Viktor's assertion that LII create impractical and unworkable systems. He wouldn't be a supercomputer programmer and researcher if he wasn't intelligent enough to devise workable systems, which are also logically consistent and elegant.

In modern science and engineering, models are supposed to be both workable and logically consistent. Theoretical research is supposed to pave the way to practice - everything must be reinforced empirically.
I do not think you get it, even if your language is so very cool. LII do not base their logic in practicality is not the same as their logic is not consistent or that they create "unworkable systems".

Do you factor it, sociotypes, as .3 important whereas IQ is .9 important?