Quote Originally Posted by Schildmaid View Post
But logic, ethics, etc. make pretty much no sense in isolation. Generally everyone can use logic and everyone has feelings, and the type stereotypes are mostly nonsense.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Why is it hard to accept that the logic/ethics dichotomy is more observable than the rational/irrational dichotomy on the type level? And what does that have to do with "stereotypes"? And if we're talking about the IM elements, logic and ethics are simply more specific and more concrete categories - I don't think anyone would dispute that.

I also wasn't going to really abandon socionics so much as continue to study it but fit the stuff into my own framework, since it seems to be divergent enough that I can't call it the same thing.
Well sure, everyone does that. You just have to see who is making the most sense I guess. You seem to not be making much of a distinction between Jung and socionics though, which is why you may be confused and think there is no convergence.