Quote Originally Posted by Schildmaid View Post
I think that's how Ni creative works (the "beyond time" bit is pretty much exactly how 3D functions tend to be described). I don't think Ni in other positions would necessarily work the same way. I do agree with the rest of the description for general Ni though. I would advise everyone here to look up actual Jungian function descriptions from before MBTI times. That's what they're also supposed to be in Socionics and I've found they're pretty accurate. I will warn everyone that the Jungian descriptions of functions are pretty mystical and esoteric, and really don't line up with the MBTI-style popular conceptions or OCEAN traits or what-have-you at all, although they're also pretty concrete and fairly easily measured and actually a lot more well-defined than "personality traits". (I mean, I'm never sure how to answer the ubiquitous "would you prefer a book or a party?" question, since there are a lot of different kinds of books and parties as well as outside events that could influence my decision, for instance).
Lets just... Jung was this dude who opened up this field as something 'scientific'. He was a phycologist who interviewed people one and one. His perception is very bias of his POV. MBTI made stereotypes and made descriptions etc. Their 'function theory' is not really strong just a biproduct of basing the types of jungs. Socionics is a other thing where they try to apply type with relations in a logic way using elements and theory of metabolism. Socionics you should actually use other descriptions of the elements to make sense of all this.