I know what static/dynamic means, I meant confused regarding art (or at least some kinds of art). I think you can tell the T/F preference easily when it leads at least but not here. Frankly these do look more mechanical to me. There are lots of pictures of constructed things, geometric patterns, and even a couple of machines but few of people and none that show them in a relational context (either to other people, things, or the wider environment) which probably at the most signifies Fi. If you have Ip you can't have Fi secondary, only Fe/Te anyways, and there's nothing remotely Fe about any of this.

Also, the only consistent thing in any of these pictures is the colors and use of contrast/saturation. There's not a focus on theme, shape, subject matter, or really anything else. There are some sort of vague patterns in common but they're more easily defined by lack than presence.