Quote Originally Posted by zillah
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
I want you.
Ooh, tell me more...
The next time I'm halfway round the world, I'll give you a call.

Really? That's somewhat surprising.

I have a hard time doing something until I know_specifically_what is I'm about to do.
I've noticed that about ISTPs. While they have something brewing, if you asked them what they were thinking about, or wanted to do, they might say "I don't know". But if you leave them alone til they're done, something goes "bing" and they all of a sudden pick up and say "You want to hike up this mountain with me?"
Umm... I say "I don't know" a lot when I really do know but don't feel like explaining.

Anyway I might have been different if it weren't for my health problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome teaches you that sometimes you just don't get the option of controlling things. I've had no option but to go with the flow far more than I would have chosen, and to learn to live with that.
Or, maybe it is type related.