beta beta beta, here i come, ha

What are your favorite things to do?

shop for shoes, spend time with my kids, go out for coffee with friends, meet new people, go to cool lectures, cross country ski, practice yoga

What is a typical day for you?

up at 7, get the kids up, get them breakfast and to school, talk on the phone while i drive to work (1/2 hour, nice), work, pick up kids, make dinner, go for a walk, give them baths, read stories, put the kids to bed, read my book, watch the news, bed by 12

What do you hate doing?

i used to hate paying the bills but now i don't. i hate doing anything small and pesky like filling out forms and mailing them

What are biggest weaknesses?

lack of tact, big ego, tunnel vision about my ideas at times

What are you really good at?

creative problem solving, inventing systems, innovating at work, decorating, i'm very organized (but it's the german in me not the entp in me, lol), writing, planning, decorating

How do you arrange things at home?

it's got to be colorful and have fung shui that is balance and symmetry, comfortable but with a natural look; love pottery and flowers

How do you organize your day?

make a list for my head and try to do it. clean off my desk. or not. or wait until a deadline is upon me and in a rush do it all at once.

What is your process in thinking or doing things?

usually think first, do second. or do without thinking if it's relaxing.

Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

no what you see is what you get.