What are your favorite things to do?

I don't have one favorite thing. It switches depending on my mood. One of my favorite is being on the computer alone in the house with lots of time to just relax/fool around/find good stories to read and listen to music, talk with people online.

Sometimes I like to be alone, sometimes I like to go out and do stuff. I never really have ONE favorite of anything.

What is a typical day for you?
On the weekends, I wake up, breakfast, computer, lunch, shower, hang out, babysit sometimes, dinner, computer, bedtime.
On the weekdays, I wake up, school, computer, work, computer, dinner, homework, bedtime.

What do you hate doing?
I hate paying attention to little details. I only really see the 'big picture.' I hate math. I hate chores.

What are biggest weaknesses?
As stated above, I'm blind to little details. I get lost so often because I don't pay attention and I can't remember even if I did. I can only logically see something if I done it before, my knowledge comes from my past and myself, so if it's someone else's logic, i wouldn't listen and absorb and keep for future use.

What are you really good at?
Laughing, writing, working with children (sometimes, not always), listening

How do you arrange things at home?
Uhm. I can see the floor and surfaces but it's not all neat piles.

How do you organize your day?
I don't. I do whatever moves me. I leave things I don't like to do to the last minute.

What is your process in thinking or doing things?
My emotions. Sometimes my emotions become logic but really, it makes sense in my head because it makes sense to me and other people too. I can sort things out and make good decisions if you don't push/rush me.

Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
If people push me to do or say or act and I don't want to, then I withdraw, become anti-social and sorta like angry and moody, sometimes I'd snap back, detach myself and focus on other things.

And with close friends, I can behave really crazy and not stop laughing.