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Thread: Survey questions for Beta Quadra members

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    Default Survey questions for Beta Quadra members

    It occurred to me that the only places where people describe themselves in any detail are in "What's My Type" or in reference to some specific question about a function. Here's a little challenge for you....If you're rather sure about your type and you're in this quadra, tell us about yourself (or at least a little bit). (I'll post this in the other quadras too.) And don't try to analyze what functions you're using; just say it as it is.

    What are your favorite things to do?
    What is a typical day for you?
    What do you hate doing?
    What are biggest weaknesses?
    What are you really good at?
    How do you arrange things at home?
    How do you organize your day?
    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

  2. #2

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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread


  3. #3

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    What are your favorite things to do?

    I don't have one favorite thing. It switches depending on my mood. One of my favorite is being on the computer alone in the house with lots of time to just relax/fool around/find good stories to read and listen to music, talk with people online.

    Sometimes I like to be alone, sometimes I like to go out and do stuff. I never really have ONE favorite of anything.

    What is a typical day for you?
    On the weekends, I wake up, breakfast, computer, lunch, shower, hang out, babysit sometimes, dinner, computer, bedtime.
    On the weekdays, I wake up, school, computer, work, computer, dinner, homework, bedtime.

    What do you hate doing?
    I hate paying attention to little details. I only really see the 'big picture.' I hate math. I hate chores.

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    As stated above, I'm blind to little details. I get lost so often because I don't pay attention and I can't remember even if I did. I can only logically see something if I done it before, my knowledge comes from my past and myself, so if it's someone else's logic, i wouldn't listen and absorb and keep for future use.

    What are you really good at?
    Laughing, writing, working with children (sometimes, not always), listening

    How do you arrange things at home?
    Uhm. I can see the floor and surfaces but it's not all neat piles.

    How do you organize your day?
    I don't. I do whatever moves me. I leave things I don't like to do to the last minute.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    My emotions. Sometimes my emotions become logic but really, it makes sense in my head because it makes sense to me and other people too. I can sort things out and make good decisions if you don't push/rush me.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
    If people push me to do or say or act and I don't want to, then I withdraw, become anti-social and sorta like angry and moody, sometimes I'd snap back, detach myself and focus on other things.

    And with close friends, I can behave really crazy and not stop laughing.

  4. #4

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    Thanks...this is interesting.
    But Kioshi, are you INFp like the others? Or ENFj? Your signature doesn't tell your type, so I don't know...

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan
    What are your favorite things to do?
    Everything which can engage my senses/mind. Which means, just walking places full of people and noise with subsequent high quantity and quality of input to observe (the quality of input is measured by the hotness factor of the female gender people being observed). I also enjoy a lot dancing, reading about stuff that is interesting, traning for various sports - this changes monthly, usually every time I've got a different fixation. I love debating, though unfortunately the internet is the only place where I can perform this activity continuosly. Sometimes I even like working, when there is a substantial monetary payoff. Of course I love going out with girls too . Novel experiences excite me, so for example even restarting school, if there are new classes available, will rev me up.

    What is a typical day for you?
    Depends from the time of the year, and the activities I'm involved into at a the given point in time. October-June I wake up, go to class and pay attention to everything, then comb back home and see if a friend is available to go out, otherwise surf the internet, or do some work, or workout, or watch the TV and listen to music, or take my bike and go for a ride, or (rarely) study. During the summer I tend to wake up early, go at the computer or wash the dishes, then go out a bit, then come back home, then work, then take my bike and go to the beach, then return home and surf the internet, then go out in the night etc etc

    What do you hate doing?
    Everything which is forced upon me and everything which bores the shit out of me.

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    Moodiness, an all-or-nothing approach to self control (either I am strict rigid and do everything as planned, or slack completely), distractability (though not so much while executing a task), a certain temper (though it comes and goes away periodically), not realizing the emotional impact I can have, prioritizing actual fulfillment of immediate needs over long-term goals.

    What are you really good at?
    Fastly and swiftly assessing a situation/task and taking action in order to resolve the situation/execute the tast. Fast absorption of new learning material. Very high energy level. Extreme self-control if my mind is set on a definite goal. Perseverance.

    How do you arrange things at home?
    I rarely arrange things. When it happens, I go by feel.

    How do you organize your day?
    I don't exactly organize my day. I might have two or three reference points, like: today I need to do A B C, though I generally do not order them, and do not decide which time precisely the tasks/chores must be executed.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    I don't exactly think when I do something. I tend to feel the situation and/or the task on a gut level, and resolve everything straight away in the fastest way avaliable. I tend to "attack" things without necessarily forming a plan previously.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
    Different people tend to have different opinions of me. The questioned parameter is vastly related to how much I like the given person, and to the environment in which the relationship develops. The higher I like the person, the more they'll think I'm on the funny/gentle/kind/obnoxious side of the charachter. The less I do, the more rude/quiet/boring/asshole. The more formal the environment, the more I'll appear as an ass. The more relaxed, the better.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  6. #6
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    What are your favorite things to do?
    Sex, drugs, and rock and roll, baby

    What is a typical day for you?
    Get up, wash my asshole with sandpaper, smoke sixteen joints, and kill the first person I see.

    What do you hate doing?
    Schoolwork, chores

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    Laziness, hedonism, lack of motivation

    What are you really good at?
    Blowing smoke rings, taking really big bong hits, chugging beer, and analyzing people. I'm good at inferring bits and pieces of information about people I don't really know, especially things having to do with their personal life. I'm also really, really, rediculously good looking.

    How do you arrange things at home?
    I don't.

    How do you organize your day?
    I don't organize my day. I do whatever I have to do. What a silly question

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    What the hell does this mean?

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
    Only about 9 or 10 :wink: They are various version of who I would like to be in certain situations.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  7. #7



    What are your favorite things to do?

    Go places that are new or old in a revisited sort of way. Work outside.

    What is a typical day for you?

    Every day is different. After I finish grad. school and my first 5 years with a business, I'll prolly be self-employed again in order to have a flexible life.

    What do you hate doing?

    Putting up with annoying people. Anything with: Repetition. Strictness. Anal-Rententiveness.

    What are your biggest weaknesses?


    What are you really good at?

    A lot of things? People. Plants. Animals. Fixing things.

    How do you arrange things at home?

    Informally except rooms of high usage.

    How do you organize your day?

    Around multiple goals. Im a list checker.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    If X needs accomplished, do A,B,C and Y. Poll people J,T and E for external ideas to refine.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    Uhm, no? Not literally. Only when Im playing to screw with people. Those close to me know better. They know Im playing.

  8. #8


    What are your favorite things to do? Being with someone I really like, being alone. Listening to music, doing artwork, kayaking/rowing, going to the beach...

    What is a typical day for you? Uh...right now I don't do much...wake up, get on the pc, play WoW, eat, (hehe), sex, talking with Patrick, go to peoples houses...pretty boring atm but it will change eventually.

    What do you hate doing? Dishes, nothing all day

    What are biggest weaknesses? Laziness

    What are you really good at? Art

    How do you arrange things at home? Well actually, I didn't get to boyfriend did it and he did an awesome job, not to manly, not to girly. Kind of got the clean black thing going on, with lots of cool pictures on the walls, naturey ones, candles, some girly stuff his mom had.

    How do you organize your day? I don't do enough right now to have to organize, but, usually at night I make a game plan in my head (which occasionally prevents me from sleeping) and plan out what order I'm gonig to do everything in. If people fuck up my plan then next day I get really anxious, which comes out as bossy/bitchiness.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things? Well I kind of explained a little bit above. When I think about things, it usually becomes circular and I need to ask someone for validation on my thought. I start to think, "wtf do I know maybe I'm completely wrong even though I feel pretty confident that I'm not."

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like? Uh, maybe? Doctors thought I may be bipolar but I don't think so. They jus thought that because of my mom being. I do have completely different ways that I act in different moods. EIther I'm really upbeat and talkative and giggly, or I'm reclusive and quiet, sometimes grouchy. THere is an inbetween mood, where I don't know what I'm thinking at all, and I can't respond emotionally to anything, its like everything is switched off.

    Peter used to get annoyed with this when I lived with him, or maybe nto annoyed but, he says I do that when I NEED to talk to someone about something. And I always say I don't know what it is, so he used to prod around then some big emotional flood would come sometimes.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    If X needs accomplished, do A,B,C and Y.
    That's a good one. I can identify with that sometimes.
    What type are you again? (It doesn't say in your post.)

  10. #10


    ENFj, INFj possible. Either of the pedagogue subtypes of them are okay.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    ENFj, INFj possible. Either of the pedagogue subtypes of them are okay.
    Oh, so you're not sure if you're Beta or Delta? (Or maybe you meant INFp...)

  12. #12
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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread

    I didn't read other replies...

    What are your favorite things to do?
    I love taking a bubble bath, because I do it so rarely. I love discussing a movie that I loved. I would LOOOVE sleeping longer than I should. mmm... sleep. mmm... (4 hours per night 5 nights a week is not enough sleep! Having to wake up at at 6am is not for everyone.) I love changing the topic. :wink:

    What is a typical day for you?
    School day - My alarm clock goes off at 6am. I convince myself not to lie down for "just one more minute". Then I drink 2 mugs of coffee with lots of sugar and milk, have a small breakfast and then walk to school. ... Then I walk home, change into something more comfortable and spend the rest of the day playing Utopia, playing DDO, watching CSI Miami. At some moment I start feeling cranky and tired. Then I remember that I haven't eaten anything for a really long time. Then I prepare something simple and eat it in front of the TV. Then I'll read the forum a little bit and then force myself to go to sleep. 1.30 am - I'm not really tired, but I go to bed, chat and cuddle with the BF and then fall asleep.
    Any other day - I do what I would do at a regular school day after I get home. I rarely go out.

    What do you hate doing?
    I hate making plans when I actually don't feel like doing anything. Why should I force myself to go out and have fun. It doesn't make sense. I never reject invitations to important social events just because I'm feeling tired.

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    I get angry too quickly. Or actually... I'm usually a happy person and I'm as friendly as anyone else, but when I get angry, I will get really mean very fast. I sometimes over-react.
    I want to hug cute and furry animals. I can't resist kitten cuteness.
    I'm too easily insulted and when something makes me feel bad, I will feel phlegmatic/sad/serious/weak for a few hours.

    How do you arrange things at home?
    I usually don't do anything, but when I decide to get something done, I do too much. Once I decided to really wash the floor. It took 3 hours for 9 square meters.

    How do you organize your day?
    Like everyone else. I do the things that I have to do and then try to do the things that I should do. (key word "try")

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    First, I'm always right except when I'm wrong. That means that I'm always entitled to my opinion and I want to do things my way. Second, I am just like everyone else (except alpha SF). I try to be efficient and useful.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
    1) phlegmatic, indifferent and shy. Probably most common.
    2) active and very chatty. With few select people.
    3) silly and playful, using lots of theatrical expressions, like pouting and doing puppy dog eyes while trying not to laugh and then smiling and saying naively, "now you're supposed to give in. You wouldn't say "no", now would you?". only with BF.
    4) evil bimbo bitch. Serious, stuck-up and egotistical. I usually have a reason to get that way.
    5) Very sweet and friendly, smiling, shy. Nodding a lot, saying very little. Not fake. It's when I meet new people that I want to get to know better. I try to listen in stead of talking and I talk rather quietly. It's very different from alter ego no 2.
    6) "teachers pet". I get really curious about little things and I start asking question from BF (or any close friend who I consider knowledgeable). "But why are so many cats black and white? It doesn't seem to offer any camouflage effect. And why is the tail so long? yeees, I know that they use their tail to land on their feet, but they might as well have a short flat tail. That would work too. And why... ".
    7) ... etc ...
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

    Old blog:
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    What are your favorite things to do?

    Making pioneering discoveries and finding entirely new ways of doing and perceiving things.

    What is a typical day for you?

    Wake up, spend maximum time that I can playing with my latest concept. The rest of my time I spend dealing with various necessities, with things of secondary to no importance.

    What do you hate doing?

    I hate dealing with things of secondary to no importance.

    What are biggest weaknesses?

    For me weak means not being able to function. If I do get weak my entire mode shifts to fixing the condition immediately so that I can continue to function.
    What other people perceive as “weaknesses” I don't consider to be weaknesses.

    What are you really good at?

    Being good at something would imply a reference point and because I am my only reference point everything I do by default is normal.

    How do you arrange things at home?

    A pen and a piece of paper is all I need.

    How do you organize your day?

    Why would I do that?

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    Generally I do not have a process in thinking or doing things. Usually it's the things that guide me.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    Not really, more like environment adaptations.

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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread


  15. #15

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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread

    Okay, I'm giving Beta a try

    What are your favorite things to do?

    Traveling, reading, writing, something physical. Also meeting someone who I have not talked to in a long time.

    What is a typical day for you?

    Finishing what I had planned for the day and then after that finding something to do.

    What do you hate doing?

    Talking to stupid people. School

    What are biggest weaknesses?

    being stubborn and rigid, not being tactful, impatience, and not letting out emotion. Sometimes I am just not emotional about something that everybody is and expects others to be.

    What are you really good at?

    Problem solving (most of the time), occasionally pushing boundaries if I can, sometimes experimenting with things.

    How do you arrange things at home?

    I don't keep much to arrange. Everything around my apartment looks very typical.

    How do you organize your day?

    I'll do some sprints first thing in the morning, and then I will make breakfast, check my E-mails, and make a to-do list. Go from there.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    It depends on what I am doing. Usually I will organize it first, and then I would go from there, elimination, etc.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    I don't have one of those
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
    --Theodore Roosevelt

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    -- Mark Twain

    "Man who stand on hill with mouth open will wait long time for roast duck to drop in."
    -- Confucius

  16. #16
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    beta beta beta, here i come, ha

    What are your favorite things to do?

    shop for shoes, spend time with my kids, go out for coffee with friends, meet new people, go to cool lectures, cross country ski, practice yoga

    What is a typical day for you?

    up at 7, get the kids up, get them breakfast and to school, talk on the phone while i drive to work (1/2 hour, nice), work, pick up kids, make dinner, go for a walk, give them baths, read stories, put the kids to bed, read my book, watch the news, bed by 12

    What do you hate doing?

    i used to hate paying the bills but now i don't. i hate doing anything small and pesky like filling out forms and mailing them

    What are biggest weaknesses?

    lack of tact, big ego, tunnel vision about my ideas at times

    What are you really good at?

    creative problem solving, inventing systems, innovating at work, decorating, i'm very organized (but it's the german in me not the entp in me, lol), writing, planning, decorating

    How do you arrange things at home?

    it's got to be colorful and have fung shui that is balance and symmetry, comfortable but with a natural look; love pottery and flowers

    How do you organize your day?

    make a list for my head and try to do it. clean off my desk. or not. or wait until a deadline is upon me and in a rush do it all at once.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    usually think first, do second. or do without thinking if it's relaxing.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    no what you see is what you get.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

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    people just love talking about themselfs don't they? or that's just ENTps? lol

    I don't see what's so important about the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It's just more people to declare war on.


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    Since I'm the only ISTJ round here I better post something...

    What are your favorite things to do?

    - well sex obviously
    - soak up info about things I'm interested in atm - from books or internet
    - seeing a movie that moves me (or less often, read a really good fiction book)
    - gardening (organic/permaculture)
    - exercise, especially dancing

    What is a typical day for you?

    look after child, try to stay sane.

    What do you hate doing?

    Doing things that are draining, like dragging around looking after child when I'm sick (i have chronic fatigue syndrome), or spending time with manipulative family members.

    What are biggest weaknesses?

    underrating myself, also my health/lack of energy.

    What are you really good at?

    - sex again well, maybe
    - noticing sensory details
    - taking a given subject, researching everything relevant about it and mapping it out to get a thorough, concise overview (and remembering it for future use).
    - growing things/looking after animals

    How do you arrange things at home?

    light and space are really important. I hate rooms that are dark or overfurnished. I need organised, functional storage so things don't get messier than I can keep up with, I find chaos really depressing.

    How do you organize your day?

    I really don't, I never know what my energy levels are going to be. Life feels out of control to me because I don't have enough energy to maintain routines.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    I get feelings in my chest about what to do. Call it intuition. I follow that as much as possible.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    I don't think so, I'm not the most stable person in the world but I'd call that moods rather than alter ego.
    female ISTj, sensory subtype

  19. #19
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    An ISTj that likes dancing? wow
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  20. #20


    What are your favorite things to do?
    - walk outside
    -be with someone, like one on one hanging out
    -going to an occasional get together
    -kayakings, camping, hiking, exploring
    -yes i like to surf the interweb

    What is a typical day for you?
    My life is weird right now, no day is the same. I do random activities that my ESTp boyfriend usually orcestrates.

    What do you hate doing?
    Things I'm obligated to do.

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    Feeling paranoid about being inferior?

    What are you really good at?
    -making most feel comfortable
    -i can analyze people relativly well
    -drawing and painting i guess >_<

    How do you arrange things at home?
    i like things to be neat and organized. i dont like lingering trash and clothes. I like to minimalize furniture and art work. See I like many decorative looks, but 1. I dont have full freedom to do what I want. 2. I dont want to get tired of it fast and then just be annoyed with my living space.

    How do you organize your day?
    When I'm not being a lazy useless waste of life, I normally organize the importance of each thing, and timing. Now-a-days I'm doing lots of house work. So I time the washer and dryer, and dishwasher, the arriaval of the ESTp, etc. Social things...I just try to be on time wherever I'm going, not a big deal.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    Um...well I kind of explained it above, I time it out in my head.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    WTF I'm not telling....then they arn't special anymore >=/

    (lol not really) I suppose I pretend to be someone else when I don't feel like thinking about my life, but thats normally just as I go to sleep or something.

    This was really hard to do you know....

  21. #21
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    What are your favorite things to do?
    i enjoy weight training, watching movies, drinking, dancing, having fun on the weekend.
    What is a typical day for you?
    wake up, spend 15 minutes in bed before gathering the courage to get up. turn on cpu, play some music awfully loud, take a shower get dressed, eat. turn off cpu, take the bus, look around for potential females. get to class, look around for potential females. eat. talk to a girl while eyeing another. smuggle some food inside the library, look around for potential females. watch an artsy DVD movie while eating my contraband. talk to a girl. take the bus to go home, look around for potential females. meet a friend, tell him some weird story that happened on the weekend. get home, watch sports news, get on the internet. eat. watch tv. eat while watching tv. bedtime
    What do you hate doing?
    i hate studying, i hate my job, i hate trying to be nice to people, i hate reading dull stuff.
    What are biggest weaknesses?
    i don't believe in other people, i'm sometimes lazy, i have zero attention span.
    What are you really good at?
    convincing other people, maximising my resources, finding contacts, accurately reading other people's motives, making sure everything runs smoothely when working with others.
    How do you arrange things at home?
    i don't understand this question
    How do you organize your day?
    i think about a few things i have to do, daydream to some loud music and do the few things i can at the end of the day
    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    my way or the highway
    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?
    there's the really nice guy everybody knows in school. this dude always has a smile on his face and nothing ever seems to bother him. little do they know that this guy will use anybody anytime to get what he wants. hope they're not starting to catch on. hope they are. how exciting!
    IEI - the nasty kind...

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    Quote Originally Posted by zillah
    What are you really good at?

    - sex again well, maybe
    I want you.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    I get feelings in my chest about what to do. Call it intuition. I follow that as much as possible.
    Really? That's somewhat surprising. I have a hard time doing something until I know_specifically_what is I'm about to do.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I want you.
    Ooh, tell me more...

    Really? That's somewhat surprising.

    I have a hard time doing something until I know_specifically_what is I'm about to do.
    I've noticed that about ISTPs. While they have something brewing, if you asked them what they were thinking about, or wanted to do, they might say "I don't know". But if you leave them alone til they're done, something goes "bing" and they all of a sudden pick up and say "You want to hike up this mountain with me?"

    Anyway I might have been different if it weren't for my health problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome teaches you that sometimes you just don't get the option of controlling things. I've had no option but to go with the flow far more than I would have chosen, and to learn to live with that.
    female ISTj, sensory subtype

  24. #24
    he died with a felafel
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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread

    What are your favorite things to do?
    reading, googling, daydreaming, complain or critisize (not always out loud), writing (or plannign to)

    What is a typical day for you?
    wake up an hour after my alarm; rush to get dressed (i've mentally picked up what i'll wear already); stop for a croissant then arrive at the office; make a fuss inside me about the things i have to do for a living. Do them anyway. Lunch. Finish up the rest of things-to-do-for-a-living. Dislike my collegues (internellay mainly), then head out. Possibly have a drink (or not, depends), home, dinner, maybe read and/or movie and chill withmy bf.

    What do you hate doing?
    Take orders, chores, "team work", paperwork, office work

    What are biggest weaknesses?
    expressing quick wit out loud, details, i can be very paranoid (and not sure about being right in being so or not)

    What are you really good at?
    persevering...? don't really know

    How do you arrange things at home?
    i've moved a lot and too often to "have a way of doing it'

    How do you organize your day?
    things-to-do-for-a-living VS. life

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?
    a.thinking them than doin'em - occasionally the opposite is true.
    b. things that are part of my plan VS things that aren't

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?[/quote]
    "alter ego"'s not ready yet

  25. #25

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    Quote Originally Posted by zillah
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I want you.
    Ooh, tell me more...
    The next time I'm halfway round the world, I'll give you a call.

    Really? That's somewhat surprising.

    I have a hard time doing something until I know_specifically_what is I'm about to do.
    I've noticed that about ISTPs. While they have something brewing, if you asked them what they were thinking about, or wanted to do, they might say "I don't know". But if you leave them alone til they're done, something goes "bing" and they all of a sudden pick up and say "You want to hike up this mountain with me?"
    Umm... I say "I don't know" a lot when I really do know but don't feel like explaining.

    Anyway I might have been different if it weren't for my health problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome teaches you that sometimes you just don't get the option of controlling things. I've had no option but to go with the flow far more than I would have chosen, and to learn to live with that.
    Or, maybe it is type related.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  26. #26
    he died with a felafel
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    so, will any betas try and figure whether there are any "intruders" in this thread? or was this started assuming that every contributor's certain of their beta-ness?

  27. #27

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    Default Re: The Beta autobiography thread

    What are your favorite things to do?
    Being able to be alone when I want to be (then most anything can be my favorite, like organizing stuff or watching a film) or be with my friends when I want and perhaps play roleplaying or do anything together.

    What is a typical day for you?

    Wake up a little before my alarm clocks goes off (which annoys me). Make coffee, take the bus to school, drink coffee, go to classes, go home. Help around the house until i can go and be alone but being sure that I have helped enough. Maybe watch a movie and then go to sleep.

    What do you hate doing?

    Taking the bus to school. It is so crammed in the morning you cant sit down and everybody bumps into you and it's very awkward. I also fear being put into groups in school, doing any group assignments, it angers me.

    What are biggest weaknesses?

    Sometime i just shut down, I forget how long i have isolated myself and people start to worry about me, its not that much of a problem anymore but i always have to be aware of making sure I go and say hello to my parents and family when I am at home. I think too much before I speak, in most cases I appreciate it, but sometimes it's not so positive.

    Though my number one BIGGEST problem must be my chronic nail biting and my constant fear of having some kind of ailment or illness.

    What are you really good at?

    Solving logical problems, organizing my time and things around me, consider myself a good writer. Then some other things.

    How do you arrange things at home?

    I organize by shape, not by content. My DVD collection I organize my types of DVD cases, not my genre. And I do that with most of my things. I hope I do understand the question properly. Organize my shape and size of an object vs the shapes of nearby things got get a balanced ratio.

    How do you organize your day?

    I make sure I have enough time to make coffee and catch the bus before I go to school. At school I follow my schedule and I go home when school is over and there I dont do much planing.

    What is your process in thinking or doing things?

    Make a plan in my head or think out a scenario in my head before I do anything. For example if I want to say something I try to think of any response to my comment before saying it outloud so I hopefully know what to say if people respond.

    Do you have "alter ego" personalities, and what are they like?

    I dont believe I have one.
    You're thoughts, my ideas


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