Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
Okay fair enough... but I still think Si is about a sense of inner comfort. Things like clothes and cooking are highly stereotypical and campy examples of 'comfort' - that aren't necessarily related to Si in the hyper intellectual and interesting way that you wish to receive it, yeah- but I think it's really just about liking to be 'at peace' with your own senses or something. Asston once talked about how he didn't like being comfortable. That was so silly to me... how could anybody NOT like being comfortable? But it was just Asston being Asston. From a socionics perspective, him being Si polr and saying that made sense.
I agree that Si is about a sense of inner comfort, and yes, it is more than just clothes or cooking. I suppose it's about bodily comfort on the whole. For me, comfort can be bodily comfort but it can also be every bit as much emotional comfort or mental comfort, which would tie into other socionics functions. When I say I want to be 'comfortable', it's not only physical, but mental and emotional as well. I define it as the desire for inner harmony, free from pain or distress of any sort. I've often been puzzled too by people who say they don't like to be comfortable. I don't think the vast majority of people truly enjoy being in any physical pain. When people say they don't like being 'comfortable' I think it can be interpreted in multiple ways. I read about an LIE who made such a statement and really what he meant was that he didn't like to 'relax' and just stagnate- he needed to always be moving towards some sort of goal and accomplishing things. He didn't see much point in indulging in any simple sensory pleasures and didn't strive towards bettering things in that area. I've heard others say things like pain makes them feel more alive. I suppose there is some sense in that. I don't think they really 'enjoy' the physical pain, but rather they pride themselves in being able to endure it, to feel strong, etc. I think about athletes in a race, you can literally run so hard you feel like you are going to pass out any second but you might be able to override those feelings of discomfort and keep pushing yourself to achieve some goal of winning.