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Thread: common stereotypes about Si (introverted sensing)

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    Stupid stereotypes about Si aside (stereotypes exist for a reason btw ,completely disregarding them is unwise), this thread is an overload of Ni. It's really not that complicated - if your primary and prefered mode of thinking is to complicate everything into complex theories, noticing patterns, are caught in your imagination, thinking up scenarios, you are intuitive. SEI's are down to earth, I can't imagine any of the ones I know write a thread like this....ever. That's just not how their brain works. Also Inumbra, your avatar is exactly opposite of SEI.

    Definitions are pretty clear, can someone explain how inumbra is Si > Ni by any definition? And please something substantial with sources.

    My opinion is your Ni is so strong, you over-think, over-analyze and doubt everything to an absurd degree, It's fascinating really (no sarcasm ) - not to mention your imagination. How is the following description not exactly you (I know you're familiar with these descriptions, I'm just trying to understand how can you see yourself in anything close to sei description)?

    Introverted intuition in ILIs is predominantly characterized by well developed imaginative abilities and mental wanderings. ILI often spend a great deal of time simply thinking and may spend excessive amounts of time in their mind. Most ILIs somehow manage to spend most of their time in their minds regardless of the responsibilities with which they are burdened. This mental focus can be manifest by reflecting on scenarios, on pondering bodies of information, and assorted concepts of interest. They may be prone to excessive day dreaming, in creation of intricate inner worlds or universes, or in mentally replaying elements of their own personal experience. ILIs may even have novelistic tendencies where they create intricate plots, characters, and places, though many ILIs may be generally unmotivated to display such creativity. However, ILIs are not always inclined to share their imaginative tendencies or thoughts with others.

    ILIs predict inevitable disaster not altogether infrequently. This type of fatalism is spurned by their ability to see the negative in anything, which has its roots in the ILI's general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive emotions. To an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results in order to avoid an unpleasant emotional reaction. Likewise, the ILI's sense of general self doubt leads him to be very conservative in his general outlook; why unnecessarily subject oneself to the uncertainty of possible disappointment?ILIs typically exhibit a general detachment from day-to-day affairs. While an ILI might devote a great deal of time to his inner thoughts, very little attention is likely to be paid to such tasks as household maintenance or cleanliness, which the ILI sees as trivial matters not deserving of his time or effort.ILIs can, in certain situations, act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They may commonly be pervasively plagued by gnawing doubts on any topic that they contemplate. They may also prefer to observe and gather an understanding of a situation rather than actively participate. The ILI's restraint complements the hyperactivity of his dual, the SEE.

    SEI for comparison:

    In contrast to introverted intuition (Ni), Si is about direct interaction and unity (or discord) with one's surroundings, rather than abstract process and causal links.

    SEIs are naturally attuned to the nature of the physical stimuli around them. They are often aptly aware of whether they are comfortable or relaxed in a given environment and they often take spontaneous action to make their living environment more comfortable. They often make effective hosts, as they may spontaneously exhibit great attention to ensure that friends and family around them are comfortable and that their physical needs are well satisfied. They often have a natural level of attentiveness to the signals of the human body, and may make instinctive responses to adapt their environment to their comfort.

    SEIs often exhibit a down-to-earth quality and often focus their attention on events, affects, or relationships relevant to their physical environment or personal experience; for this reason, their style of conversation may at times come across as somewhat mundane or unimportant. SEIs may focus much of their energy towards processes oriented with bettering sensory experiences, including visual art, fashion, food preparation, dance, or other physical aspects. Their affective responses to situations are often intertwined with their level of physical comforts.

    Do you really do creative Fe the way SEI does?

    For the SEI, this takes an on-the-spot aspect and is reflected in taking concrete actions, being agreeable and responsive to the needs of others, cracking jokes trying to make people laugh and enjoy themselves, or simply moving away from people he perceives as affecting him negatively. SEIs are often highly attuned to the emotional environment immediately surrounding them. They are skilled at loosening up the atmosphere and often seek to actively contribute to the overall sense of group harmony and familiarity. SEIs often feel uncomfortable in circumstances in which the group atmosphere is overly hostile or virulent; in such situations, they may seek to play the role of peacemaker in order to restore the mood to a sense of joviality or calmness.

    SEI do their version of Fe very immediately, it's evident even when shy (not so much with certain IEI's ime).

    Your ethical judgments and stances are way too harsh for SEI as well.

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    I tried creating a discussion on Si in some old thread:

    Si is
    - irrational (thus perceiving reality through the unconscious)
    - sensory (thus perceiving reality through unconsciously stored (sensory) impressions and emotions had before)
    - introverted (thus filtering the perception through the ego (comparing with own (ego) states))
    - dynamic (thus looking at changes between states (rather than states/situations as is))

    This means Si is first and foremost great at:
    - "just knowing" where a person (or societies) come from in life (family background, life path so far, how the social reality they grew up in influenced them, how the experiences had changed them)
    - somewhat predicting the life path people (or societies) will take from now on based on the knowledge of their past and present (development from now on, life path from crib to death) (things like "this person will become a slut later in life because she doesn't get any attention as a child" (Si with Fe))

    Two examples of Si, both showing Si impressions of how the school system today lacks (natural) humanity and forms children into faceless creatures and results in pointless (inhuman) activity (the first example is Si with Te, the second is Si with Fe)

    A bit more....
    Si, just like Ni, gets stuck in the "paths" these functions perceive, in Ni's case, the mental development of people (societies), in Si's case the life path development of people (societies). Ne can surprisingly pull Si out of it's "tracks" in a similar way to how Se pulls Ni out of it's tracks.

    Ne does this by just being unaware of Si and thus suggesting possible ways to ALTER the life path that Si gets stuck in, due to the strong awareness of this life path. Thus why Si can look "passive" and just "adapt" to a life path, whereas Ne can come in and surprise Si with "crazy" new opportunities for changing the tracks (changing life).

    On a high level, Si can sense ancestry in people's faces (or cultures), I believe, so it goes beyond what is obviously visibly there, I've seen it done. This is similar to how Ni perceives how a society is influenced by the past mental/social structures. Si can use this to understand people or societies in a historical context. It's probably not even experienced that consciously, but it's there, giving more information.

    Si is indirectly linked to "internal bodily sensations" in that the strong feeling of "from crib to death bed" can give a need to find comfort in keeping the body stable in that life track.
    Si is indirectly linked to "aestetics" for similar reasons, since health levels and thus aestetics give a clue as to where people are in a life path. Artificials like too much make-up may thus be off-putting to a Si-ego as it hides the (natural) beauty of people and their (beautiful and unique) life path, I think. But it's just an indirect link imo, that isn't very useful for typing, since not all people will focus on this the same way.
    Si is also indirectly linked to food, as food is part of life development (crib to death) etc. etc. etc
    Si, like Ni mostly deals with the past, but can pull lines from the past into the future to predict it - or rather warn about it, like the 3 videos I post here show - and Si/Ni does this really well, as long as no huge changes occur.

    An example of Si used to pull info from the past into the future, are the documentaries of Adam Curtis, who I believe is SEI. Watch and see how he pulls tangible lines from the past into the now and further into the future. All good examples of what Si is really about. Unlike Ni, Si is rather linear and the "dots" are connected through lifepaths (of people or societies or in Adam Curtis' case ideas/cultures/beliefs) (whereas Ni is jumping all over the place in unconnected strings of information.)

    So I agree with inumbra, Si is generally quite poorly described and the descriptions too often deal with common, yet indirect, resulting traits of the function, rather than describing how the function really works.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    I tried creating a discussion on Si in some old thread:

    Si is
    - irrational (thus perceiving reality through the unconscious)
    - sensory (thus perceiving reality through unconsciously stored (sensory) impressions and emotions had before)
    - introverted (thus filtering the perception through the ego (comparing with own (ego) states))
    - dynamic (thus looking at changes between states (rather than states/situations as is))

    This means Si is first and foremost great at:
    - "just knowing" where a person (or societies) come from in life (family background, life path so far, how the social reality they grew up in influenced them, how the experiences had changed them)
    - somewhat predicting the life path people (or societies) will take from now on based on the knowledge of their past and present (development from now on, life path from crib to death) (things like "this person will become a slut later in life because she doesn't get any attention as a child" (Si with Fe))

    Two examples of Si, both showing Si impressions of how the school system today lacks (natural) humanity and forms children into faceless creatures and results in pointless (inhuman) activity (the first example is Si with Te, the second is Si with Fe)

    A bit more....
    Si, just like Ni, gets stuck in the "paths" these functions perceive, in Ni's case, the mental development of people (societies), in Si's case the life path development of people (societies). Ne can surprisingly pull Si out of it's "tracks" in a similar way to how Se pulls Ni out of it's tracks.

    Ne does this by just being unaware of Si and thus suggesting possible ways to ALTER the life path that Si gets stuck in, due to the strong awareness of this life path. Thus why Si can look "passive" and just "adapt" to a life path, whereas Ne can come in and surprise Si with "crazy" new opportunities for changing the tracks (changing life).

    On a high level, Si can sense ancestry in people's faces (or cultures), I believe, so it goes beyond what is obviously visibly there, I've seen it done. This is similar to how Ni perceives how a society is influenced by the past mental/social structures. Si can use this to understand people or societies in a historical context. It's probably not even experienced that consciously, but it's there, giving more information.

    Si is indirectly linked to "internal bodily sensations" in that the strong feeling of "from crib to death bed" can give a need to find comfort in keeping the body stable in that life track.
    Si is indirectly linked to "aestetics" for similar reasons, since health levels and thus aestetics give a clue as to where people are in a life path. Artificials like too much make-up may thus be off-putting to a Si-ego as it hides the (natural) beauty of people and their (beautiful and unique) life path, I think. But it's just an indirect link imo, that isn't very useful for typing, since not all people will focus on this the same way.
    Si is also indirectly linked to food, as food is part of life development (crib to death) etc. etc. etc
    Si, like Ni mostly deals with the past, but can pull lines from the past into the future to predict it - or rather warn about it, like the 3 videos I post here show - and Si/Ni does this really well, as long as no huge changes occur.

    An example of Si used to pull info from the past into the future, are the documentaries of Adam Curtis, who I believe is SEI. Watch and see how he pulls tangible lines from the past into the now and further into the future. All good examples of what Si is really about. Unlike Ni, Si is rather linear and the "dots" are connected through lifepaths (of people or societies or in Adam Curtis' case ideas/cultures/beliefs) (whereas Ni is jumping all over the place in unconnected strings of information.)

    So I agree with inumbra, Si is generally quite poorly described and the descriptions too often deal with common, yet indirect, resulting traits of the function, rather than describing how the function really works.
    This is interesting, and makes more sense.
    This could almost make someone seem intuitive, whereas they are reading a person's face/body/mannerisms and in a way, "sensing" what their physical state has been through and where it's headed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lemontrees View Post
    It's not logically being able to figure it out, but rather just being "seeped" in it. Also you just described the idea behind everything I did, whereas I was just describing the things.
    This is good wording - being immersed in the sensory and just "feeling out" (introverted function) how one thing affects the other one in a sensory way.

    Btw how do you relate to Ananke's Si description?

    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    IDK...a lot of the cooking stuff here that you described sounds like Te to me....but i'm not a socionics expert or anything. My understanding could be off.
    Sure it can be put as Te rules too to be memorized etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    I tried creating a discussion on Si in some old thread:

    Si is
    - irrational (thus perceiving reality through the unconscious)
    - sensory (thus perceiving reality through unconsciously stored (sensory) impressions and emotions had before)
    - introverted (thus filtering the perception through the ego (comparing with own (ego) states))
    - dynamic (thus looking at changes between states (rather than states/situations as is))
    OK so far, though one note: the comparing must not be deliberate apperception, just spontaneous perception or else it would be Rational.

    This means Si is first and foremost great at:
    - "just knowing" where a person (or societies) come from in life (family background, life path so far, how the social reality they grew up in influenced them, how the experiences had changed them)
    - somewhat predicting the life path people (or societies) will take from now on based on the knowledge of their past and present (development from now on, life path from crib to death) (things like "this person will become a slut later in life because she doesn't get any attention as a child" (Si with Fe))
    I don't know how you create this jump from that to here. Socionics has Si as present oriented. According to Jung it's Intuition that knows (on a timeline) where something comes from and where something goes. That of course makes logical sense since that is removed from the present sensation.

    Maybe that's not what you mean but it can be easy to misinterpret the way you put it. I'd only link Si to time if it was a 4D function just like any other 4D function and then all that means is that you processed a lot of the information so you can say a lot about that area.

    A bit more....
    Si, just like Ni, gets stuck in the "paths" these functions perceive, in Ni's case, the mental development of people (societies), in Si's case the life path development of people (societies). Ne can surprisingly pull Si out of it's "tracks" in a similar way to how Se pulls Ni out of it's tracks.
    I don't really see how Si would have to do with development in that way.

    Ne does this by just being unaware of Si and thus suggesting possible ways to ALTER the life path that Si gets stuck in, due to the strong awareness of this life path. Thus why Si can look "passive" and just "adapt" to a life path, whereas Ne can come in and surprise Si with "crazy" new opportunities for changing the tracks (changing life).
    I still don't find "life path" the best word for it but I agree on how Si is passively adaptable.

    On a high level, Si can sense ancestry in people's faces (or cultures), I believe, so it goes beyond what is obviously visibly there, I've seen it done. This is similar to how Ni perceives how a society is influenced by the past mental/social structures. Si can use this to understand people or societies in a historical context. It's probably not even experienced that consciously, but it's there, giving more information.
    Again, I don't know what's this with historical contexts. The only way I can see this working is as above, about how any 4D IE can be "historical".

    Si is indirectly linked to "internal bodily sensations" in that the strong feeling of "from crib to death bed" can give a need to find comfort in keeping the body stable in that life track.
    It's not just indirectly linked. This is again overcomplication of plain Sensing.

    Si is indirectly linked to "aestetics" for similar reasons, since health levels and thus aestetics give a clue as to where people are in a life path. Artificials like too much make-up may thus be off-putting to a Si-ego as it hides the (natural) beauty of people and their (beautiful and unique) life path, I think. But it's just an indirect link imo, that isn't very useful for typing, since not all people will focus on this the same way.
    Si is also indirectly linked to food, as food is part of life development (crib to death) etc. etc. etc
    Again... Si is a Sensing function, so not just indirectly linked to these things.

    An example of Si used to pull info from the past into the future, are the documentaries of Adam Curtis, who I believe is SEI. Watch and see how he pulls tangible lines from the past into the now and further into the future. All good examples of what Si is really about. Unlike Ni, Si is rather linear and the "dots" are connected through lifepaths (of people or societies or in Adam Curtis' case ideas/cultures/beliefs) (whereas Ni is jumping all over the place in unconnected strings of information.)
    Linearity isn't Irrational.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    OK so far, though one note: the comparing must not be deliberate apperception, just spontaneous perception or else it would be Rational.

    I don't know how you create this jump from that to here. Socionics has Si as present oriented. According to Jung it's Intuition that knows (on a timeline) where something comes from and where something goes. That of course makes logical sense since that is removed from the present sensation.
    Jung's descriptions of Si aren't all that good, but they are ok. What I wrote is anyway in line with Jung's description of IP

    Maybe that's not what you mean but it can be easy to misinterpret the way you put it. I'd only link Si to time if it was a 4D function just like any other 4D function and then all that means is that you processed a lot of the information so you can say a lot about that area.
    Watch the Adam Curtis documentary I linked to for an example of the timeline component of Si. It's tangible and continous, unlike Ni, but IP functions are always about timelines in some sense.

    I don't really see how Si would have to do with development in that way.
    Then go and observe Si-egos talking, or watch the examples I linked to, as they exemplify what I explained. Si-egos talk of such things, but I don't think they are always consciously FOCUSING on a timeline or development, it's more like an unconscious (irrational) perception that can seem a bit banal to Ni-valuers, I think, though it has it's own genius. Watch the Adam Curtis documentary for an example of this. Also, Si is involved, so it will probably just feel like "info that is there" for the Si-ego himself.

    Again, I don't know what's this with historical contexts. The only way I can see this working is as above, about how any 4D IE can be "historical".
    Watch the documentary for an example of Si seeing timelines and thus "history" and connections in history. It's unique and quite different from Ni. Ni-egos watching will see what I mean easily (that it isn't Ni, yet it shows timelines of ideas and cultures).

    It's not just indirectly linked. This is again overcomplication of plain Sensing.
    Well, it's hard to explain the functions, and IP functions are the most abstract as they are irrational and introverted, meaning they are filtered through the unconscious and through the ego. To put in words what they do makes them seem hyper complicated, but both Ni and Si are really quite simple for the ones using them.

    Again... Si is a Sensing function, so not just indirectly linked to these things.
    Unless I misunderstood you, this is wrong, imo.

    Linearity isn't Irrational.
    Si is linear in time and space. Si follows dynamics (a kind of dynamic, subjective cause effect) as experienced subjectively - on a linear life path from somewhere to another place/time.
    Ni is non-linear in time and space. Ni links (compares) dynamics that are similar (subjectively) and extracts new info from the "similarities".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    Jung's descriptions of Si aren't all that good, but they are ok. What I wrote is anyway in line with Jung's description of IP
    I was talking about Jung's Intuition. IP... you mean Intuition or Sensing?

    Watch the Adam Curtis documentary I linked to for an example of the timeline component of Si. It's tangible and continous, unlike Ni, but IP functions are always about timelines in some sense.
    "In some sense" is a bit vague.

    Then go and observe Si-egos talking, or watch the examples I linked to, as they exemplify what I explained. Si-egos talk of such things, but I don't think they are always consciously FOCUSING on a timeline or development, it's more like an unconscious (irrational) perception that can seem a bit banal to Ni-valuers, I think, though it has it's own genius. Watch the Adam Curtis documentary for an example of this. Also, Si is involved, so it will probably just feel like "info that is there" for the Si-ego himself.
    I observed Si egos before and they don't talk like that. I find they talk in a more simple way than that.

    I agree it's an Involved IE, if your description of Si reflected this it would be a lot better.

    Well, it's hard to explain the functions, and IP functions are the most abstract as they are irrational and introverted, meaning they are filtered through the unconscious and through the ego. To put in words what they do makes them seem hyper complicated, but both Ni and Si are really quite simple for the ones using them.
    I just see too many things mentioned that are not related to Si as the IE. That's what I call overcomplicating.

    Oh also you mentioned stability... how do you reconcile this with the adaptability of Ip temperament?

    Unless I misunderstood you, this is wrong, imo.
    Explain what you see as wrong about it. If you mean it sounded like I want to equate food with Si, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant is that Si as a Sensing IE experiences the food quite directly. Not indirectly because of whatever timeline needing it. That is, I would not try to explain its sensations by that timeline concept at all. That is what I call overcomplicating when defining Si.

    Si is linear in time and space. Si follows dynamics (a kind of dynamic, subjective cause effect) as experienced subjectively - on a linear life path from somewhere to another place/time.
    Ni is non-linear in time and space. Ni links (compares) dynamics that are similar (subjectively) and extracts new info from the "similarities".
    Linearity would mean it's not adaptable Irrationality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I was talking about Jung's Intuition. IP... you mean Intuition or Sensing?
    Both are IP functions....

    "In some sense" is a bit vague.
    Well, I simply mean that dynamic and subjective and irrational means there is time passing between the start and end of an impression (IP describes subjective impression of changes), and thus there is time involved in the perception itself (changes means time)

    I observed Si egos before and they don't talk like that. I find they talk in a more simple way than that.
    Oh, they do talk about "life paths" a lot. I think the word "life path" isn't too good, as we discussed before, and it may be why it is not clear, but it's the only way I can describe the linear subjective cause-effect perception of Si.

    The level of "genius" in what the Si-egos say about these changes over time depends on their level of ... well... intellect. It ranges from "He will probably spend all weekend at home eating potato chips" to things like "Once you get trapped by your imagination, you think the worst and therefore you have to plan for the worst. It becomes a self-fulfilling thing."

    I agree it's an Involved IE, if your description of Si reflected this it would be a lot better.
    Hmm.. I'll think of a way to explain it, but it seems it would get even more complicated. I wrote about it in the link to the other Si post below, though. Maybe it's enough to say that involved functions are less "mental", and thus don't involve much thinking.

    I just see too many things mentioned that are not related to Si as the IE. That's what I call overcomplicating.
    I wrote the post very fast, so possibly didn't focus on the most important things in what I mentioned, but the examples should be quite good for understanding the timeline/life path concept anyway.

    Oh also you mentioned stability... how do you reconcile this with the adaptability of Ip temperament?
    Stability? If you adapt, it is to keep stable, in some sense, when facing external instability.

    Explain what you see as wrong about it. If you mean it sounded like I want to equate food with Si, no, that's not what I meant. What I meant is that Si as a Sensing IE experiences the food quite directly. Not indirectly because of whatever timeline needing it. That is, I would not try to explain its sensations by that timeline concept at all. That is what I call overcomplicating when defining Si.
    Ok, that made more sense.

    That said, Si will actually have timeline sensations based on food. It can be as simple as feeling the sensation of grandma's pancakes from childhood when eating pancakes as an adult, and through that have a sensing perception of the changes that have occured in society since then ("they don't make pancakes like that anymore"). So I don't agree that Si makes tastes come out more, it's actually more like sensing has an augmented quality to the sensation, like more information behind the experience, and that isn't really "reality" either. Ni and Ne may not even focus on the food, but float off in their minds based on own or other's thoughts and concepts unrelated to the food, so in that sense sensors are more into their senses, but thinking of grandma isn't really "taste" either, it's just linked to the taste.

    Linearity would mean it's not adaptable Irrationality.
    It isn't linear in thinking style, like rationality. Rationality means a conscious and fully aware process of A ---> B ---> C, or at least in some sense a conscious understanding of the judgement made.
    The timeline changes that Si perceive is linear in the sense that they perceive the changes from past to present in a more direct line than Ni (whereas Ni perceives the differences between changes in snippets of unrelated timelines.)
    Last edited by Ananke; 09-13-2016 at 04:39 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    Both are IP functions....
    But we are talking about Si here.

    Well, I simply mean that dynamic and subjective and irrational means there is time passing between the start and end of an impression (IP describes subjective impression of changes), and thus there is time involved in the perception itself (changes means time)
    Well, Ni is the IE about time... since that's something more removed from the present. Si is in the present.

    Oh, they do talk about "life paths" a lot. I think the word "life path" isn't too good, as we discussed before, and it may be why it is not clear, but it's the only way I can describe the linear subjective cause-effect perception of Si.
    The life path thing just seems like your own abstract conceptualization of Si's workings. Socionics has it as present oriented: "perceives external information in form of sensations evoked by ongoing events". This is also what makes sense to me.

    The level of "genius" in what the Si-egos say about these changes over time depends on their level of ... well... intellect. It ranges from "He will probably spend all weekend at home eating potato chips" to things like "Once you get trapped by your imagination, you think the worst and therefore you have to plan for the worst. It becomes a self-fulfilling thing."
    The latter is something a lot of people typed Ni egos here would say...

    Hmm.. I'll think of a way to explain it, but it seems it would get even more complicated. I wrote about it in the link to the other Si post below, though. Maybe it's enough to say that involved functions are less "mental", and thus don't involve much thinking.
    Yeah, they are less mental.

    Stability? If you adapt, it is to keep stable, in some sense, when facing external instability.
    In what sense? How is this different from Ij temperament's stable reality?

    That said, Si will actually have timeline sensations based on food. It can be as simple as feeling the sensation of grandma's pancakes from childhood when eating pancakes as an adult, and through that have a sensing perception of the changes that have occured in society since then ("they don't make pancakes like that anymore"). So I don't agree that Si makes tastes come out more, it's actually more like sensing has an augmented quality to the sensation, like more information behind the experience, and that isn't really "reality" either. Ni and Ne may not even focus on the food, but float off in their minds based on own or other's thoughts and concepts unrelated to the food, so in that sense sensors are more into their senses, but thinking of grandma isn't really "taste" either, it's just linked to the taste.
    As far as I can see, Si perceives changes gradually and continuously in the moment right here and now, conceptualizing change as this grandma thing seems Static bias

    It isn't linear in thinking style, like rationality. Rationality means a conscious and fully aware process of A ---> B ---> C, or at least in some sense a conscious understanding of the judgement made.
    The timeline changes that Si perceive is linear in the sense that they perceive the changes from past to present in a more direct line than Ni (whereas Ni perceives the differences between changes in snippets of unrelated timelines.)
    Yeah about Rationality.

    Si perceives small changes in the moment... but in that sense it can be linear sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ananke View Post
    So I agree with inumbra, Si is generally quite poorly described and the descriptions too often deal with common, yet indirect, resulting traits of the function, rather than describing how the function really works.

    i didn't watch much of the adam curtis video. i can't focus on it. my mind is in an awful haze. below involves putting this together based on your post, and i guess i'm looking to see if you think my translation matches what you meant to begin with.

    i have to agree the video (from the little i saw) seems to be covering the aspect of reality (and in a way that matches *with* the socionics type descriptions, even... not sure yet why i am disturbed by that), as it seems to be looking at the feel of existence in terms of present experience, how it passes in the long moment-to-moment, day-to-day life (the Si stream, re: @Expat). or along the prescribed path of a lifestyle and its significant um points--things like rites of passage, getting married, raising kids, whatever. the board game 'life' is an example really.

    naturally this "life" isn't fixed as over the course of it the society will change (before modernity, perhaps more gradually), and the people must adapt and adjust their practices accordingly. but still it is kind of one path, with adjusting all the typically prescribed things along with it. the focus is on the nuts-and-bolts of the days--maintenance really, which is why Si gets associated with routines (which basically serve as maintenance tools/programs you can run out of habit). the themes of "preserving a way of life" or "honoring traditions" etc. would then be quite in line with this (and really they are in myers-briggs Si afaik).

    of course there are concerns/thoughts of the future, along the prescribed path(s); looking out for the future of the culture/people/way-of-life or recognizing things coming down the pipeline which may alter it; being able to predict where the day-to-day will go in the future. the wisdom of predictions tends to be inside the one way of life (what we have always done and how it changed when the woolly mammoth population began dwindling year by year). Si ego would then be the maintainers of the day-to-day-way-of-life or the manager of changes to it, or the ones who warn of coming changes within it, from within or from without. they "care" for it/tend it (are always keeping touch with it). this could also mean they act as masters of it (in charge of it).

    eta: to elaborate about predictions, it's mainly that one is always on at least one road, and most humans can see the predictable basic destination points. and i kind of like the "tangible timeline" idea.

    the ending of the film 'the last lions' : (go to 1:16:00 ish). i can feel the sadness of extinction in ‘the last lions’: it is about an episode in the life of one lion, her losses and what she had to overcome (her *plight*) against the backdrop of the end of her entire species (the plight of african lions). the creators of the film have spent most of their lives observing african big cats. they’ve watched how lion “society” has deteriorated over the years in response to human activity, right down to unraveling of the pride structure (which they’ve described in at least one of their other films). 'the last lions' btw contains more anthropomorphism than most of their other films as it's an appeal to the viewer. it plays out a bit like a fictional drama with almost this mythological quality to it.
    does that match, @Ananke?

    i don't think that what @Ananke is saying and what @Myst saying is quite as different as it seemed at the end of discussion (well, in this one way only actually). and i guess the issue i have is that this same day-to-day nuts and bolts person will be the same person whose face you see in the Si type descriptions. it’s just looking at that face from a different vantage. because with this focus, they'll have large concentrated energies put into some kind of actual tangible management of their existence. they are the keepers of the way-of-life, so most of them would *have to*. for some, perhaps it would be maintaining order in the living environment; for others it might be innovating new crafty things to help the general lifestyle (like combining different foods in ways that will satisfy the needs of 'the people'); for others it might be keeping people comfortable and happy... the 'couch potato' could be a modern iteration lol. (but that is also a joke!)

    i don't feel a connection or relation to this exactly. i almost feel like this might all be according to PoLR, but i am not your shadow. or something. or i am simply an unimpressive person.

    oh, but either way, ~ = constant awareness of bodily sensations~ is still bad (imo).

    eta: i'm confused again. this whole thread is full of my confusion.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-18-2016 at 11:31 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zloty View Post
    I dunno you might be right, but I don't think sensing is that complicated. Well, I am not that complicated
    I agree sensing doesnt have to be overcomplicated lol

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