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Thread: I need help about my type. Help me anyone?

  1. #1

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    Default I need help about my type. Help me anyone?

    Is it important that people around you take your reasoning? Do you have problems with someone who misunderstands your actions?

    Yes, very important. It bothers me a lot when people misunderstands my actions. Whenever this type of misunderstandings happen, I take a long time to recover from it. I start withdrawing from people to protect myself from them, I start losing faith in humanity. One of my biggest fears in life is to have people misunderstanding my actions and my intentions. When people misunderstand my actions and intentions, I start second-guessing myself. Am I really the sort of person they think I am? What is my innermost motivations behind this action of mine? They called me a bad person, am I really a bad person like what they said?

    How do you feel about those who criticize and dispute your logical reasoning and arguments, is this irritating? How strongly irritating is it, if so?

    I am neutral when it comes to criticisms about my logical reasoning and arguments. As long as they don’t make personal attacks on me, I am fine with having my logical reasoning and arguments being criticised.

    Does it flatter you when people praise your use of logic?

    Yeah. I especially enjoy it a lot when people call me “smart” or “intelligent” etc.

    Is it important for you to understand everything? Do you get upset if there is something you don’t understand?

    Depends on what it is about. If it’s someone or something that matters to me a lot, then yes it is important for me to understand everything. For example, if I have a friend who betray me, I would want to understand why they did this to me. I trusted that they have a good character, I trusted my own opinion of them, but they suddenly did something that changed my view of them, I want to understand their actions because there is a part of me that is hoping that their betrayal toward me is just a misunderstanding of mine, there is a part of me that doesn’t want to believe that my initial assessment of their character is wrong, there is a part of me that is idealistic and wants to continue believing that they are a good person despite being shown the opposite.

    How would you react and what would you do if the head of the company youwork for caused everyone to act according to their own rules, which proved damaging to the productivity of the company? This company gives you awell-paying salary – Do you adhere to the rules, or attempt to ‘sabotage’ orotherwise dispute their efforts?

    I’ll just continue to adhere to the rules. They give me the salary, so I will make sure that the amount of effort that I put into my work is equivalent to the amount of salary that I received.
    Sabotaging just isn’t my style, even when I am allowed to act according to my own rules. I’ll feel bad if I did something that sabotaged the company that I’m working for, because I’m a person who repays kindness, my boss has been kind enough to hire me, how can I slack off and sabotage their company and cause their entire business to collapse? Hell no. I won’t be a human anymore if I did such a thing.

    Do people who are are inefficient, unproductive, and otherwise make questionable actions in regard to efficient action bother you? Why?

    Nope, not really. Unless they are slacking, for example, if I have a coworker who doesn’t come to work every day but they ask someone else to help them clock in their attendance at work, this will bother me because they are taking salary from the boss without having to come to work, I feel that they are taking advantage of the boss, and this bothers me. But if their behavior isn’t extreme till this extent, then I guess it wouldn’t bother me much.

    Do you like to find some imperfection and fix it? Do you like to work with imperfections and upgrade them? Example?

    Ahh? I don’t understand this question? :/

    Do you want to become the most informed person in your surroundings, so that ifa nyone has questions, they can turn to you for advice or help? Does this please you?

    Indeed I do. I especially love it when my boss told me to train new employees. It makes me feel competent. To me, this is my boss way of indirectly telling me that she likes my work and hence this is why she wants me to train new employees.

    Can you restrain your irritation towards people you really don’t like?

    Yes. I won't be outright mean toward them because I am just not this type of person and if I'm outright mean toward them this might cause them to end up crying but I didn't want to make them cry because seeing them cry will make me feel guilty and make me feel all sorts of weird emotions which I didn't want to feel, so yeah, in order to avoid all these trouble, if I dislike someone, I just avoid being around them as much as possible. I have to avoid them because being in their presence makes me feel so down and affects my mood the entire day. As much as the people whom I like are able to put me in a good mood the entire day, the people whom I dislike are also able to put me in a bad mood the entire day. I don't want to be in a bad mood, so I have to avoid the source of my bad mood, which is people I dislike.
    So I won't be outright mean toward them, but don't expect me to hang around them either.

    Do you separate people into good and bad, and adhere to that principle strictly in your life?

    Yes. If I saw someone committing an evil deed for example, for example, if I saw someone attempting to murder another person etc, I will have a difficult time trusting this person again in future. In my eyes, this person is an evil person. Even iftheir murder attempt isn’t successful, the fact they even attempted it in thefirst place shows that they have such warped up values in life and they aren’ta trustworthy person.
    And yes, I do adhere to this principle strictly in my life. For example, one of my principles in life is to never cause harm to a fellow human. No matter how much I dislike a person, I must never ever cause harm to my fellow humans, this is a principle that I adhere strictly in life.

    Are your sympathies-antipathies towards people constant? Are you sure of your relation to anything?

    Yes. For example, once a person is my friend, I will consider them a friend forever. P ople never have to worry about me being fickle in my feelings, because my feelings about people rarely change. Once I like someone, I like them forever.

    How confident are you in your assessment of anything, in regards to your emotional attitude towards them? (likes dislikes, attraction repulsion etc)

    Quite. I know I like someone when I find myself wanting to be in their companionship all the time and I find myself missing them whenever they aren't around, and I know I dislike someone when I find myself feeling irritable around them all the time and can't wait to get away from them etc.
    If I like someone a lot, I'll idealise them. I'll overlook all their flaws, and I will want to be around them all the time, I will try to talk to them all the time and hope to be as close to them as possible, and once we are close friends with each other, I hope that this will never change between us. If I find them distance themselves from me or act differently toward me, I'll start feeling upset with them and I lose trust in them forever. I'm not a fickle person when it comes to my feelings, and I am very decisive about my feelings especially when I like someone, so I dislike it when people are fickle about their feelings and change their feelings on me. I like people who are decisive, especially when it comes to their feelings about me. And what do I mean by decisive? For example, if someone is my friend, their feelings toward me will never change no matter the circumstances. They won't like me one minute, and hate me the next minute. Their feelings toward me will always remain the same and consistent forever, once I am their friend, in their heart, I will remain their friend forever. Their feelings toward me is consistent, and decisive, and I never have to worry about them changing their feelings on me.

    Do you have a tendency to look for likeminded people in terms of your ethical views? Why or why not?

    I supposed so. I’ll have a difficult time befriending people who have different ethical views as me. For example, one of my ethical views is I avoid gossiping about people at all costs, so if I encounter someone who enjoys gossiping aboutothers, I’ll find myself avoiding this person because I find myself feeling depressed whenever I am around this person, I can’t stand all the negativity that this person is emitting. If this person is able to badmouth others, that means this person is able to badmouth me too, that means they are an untrustworthy person, so it's time to avoid them.

    Does it anger you when people act out of negative emotions: for instance, anger or envy?

    Depends on what type of negative emotions. If it’s negative emotions such as anger, it tends to disgust me for some reason. I hate seeing anger in people,because I can’t stand violence and aggressiveness in people. Anger to me, is an indirect symbolism of violence. If a person feels angry for example, they will start having aggressive thoughts, and once they start having aggressive thoughts, they might end up being violent in their actions. For example, why do people commit murders? Because of emotions such as anger. So I have low respect for people who aren’t able to control their emotions.

    Can you say that your opinion on any occasion is too often a compromise, andfor this reason not really yours? Provide reasoning and/or examples.

    Not really. It depends on what the opinion is about really. But I generally don't compromise on things that matters to me. For example, when I was in high school, there is this girl in my class who got bullied by everyone. But despite how"unpopular" she was, I have my own opinion about her. And I refused to join in when people are badmouthing about her. I also tried speaking up for her once, there is this girl who badmouthed about her to me, so I told the girl, “Why does everyone dislike her? I think she is alright.” It just annoys me so much that everyone is bullying that girl, probably because I have been bullied and ostracised by others before so I understood how it felt like to be in her position. But if it’s smaller issues, for example, if someone’s cooking is terrible, and they asked me for my opinion about their cooking, I might compromise my opinion about this and tell them that their cooking is great, because this is my way of encouraging them. If they feel good abouttheir cooking, this will motivate them to cook more in future, and the morethey cook, the more they will improve on their cooking skills, because practice makes perfect.

    Do you have a tendency to improve poor relationships no matter the cast? Why or how?

    If I value the relationship a lot, then yes. For example, I have a friend with anger issues. Whenever we get into a disagreement with each other, she will just stop talking to me completely. But because I value her friendship and I consider her as my best friend, so I always end up apologising to her, even if I don’t feel that it’s my mistake. I did this repeatedly for 5 years, and during these 5 years we have gotten in at least 10 arguments, but in every argument I am always the first to apologise to her, until I eventually get sick of being the one who apologise all the time then I start giving up on this friendship.

    Do you communicate with people on a business level?

    Yes, in my workplace, and also around people I dislike, I’ll become veryvery professional around them.

    Can you come up with clever ways to cheer up frustrated friends? Is this easy for you?

    I usually just listened to their problems and give them some advice about whatever issue they feel troubled about, or sometimes I'll help them see things from a different perspective. Or else I'll usually just listen to them and then just nod my head to show that I'm listening to them.

    How hard is it for you to make important decisions in your life? Explain?

    Very hard. I take a long time to make important decisions. For example, I take around 10 years to make a decision about which career I want. I can see myself excelling in many different career paths so I have a difficult time deciding which career path to go for.

    Do you lack interest in people who are not internally conflicted? Do you like to dig into those that are? Why or why not?

    What do you mean by “internally conflicted”? If you mean someone who is like Kurt Cobain,then yes, I dig that. I dig people with depression because I have depression myself.
    But if you mean someone who explode their anger all over the place, then I’m sorry but I avoid them like plague.

    Do you avoid activities that can shake your inner harmony and self-confidence?

    Things that cause me anxiety yes, because I have very bad anxiety, but then sometimes I like to do things that challenge myself too, so I guess it depends.

    If there is suddenly some kind of internal conflict, how does it affect you?

    I’ll go into meditation mode and try to figure out what I want. If one of the choice makes me feel good, then I’ll go for that choice. I trust my gut feelings, my first feeling about something, whatever you call it.

    How do you feel when people conflict, destroying the harmony of the external world?

    Conflicts tend to bother me a lot, I guess.

    If someone says your house is a mess, how do you react to it and what do youfeel?

    I’ll probably stop inviting them to my house. I can’t be bothered about their opinions of my house, and I will also think that they are being shallow andsuperficial for even judging my house, so yea I’ll probably stop inviting them to my house and I’ll also probably start avoiding them in future.

    Do you seek out new opportunities in the world and actively pursue them?

    Yes, I’ll get excited about the new opportunity, and then I’ll find myself daydreaming of how my life will turn out if I explore that opportunity, and then I’ll go and explore it.

    How important to you is the comfort of your home? Are you afraid of poverty?

    I am neutral about this I guess. Can’t say it’s important to me, but can’t say it’s unimportant to me.
    For example, I don’t give a damn if my house is in a mess. As long as I am able to find mystuff among those piles of messiness, then my house doesn’t need to be fixed.But at the same time, I wouldn’t want my house to go out of electricity. I have night blindness and I don’t want to bump into objects when walking around my house at night. And yeah, I guess I’m afraid of poverty. I don’t want to end up homeless on the street. Money is very important to me, and I often find myself daydreaming of becoming rich and wealthy someday.

    Are you afraid to miss out on possibilities the world has to offer? Why? How much of a concern is this?

    Yes I do. Very much so, because a possibility can open up a whole new world for me. Let's say if I am a just a nobody who often feels incompetent in everything I do, and there is this singing competition in my town area, my life might end up changing forever if I take part in that singing competition. If luck comes my way, I'll end up becoming a singer, my talents will finally be recognized, and I never have to feel incompetent again. But if I miss out on a possibility, my life will never be able to change for the better. Whenever I miss out on an opportunity, I will keep thinking lots of "what ifs" to the point of obsession. My mind will play out all the different scenarios on what will happen if I did take that opportunity, and then I will find myself living with regrets for a long time for not taking that opportunity. So missing out on possibilities is a very scary thing for me, because I never know when the next opportunity might come my way again.

    Does it upset you if someone sweats, or uses rough language, destroying the harmony of the external environment?

    If someone doesn’t reek of odour when they sweat, then I wouldn’t mind. Rough language tends to bother me a lot and I avoid being around people who use rough language, because to me, if a person uses lots of rough language in public, that means they are an aggressive person, and I dislike being around aggressive people.

    Is it important for you to be like everyone else?

    Nope. I am very much a non-conformist, I don’t believe in comforming to society. I consider myself a huge rebellion when it comes to society. I do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, I strive to think in a different manner as compared to the majority of people. I am my own person, I form my own opinions about things, and I walk my own path.

    Do you have a desire to avoid external conflicts and seek a place to stay wherethey don’t exist where the atmosphere is harmonious and consistent?

    I supposed so. I often find myself desiring to be a hermit someday, probably live in the woods or something, away from society. The world is such a huge mess out there, and I can't stand being a part of that huge mess.
    Last edited by Hermit Soul; 09-12-2016 at 02:26 PM.

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    while we need normal data about you

  3. #3

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    EII > IEE > LII, you don't seem to value Se/Ni but unsure for Ti/Fe or Fi/Te

  4. #4
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    IEE possibly
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I have pretty much ruled out Beta for my type.

    Literally after writing that post earlier, I had this incident happening to me.. So I have this bunch of girls from my class whom I'm friends with, they added me into their group whatsapp. One of them actually joked inside the group whatsapp earlier about one of the professors from my school, they said that the professor will remain unmarried at 40 years old and will die alone. The rest of the group joined in with that joke, but I didn't join in, I'm actually offended by that joke, I find that joke really mean. :/

    Does my sense of humor say anything about my type? For example, I don't find it funny when people made jokes about other people's personal lives behind their back?

    I think Beta types would enjoy those type of jokes, but those type of jokes really offend me and it tends to rub me the wrong way.

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    Quote Originally Posted by zloty View Post
    It can suggest non Se valuing but it can also suggest other things, it's IMO so difficult to separate character from type that it can drive a person mental.

    A general non type response is that people who spend a fair proportion of their time worrying about other peoples business to be negative about it tend to be suffering from a poor personal life themself. The other side of it is that people can be too easily offended. Just focus on yourself and don't worry about the other dudes unless you feel they have something beneficial to bring to your life and then it's positive.
    Thank you for the words of wisdom. I guess it affects me because on one hand those group of people are my friends and on the other hand I find them being mean to the professor and I don't agree with their ways haha. But you are right, I shouldn't let this bother me. Live and let live, lol.

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    EII or IEE after reread, for LII forget it, it was in case you are not EII or IEE (in a likelihood scale), but a lot less likely anyway.
    Outside of typology, there is the personality.
    Even if you can find certain tendancies according to certain functions valued, it doesn't predict all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermit Soul View Post
    I think Beta types would enjoy those type of jokes, but those type of jokes really offend me and it tends to rub me the wrong way.
    No idea why you'd associate this with Beta specifically.

    Dunno why IEE got suggested for you, clearly your Fi is not creative or flexible at all.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hermit Soul View Post

    Does my sense of humor say anything about my type? For example, I don't find it funny when people made jokes about other people's personal lives behind their back?
    Me neither that's not type related.

    What might be type related is that Beta's are written as being people who refrain from bringing up personal information in group settings.

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    Alrighty. I'll be going with EII for my type then. Thank you for all the help everyone. ^^

    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    another way to word the question would be: do you seek constant improvement? do you get satisfaction from having improved something? are you drawn to fixing imperfect or seemingly broken things? (doesn't have to be material objects)

    Yeah, I do find myself seeking constant improvement/fixing things a lot. xD
    For example, there was one time when I was in this soul-sucking job where I get yelled at every day, and I find myself falling into depression, so I decided it's time to do something about that situation, and I decided to "fix" that situation by quitting that job. Or another example would be there was once a few months ago when I find myself feeling bored of life, all the monotony of life is starting to get to me and causing me to feel down all the time, so I decided to fix that situation by adding more colors into my life. I went to sign up for some classes that is related to my interests hoping to meet some new people, and I also decided to sign up for a spontaneous vacation trip overseas.
    If there is something in my life that is making me unhappy, I will find ways to fix that so that I can be happy again. I don't believe in complaining about my problems, because complaining about my problems doesn't make me feel better.
    Instead, I prefer to find solutions and fix that problem so that I can feel better again.
    Last edited by Hermit Soul; 09-18-2016 at 06:15 AM.

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