I have a tiny circle so even as much as opening up to you and going out of my way to maintain regular contact means a lot from me. I'll think about you at random times and text and let you know maybe something reminded me of you, etc. I offer help when it looks like you could use it. I show an interest in details of your life maybe to the point of nosiness and be fascinated and accepting to a degree I'm not with others.

Meals, maybe..I cook for my boyfriend but not for other adults usually. Lacking emotional boundaries? If somebody is upset sometimes I get tense from the radiating energy and wanting to help if that's what cb meant.

I think that esi gaze is just esi gaze lol. When I communicate love with my eyes it's softer and more straight on, more obviously catching eye contact.

I initiate but people here say that's atypical for esis. I've usually said the L word first.