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Thread: Anger issues and relation to types

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    maniac's Avatar
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    Default Anger issues and relation to types

    Is anger issues more common with certain type(s)? Im talking about the kind of anger issues where they are very stubborn butthey wouldnt totally lose their temper in public and yell at a person, they are meek in public, but at home they take out their anger on people close to them and get very annoyed with tiny things like for example trying to cut a paper straight and they cant get it right. And when they do get mad it comes out kind of pathetic.

  2. #2

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    I do not think the ability to go angry in private situation like you describe Ghost is related to type, but rather to emotional stability which is generally considered as independant of sociotype.

    Nethertheless I think a person of a given type may go angry much more easily when her evaluatory agendas are involved.

    Function 1 is very strong and valued, so an attack to its agenda is an attack to the core of personality, to what a person identifies herself to.
    Function 4 is the very weak and subdued PoLR, so an attack to its agenda is hurting the personality.
    For function 5 and 8 explanations do to come yet in mind but this should be a kind of failure and lack of dualization for function 5. Function 8 perhaps others can explain it better than m

  3. #3
    summerprincess's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Is anger issues more common with certain type(s)? Im talking about the kind of anger issues where they are very stubborn butthey wouldnt totally lose their temper in public and yell at a person, they are meek in public, but at home they take out their anger on people close to them and get very annoyed with tiny things like for example trying to cut a paper straight and they cant get it right. And when they do get mad it comes out kind of pathetic.
    That sounds.... EXACTLY like me... it sounds more related to how you're brought up and to anxiety than anything else. I get frustrated easily because of my own problems, and my family tends to be loud and yell anyway. Put those things together and there you go.

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    It's about a family member. It applies to you too, though.

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    1D , more likely INxjs than INxps, because of the IJ vs IP temperaments.
    Specifically, Normalising subtype 1w9/9w1 xII.

  7. #7
    Shiver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LII View Post
    1D , more likely INxjs than INxps, because of the IJ vs IP temperaments.
    Specifically, Normalising subtype 1w9/9w1 xII.
    I've read Se in those types described as the "ketchup bottle effect", which would fit with an explosive outburst I think.

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    actually i think the OP could describe me. i can get irritated regarding little things that are a hassle that i wish would just be dealt with and go away rather than having to struggle so much with them. i've been described as "whiny" for the most part so my expression of anger may come out pathetically. i can't really tell how forceful my anger is. but generally the things most likely to upset and frustrate me can be things like having to carry an awkward object with me and not knowing what to do with it but i feel i must keep track of it so it's a constant irritation in the background... or trying to open something... or something that is a long tedious process where i'm likely to mess up on every other step because of the degree of detailed perfection needed not to mess it up. people have described me as meek and timid before but i think it's important to know that i have another side that is less so.

    coincidentally, i've been getting so irritated with my own irritation over such things that i've begun trying to reorient myself... i think such small things are the bane of existence, but more importantly they are absolutely unimportant to me in the grand scheme of existence. they are not worth my emotions really.

    this *had* reminded me of my dad until i realized i hadn't read the entire OP. i think it's still worth mentioning even though he could never come across as meek.

    my dad was a lot like this and i typed him SLI. i wouldn't describe him as ever seeming butthurt though in any fashion. he came across a little as the "strong silent type" and would rarely reveal vulnerability. with Si dominant, supposedly their ignoring comes out in private. in my dad's case he was explosively angry about quite a few things in life, but would keep a stopper on it in public. most people who knew him publicly never saw it at all. SLI can sometimes even have a warm public face i've observed that hides their internal negative feelings (which may be intense).

    he also would often get angry about things not working or functioning properly - which could make sense in that might supposedly be very aware of how things function, how they work, how they *should* be functioning. he would become very irritable and frustrated if something wasn't working, and could get explosively angry in response.

    i don't know if all dominants have such a powerful and forceful use of the ignoring function. my dad could be very intimidating, controlling and overpowering. and it was often about things like someone else not doing something the right way (or that might be what started it).

    although frankly i think the OP could describe me much better. i can get irritated regarding little things that are a hassle that i wish would just be dealt with and go away rather than having to struggle so much with them. i've been described as "whiny" for the most part so my expression of anger may come out pathetically. i can't really tell how forceful my anger is. but generally the things most likely to upset and frustrate me can be things like having to carry an awkward object with me and not knowing what to do with it but i feel i must keep track of it so it's a constant irritation in the background... or trying to open something... or something that is a long tedious process where i'm likely to mess up on every other step because of the degree of detailed perfection needed not to mess it up.
    Last edited by marooned; 09-06-2016 at 09:34 PM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Is anger issues more common with certain type(s)? Im talking about the kind of anger issues where they are very stubborn butthey wouldnt totally lose their temper in public and yell at a person, they are meek in public, but at home they take out their anger on people close to them and get very annoyed with tiny things like for example trying to cut a paper straight and they cant get it right. And when they do get mad it comes out kind of pathetic.
    Sounds like unvalued Fe. Valued Fe types would be more spontaneous, more likely to express their anger in the moment - in public - but then be done with it. Unvalued Fe types wouldn't want to affect others with their emotions, so they'd have a harder time finding an appropriate outlet, and their anger could build up, and little things like cutting a paper straight could set them off. It would come out as pathetic because their anger would be clearly displaced, rather than directed towards whoever or whatever actually caused it.

  10. #10
    it's ok, everything will be fine totalize's Avatar
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    I don't think anger can more likely in one type than another. It seems more obvious that people express anger differently about different things.

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