Quote Originally Posted by kalinoche View Post
what are your views on the concept of flexible accumulation (jointly with the concept of inclusive capitalism)?
I don't know what those terms mean but hell, why not, let's shoot from the hip!

Flexible accumulation sounds like being an international stock broker. In regards to that there isn't much to argue against. As Gordon Gekko said, Money Never Sleeps. If you can rock out and profit in a globalized stock market that allows players in the USA to buy stocks traded in China then good on ya. My only regret is that you're probably able to do so through Crony Capitalist connections which are ultimately immoral. Insider trading is seen as a bad thing for a reason, insider trading via foreign interests? Double plus ungood! The "Alpha" seeking domestic traders are bad enough (look up the term "Alpha" from a stock traders perspective to see how this all can spiral into hell). Involving outsiders in that mad dash for Alpha? Dear god you've just opened a portal into hell!

Inclusive Capitalism also sounds like a bad idea spawning from the "Good Old Days" of Capital and Labor immobility. Again, back then nobody could even conceive of both Capital and Labor being so absolutely mobile that we may as well have wormhole generators at every corner. Need to commute to X workshop? Take five steps out your door to where you are now in a Wi-Fi hotspot and boom! There you are, consulting with your team who is all over the world yet, thanks to the internet, are effectively standing face to face in the same space. That... won't work out well in the long run as we humans are very tribal creatures and the tribe needs to PHYSICALLY connect to actually feel like a tribe.

I sadly must bring this up because I am almost certain we are standing on the precipice of it happening again. There's a good reason each "nation" as we currently know it in the way it is. Their ancestors killed off anyone who wasn't them genetically. I'd like to avoid that but given how politics works right now we are just circling the drain in that respect. If nothing changes, a new secular Crusade will occur and it will not be pretty for the refugees...