Quote Originally Posted by SisOfNight View Post
When I came across the envy issue of Type 4, I was low-key shocked. Because I had prided myself on never being jealous!
It took me a little while to come to terms with my envy. It was very repressed in me, because I had learned that being envious is not a good thing.
And I still guard my envy a lot. I don't think anyone really knows when I am being envious or not, or whether I am actually an envious person at all.
I try to ignore or overcome my envy whenever it arises.

It also depends on your first instinct when it comes to what your envy is like and what it is about. For example, SX 4 will be envious about someone being more attractive or looking more like they wished the looked themselves, or other people finding it easier to be in/find happy romantic relationships ("What is wrong about me, and right about them that makes them able to find love and be loved, and not me??")

I've found that for most people, typing themselves according to their "Vice" or "Virtue" is not really helpful, because it is often repressed and/or too unconscious.
Instead, it is much more helpful to type your coping mechanism/behaviorism(s), because that is the reaction to your Vice.

Type 9s will act calm, pleasant, "not rock the boat", peaceful – while actually being asleep to their own needs.
Type 4s will be very introspective and try to delve into their feelings and impressions, and/or be melancholic, easily dissatisfied, feel cast out; long for some elusive ideal and/or person; try to be unique – while on the search for their own personal identity and significance.

It is highly likely you have both types in your tritype.
I am leaning towards 4 for you, just because Type 9s feel connected to both of their parents (in their childhood), while it is Type 4 who is disconnected from both their parents and feels like an outcast.
Thanks for your response. You have got me thinking that maybe my 'envy' is shown through my 'dissatisfaction' that I have not succeeded in life as I would have wished and think others around me have, leading me to always think something is wrong with myself and I am faulty.

I shall take your advice and go back and have a further look at the coping mechanism/behaviourism(s) of the Type, more so than the 'vice' or 'virtue'.

And yes I was disconnected from both parents in my childhood leaving me with those negative feelings mentioned in post # 11 of this thread.