I am an ENTp and I used to lie a lot back in high school, but now I am almost totally honest with everyone. The thing to keep in mind is that a liar hurts him or herself the most by not only directing the dishonesty outward, but almost always also directing it towards the self. A liar lies to him or herself more than anyone else!
Jim Bean, I notice that... The ENTPs I know can make a deal with their conscience in a way that I can only describe is scary. They lie to themselves as much as they lie outwardly. I am in my early 20s, which explains why I have had such bad encounters. From what Ive heard it takes 30-40 years before the (AVERAGE) ENTP smartens up. I notice it more then others because I am really good at picking up voice inflexions and other indicators (im an ISTP so Im pretty good at observing). It was funny though, Ive asked 2 ENTPs in cases where I knew for a fact they lied to me if they lied to me, when they said I no I said I now theyve lied to me, still no. So it was like they lied themselves into believing otherwise. Thats the scary part for me. From what Ive read on ENTP.org's forums I think it stems from a compensatory insecurity. They tend to be insecure but have an artifical shield of pride/ego over it. Under that shield is a insecure person desperate to be loved and starving for attention. I dont mean to sound so harsh, ENTPs please do not take offense as you so often do, it is merely an observation. Another thing, you want to do something wild in bed, call an ENTP, they are open to a lot of things for whatever reason (can u say threesome? lol).

This sort of explains why they have the ISFP dual. An ISFP is very tolerant and loving, exactly what the ENTP needs.

In no way do I mean to hate on ENTPs, once again.

NOW as for ENFPs.... What can I say without being biased on this personality since they are my duals? lol

I love ENFPs, they get me out of my shell and usually laugh at my jokes and have a great sense of humour and simply love life as I do. I have observed ENFPs manipulate my emotions, but its almost as if I like it, because Ive never seen them use their powers for evil, only good . They are such great mimicks and I think its their ability to get in peoples shoes which gives them that gift of being able to change other's emotions.

Of course all personality types have lied at one point or another, but when its a pattern its a pattern, Im sorry (minus personality disorders that anyone can be have). Everyone is guilty at one point or another...

Everytype has their plus and minus, good and bad. I think mine is the inferior feeling, which I definitely notice. I can never tell what other people are feeling and when I was in my teens I would provoke people (not with lies but surprising phrases or whatever else you can pretty much think of) to see what their emotions were at the time. I guess it was so I could understand people more, a soft spot for any ISTP. Our strength is also our weakness though, we all would make great hit men I swear.

I guess my point is this, the more socially acceptable your weakness is the less people will rag on you for having it. Obiously lying is one of the worst things a lot of people's lists, especially for relationships. Therefore ENTPs are likely to be more ridiculed for their actions and behaviour then another type who seems to have other intentions or approaches their intentions in an alternative way.

A made up example: Say an ENTP had a conflict with friend and they were both in a group of friends. That ENTP would probably silently go around the others and talk crap about them behind their back. Now say an ISTP had a conflict with that same person and belonged to that same group of friends. Although not vengeful, if provoked enough the ISTP would search for a strategy to perhaps destroy their reputation in public. The friend might say something dumb and the ISTP could immediately bounce on it and say something witty about their dumb statement getting the others to laugh in the group to laugh at the friend. Public humiliation would be more satisfying to me at least . The reason I say if provoked enough is a lot of others need just a tad provokation and some a lot. Some others like INFJs may merely avoid the conflict.

I seem to have way longer posts late at nite for some reason... yawwwn.