By the way, I think those of you who are flipping out, and saying that the way that ENTps sometime unintentionally distort data in their minds is dangerous have little clue what you are talking about. You are making a bigger deal out of it than you really should.

It is actually rather easy to tell when an ENTp is telling you distorted information without realizing it, but they do not always see it themselves. People who know ENTps well know when to take an ENTp seriously, and when not to. ENTps are about as honest or as dishonest as any other type, it just does not do them justice to stereotype them in this way.

Hence, what I wrote in my own typological description of ENTps -
Found here: oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=833

"ENTps are the intuitive protectors of society. They do not want to see people being exploited out of ignorance or to see the unmerciful destruction of individuals for the gain of a chosen few. ENTps want everyone to be strong, independant, and able to stand on their own. They can use their intuitive understanding of situations and their ability to see the internal workings beyond smoke and mirrors, and to warn of danger. However, they can at times see danger where none really exist, which often causes people to not take them seriously. But, ENTps really want the best for others, even in a world that does not really understand them or really cares to for that matter. "

If you believe that ENTps are bad news, you are dead wrong ... most people just do not understand them, probably one of the reasons that this thread was created to begin with.