Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCk
I guess because ISTPs choose their words very carefully, so as not be misunderstood, I cannot see that point of view where you say words that you do not purposely mean to be unfactual.

Its just, if u know its not factual, unless there is some purpose to manipulate the facts in another's head to serve a purpose, why else would you say it...
That is not the point, the point is that ENTps sometimes go bizarro on their divergent thinking functions resulting in a distorted reality. Technically, they are not lying, because they believe what it is that they are saying. But, that does not necessarily stop people from accusing them of not telling the truth.

Most of the times the way that this occurs in connection to a totally harmless sometimes funny even that no one makes a big deal about, and they just think the ENTp is just being goofy and telling tall-tail, and no one takes the ENTp seriously anyways. So, I suppose you can not really say it is a bad thing, except that the ENTp may start believeing his or her own distorted reality. That could be the bad part.