My duals seem to primarily come in three flavors, e9, e6, and e4. Marriage frequency data suggests that male e8’s (me) usually marry either e6’s or e2’s. I’m not that good at instantly discerning enneagram types, but I think I have met all three types.

e9: My best friend in HS. Very laid back with a dry sense of humor. Stable, smart, funny, and male.
e4(?): woman I liked and who wanted to date me, but I wasn’t ready. But I really liked her.
e6: Three women I’ve dated, BUT..... Man, the descriptions of e6 all say that they worry about everything, that their fears overwhelm them sometimes. I can see that. They seem pretty functional if they are in familiar environments, but seem to be having internal panic attacks 24/7. Their fears seem to regularly blow up their working lives. They calm down and stabilize when I (an e8) am around but they still have incredible issues with trusting me. One accused me of having other GF’s, the other two refused to get close.

I can read all the descriptions in the world, but it is very different to actually experience this stuff.