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Thread: Enneagram Type Six: Defender

  1. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    6w5 so/sx the 'darksider' sx subtype ExTx

    Can you explain your reasoning for this typing?

  3. #243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerdle View Post
    Although type 6 is often anxious, that is not all there is to it. 6s, especially 6w5s, are primarily focused on finding a set of rules that will universally apply. They are the most paradoxical type. In fact, whatever 6s are, they are also the opposite.
    How so?

    C-EII-INFj 4w3 Sx/sp 479

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag 2 View Post
    fwiw, i type him as EIE. silke types him as ILE, as well as Marilyn Manson whom i also type as EIE. if you want some substantiation, i once had a post getting into this in my "thought thread" which is now deleted but mods can [still] see deleted posts - if you are interested, i give my permission for a mod to show it to you.*

    of course, the post is now deleted, so whatever it says is 'private', but i think the ILE typing for MJK is so stupid i cannot help but make this post. i place great emphasis in my typings on things which others dont accept, which completely changes ones actual type imo; you will get a teaser for this if you see the post.

    the evidence presented therein relies entirely on a niche aspect of socionics, but do not mistake that for my only reasoning - it is simply the argumentation i chose to focus on in the post (the "my thought thread" was a thread for myself - it was a place for me to fully flesh out my thoughts (kinda) by 'putting pen to paper' so to speak).

    with this post, i dont intend to debate MJK's type. i am simply passing on info that may be beneficial. with that said, quoting me or even tagging me is unnecessary - i dont check those Notifications. i suppose i would like to know if the deleted post was seen, but if you dont want to reply, that is fine. im not sure so/[sx] is right in my opinion, but i have recently read 6w5 from the Hudson enneagram book and besides it 'feeling right' as well it seems legit (to give a little teaser: from what i recall 6w5 has a very "so" instinct twinge to it inherently, so perhaps silke is doing some conflation there).

    *there were multiple edits/additions to this post. hopefully mods can see the last version of deleted posts - if not then lol.
    I was inquiring about the song, not the artist. In my view, MJK is LII.

    I'm not going through a bizarre loophole just to see your posts.

    You want to make your thoughts more accessible? Stop deleting your content.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    I don't know if that was your phone but the phoneholder could've mentioned advice that would've helped the guy imo, lets hope they did

  6. #246
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    6w5 (so/sx ESI?)

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    Default CP 6 (684 > 683)

    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    “Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. ‘He that will lose his life, the same shall save it,’ is not a piece of mysticism for saints and heroes. It is a piece of everyday advice for sailors or mountaineers. It might be printed in an Alpine guide or a drill book. This paradox is the whole principle of courage; even of quite earthly or quite brutal courage. A man cut off by the sea may save his life if he will risk it on the precipice. He can only get away from death by continually stepping within an inch of it. A soldier surrounded by enemies, if he is to cut his way out, needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying. He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine.”

  9. #249
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  10. #250
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    The purge movies seem quite 6-ish

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    sp/sx 6w5 maybe

  13. #253
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    by an ESI 6w7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    More like 5 moving to 8

  17. #257
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    How would you differentiate between a 6 and a sp 1? Both are anxious and worriers.

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim bell View Post
    How would you differentiate between a 6 and a sp 1? Both are anxious and worriers.
    1s arent anxious

  19. #259
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim bell View Post
    How would you differentiate between a 6 and a sp 1? Both are anxious and worriers.
    For further insight into types look at the core theory and where it originated from before factoring instincts.

    As mentioned earlier, the theory of Protoanalysis is the primary source from which the contemporary Enneagram of Personality has been developed. In Ichazo’s theory, the differences that can be seen among people– their “personalities”– are the result of their becoming attached and imbalanced in certain Domains. Protoanalysis/Fixations is the study of how these attachements and imbalances develop.

    According to Ichazo, experiences in early childhood lead to the development of certain false Egos to which people become attached and which they identify as their true selves. Sketches of these 9 egos are listed below using the terminology of the Arica school and coupled with their corresponding Domains, Systems and Ways of personal development. Although Ichazo usually does not group these factors together in this way, it is being done here in order to better compare and contrast these “egos” with the more popular descriptions of the Enneagram “types” which are currently being circulated.

    Point 1 is known as “Ego-resentment”. The fixation is also known as “Over-Perfectionist”.

    This ego derives from the Historical Ego, which is a response to the Conservation Instinct. The psychic poison of the Conservation Instinct at the root of Ego-Resentment is Possessiveness.

    Ego-resentment experiences a sense of being unloved in the childhood relationship with a Mother figure.

    The main ego-characteristic of this fixation is Resentment. The Passion which feeds this ego is Anger. The primary defense mechanism is Isolation. Worsening of this fixation can lead to the Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. A secondary defense mechanism is Undoing. Further worsening leads to psychosomatic illness.

    Becoming fixated in the Domain of Sentiments, there is a swing to the dichotomies of that domain. This can manifest in a positive sense as a focus on Self-Control on one side, or Sensitivity at the other side. It can manifest in a negative sense as Callousness at one extreme or Touchiness at the other extreme. These dichotomies are represented by two characters: the Heartless character at one end, the Gushy character at the other. Jealousies invade the consciousness in this domain. The stress of being fixated and imbalanced in this domain can lead to Toximania as a compensatory mechanism. The poison of this domain is Anger.

    The Trap which simultaneously restricts but potentially liberates this ego is its focus on Perfection. The Way of self-realization of this ego is the Way of Attention, which works by recalling oneself in self-observation permanently.

    The Holy Idea which acts as a catalyzer for the transformation of this ego is Holy Perfection, or Divine Perfection. This can lead to the Virtue (energy) of Serenity.

    According to Ichazo, Divine Perfection is “The awareness that Reality is a process, moving with direction and purpose. Within this movement each moment is connected by the process with the one goal, and thus is perfect.”

    Point 6 is known as “Ego-Cowardice”. The fixation is also known as “Over-Adventurer”.

    This ego derives from the Practical Ego, which is a response to the Adaptation Instinct. The psychic poison of the Adaptation Instinct at the root of Ego-Cowardice is Deceit.

    Ego-Cowardice experiences a sense of being Useless in the childhood relationship with siblings and/or peers.

    The main ego-characteristic of this fixation is Insecurity. The Passion which feeds this ego is Fear. The primary defense mechanism is Projection. Worsening of this fixation can lead to Paranoid Personality Disorder. A secondary defense mechanism is Conversion. Further worsening leads to psychosomatic illness.

    Becoming fixated in the Domain of Work and Activities, there is a swing to the dichotomies of that domain. This can manifest in a positive sense as Labor on one side, or Amusement at the other side. It can manifest in a negative sense as Overwork at one extreme or Loafing at the other extreme. These dichotomies are represented by two characters: the Workhorse at one end, the Idler at the other. Worries invade the consciousness in this domain. The stress of being fixated and imbalanced in this domain can lead to Panic as a compensatory mechanism. The poison of this domain is Jealousy.

    The Trap which simultaneously restricts but potentially liberates this ego is its focus on Prudence. The Way of self-realization of this ego is the Way of Action, which is to realize that our actions must be internalized if they are to be real actions.

    The Holy Idea which acts as a catalyzer for the transformation of this ego is Holy Strength, or Divine Strength. This can lead to the Virtue (energy) of Courage.

    According to Ichazo, Divine Strength is “The awareness that the Cosmos is a self-regulating mechanism, existing in a state of balance, and as long as the objective laws which govern this balance are respected, an individual can exist in a state of harmony with Reality, moving toward his own personal fulfillment. Faith is a Holy Idea, not a belief. It is the certitude that each of us has an Essence and that this Essence coming from God, belongs to God.”
    G. I. Gurdjieff is credited with making the enneagram figure commonly known[8] (see Fourth Way enneagram). He did not, however, develop the nine personality types associated with the Enneagram. Oscar Ichazo is generally recognized as the principal source[8] of the contemporary Enneagram of Personality which is largely derived from some of Ichazo's teachings, such as those on ego-fixations, holy ideas, passions and virtues. The Bolivian-born Ichazo began teaching programs of self-development in the 1950s. His teaching, which he calls "Protoanalysis", uses the enneagram figure among many other symbols and ideas. Ichazo founded the Arica Institute which was originally based in Chile before moving to the United States[2] and coined the term "Enneagram of Personality".[3]

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  20. #260
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    According to naranjo and Chestnut sp1s are big time worriers and deal with anxiety. That's why I was curious about what's makes their anxiety and worry different from 6s.

  21. #261
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Surely fear has been known in all ages. The description that I know that most approaches a technical description, as a result of the context within which it occurs, is the coward in Theophrastus’s characters.
    After defining cowardice as “a certain deficiency of spirit caused by fear,” Theophrastus describes the coward to us as the person who when he makes a voyage:

    …confuses the coastal cliffs with pirate ships and from the moment the sea gets rough asks the crew if they have experience in sailing… He tells the person sitting next to him that he had a dream involving bad omens the previous night… and finally begs to be disembarked. In the course of a military expedition, and when the infantry enters into combat…, he says to his comrades that with all the haste he has forgotten his sword; he runs back to his tent and hides his sword under the pillow and lets a long time pass as if he were looking for it… If he sees a friend being brought back wounded, he runs to him, encourages him and puts his friend’s arm over his own shoulder and helps carry him. He then attends him and cleans the blood from his wounds and, seated at his bedside, swats away the flies. In other words, he does everything apart from fighting against the enemy. When the trumpet sounds the call to arms, he protests, seated in the tent, saying: ‘Go take a walk, don’t you see you aren’t letting this poor man sleep due to the racket you are making.’ Covered in the blood of the other man, he leaves the tent to go in search of the soldiers who are returning from the battlefield and tells them he has saved one of their comrades, as if he had put his own life in danger.

    Though Theophrastus could not make the mistake of omitting the coward in his gallery of aberrant characters, Enneatype VI is related not only to cowardice, but also to superstition (a theme of another of his characters) as an element that is particularly associated with the openly fearful individual, in comparison with the aggressive and rigid variants of this enneatype. Theophrastus is aware of the connection between superstition and fear when he says: “Superstition might simply be cowardice with respect to the supernatural.”

    Examples of the contraphobic form of the suspicious character are Captain Ahab in Moby Dick and Macbeth, who lives on guard against imaginary attacks due to his secret guilt. These are combative people who generally do not know that there is fear in their combativeness and their pugnacity, and who appear to others to be moved by extraordinary bravery.

    Another form of distrustful character, which I have called the “Prussian character,” is typical of those who act according to hierarchical terms, with an implicit fear of not doing their duty or what a certain code, ideology, or faith requires. This kind of individual is usually called a true believer, a fanatic. While others doubt, they protect themselves against doubt like Quixotes, who attract the attention of the “Sanchos” in particular since, from the latters’ viewpoint, they are raving lunatics.

    The fear of making mistakes, which in the timid manifests as excessive submission, evasion of the responsibility of deciding, hesitation and excessive caution, and which in the strong—contraphobic—manifests as aggres-sivity, here leads to an obsessive devotion to grandiose ideals.

    The principal defect behind the emotional climate of suspicion is what could be called “self-demonization”: self-accusation that implies a guilty view of oneself. The actual fear is implicitly a fear of transgression, of guilt, of punishment and condemnation that implies going beyond what is prescribed by a tacit authority in the inner world.

    It may be said that the merging of authority and accusation in this character constitutes a bad authority, an aggressive authority that is opposed to the good of the subject and points to a defense mechanism described by Anna Freud as “identification with the aggressor”; namely, to defend oneself from external aggression by incorporating it. So as not to be in dissonance with it, these individuals assume the judgment of the accuser in an act that results in complete self-squelching.

    By way of complementing the dramatic descriptions from literature and psychopathology, here are some humorous vignettes. As an illustration of the hesitating, suspicious type, there is the story that says when you meet a Galician on the stairs, you never know if he is going up or down, and this type replies suspiciously to whoever questions: “And why do you wish to know that?” The caricature of the strong, suspicious (contraphobic) character is Popeye, with his invulnerability, his muscles, and pop-eyes (from which his name obviously proceeds).

    Among the Italian masks, Captain Spavento is determined to show how handsome, powerful, fearful, and above all, how brave he is. In contrast with others, he does not wear a mask, but does have a ferocious expression, as well as a turned-up mustache that seems to “punch holes in the sky.” He says he is a great soldier, but in fact he is a braggart, who prefers telling imaginary tales of battles to actually fighting. He is known by different names: Iron Spitter, Big Bombardier, Fire Blood, Moor Slayer, Captain Crocodile.
    Excerpt from:

    The Enneagram of Society: Healing the Soul to Heal the World
    by Claudio Naranjo

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Mr Gold

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim bell View Post
    According to naranjo and Chestnut sp1s are big time worriers and deal with anxiety. That's why I was curious about what's makes their anxiety and worry different from 6s.
    I would say 6's worries are often rooted in more guilt and and irrational fears (in my perception). I don't see this as much in 1s since their worries tend to center around perfection, rules, control or morality of some sort. I know it can be hard to distinguish when using terms like that so you really have to understand the fundamentals of the type if you are undecided, between two or more, before the instincts.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  24. #264
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    cp 6w5

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I would say 6's worries are often rooted in more guilt and and irrational fears (in my perception). I don't see this as much in 1s since their worries tend to center around perfection, rules, control or morality of some sort. I know it can be hard to distinguish when using terms like that so you really have to understand the fundamentals of the type if you are undecided, between two or more, before the instincts.
    Associating "worrying" to any single type would be a mistake since it's a human emotion and thus applies to all neurotypical humans. In fact, the basis of enneagram is the core fears, which is essentially what each type worries most about. However, I agree that associating different kinds of worries with different types is important. Competency types tend to worry about competence things, for example. 1s are worried about imperfection in themselves and the world, usually in comparison to some moral or logical ideal; 3s are worried about their competence in certain areas with respect to their image/appearance; and 5s are worried about not knowing or understanding enough to face the outside world. A 6's worries are centred around guilt, like you said. However, this is also true of the other superego types (2 and 1). 2s worry when they aren't doing enough to help others around them and 1s feel guilty when they weren't as conscientious as they feel they should have been (the "should" is directly linked to their ideal, which makes type 1 the most ideological type, in my opinion).
    ----- FarDraft, 2020

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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    wut I mean even in pop culture for example did Dahmer do meal prep?
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    My duals seem to primarily come in three flavors, e9, e6, and e4. Marriage frequency data suggests that male e8’s (me) usually marry either e6’s or e2’s. I’m not that good at instantly discerning enneagram types, but I think I have met all three types.

    e9: My best friend in HS. Very laid back with a dry sense of humor. Stable, smart, funny, and male.
    e4(?): woman I liked and who wanted to date me, but I wasn’t ready. But I really liked her.
    e6: Three women I’ve dated, BUT..... Man, the descriptions of e6 all say that they worry about everything, that their fears overwhelm them sometimes. I can see that. They seem pretty functional if they are in familiar environments, but seem to be having internal panic attacks 24/7. Their fears seem to regularly blow up their working lives. They calm down and stabilize when I (an e8) am around but they still have incredible issues with trusting me. One accused me of having other GF’s, the other two refused to get close.

    I can read all the descriptions in the world, but it is very different to actually experience this stuff.

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    I came across this article and I think the author might be an e6.

    This Is What It’s Like to Be Obsessed With Perfection

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I came across this article and I think the author might be an e6.

    This Is What It’s Like to Be Obsessed With Perfection

    thats e1. it litterally says obsessed with perfection

    are you playing dense or are you really that dense

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    ''They're out get me, I can't escape 'cause' they won't let me They won't forget me, They'll get me in their grip and sweat me
    They'll wait me out, and then move in under my skin
    They'll make me doubt, They're out to make me let them in
    I can't escape them, there's nowhere I can run and hide
    Make one mistake and, that's when they work their way inside
    They'll try and take me, they'll break me down and suck me dry
    I can't' let them shape me, they'll make me up and make me cry

    They're out to get me
    I want to leave but they won't let me out
    They're out to get me
    I want to leave but they won't let me out
    They won't forget me
    They'll get you in their grip and sweat me out
    They're out to get me
    I want to leave but they won't let me out
    They're gonna hit me, cuff me up and then bullshit me
    Then they'll outwit me, dress me up and make it fit me
    They'll lock the door now, Keep it shut and throw away the key
    They'll turn the lights out, What no one knows, nobody sees''

  34. #274
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    "Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible be found within us."

    From the book "When Things Fall Apart" by Pema Chodron. The whole thing, and especially the dramatic title, is v 6.
    "I take back like half of the exclamation points.....they make me look....eager to please. Which I AM....but I don't want anyone to KNOW that"
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    integrating to 9

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    A physical basis for enneagram type 6 anxiety?:

  38. #278
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    type 6w7 syn-flow movie, watched this during a 13h flight and this is definitively reactive triad

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    To be, or not to be, that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
    And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
    To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
    For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause—there's the respect
    That makes calamity of so long life.
    For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
    Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
    The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
    The insolence of office, and the spurns
    That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
    When he himself might his quietus make
    With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
    To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
    But that the dread of something after death,
    The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
    No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
    And makes us rather bear those ills we have
    Than fly to others that we know not of?
    Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
    And thus the native hue of resolution
    Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
    And enterprises of great pitch and moment
    With this regard their currents turn awry
    And lose the name of action.

    (from Hamlet, spoken by Hamlet)

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    The Six with a Five-Wing

    The traits of the Six and those of a Five-wing are in some degree of conflict with each other. The general orientation of Sixes is toward dependency on others, while the orientation of Fives is toward a detachment from people so that they can avoid being influenced by anyone. Noteworthy examples of this subtype include Richard Nixon, Robert F. Kennedy, Robert Redford, Peter Ueberroth, Rock Hudson, Paul Newman, Billy Graham, Walter Mondale, Alexander Haig, G. Gordon Liddy, Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Jerry Falwell, Lyndon La Rouche, Meir Kahane, and John Hinckley, Jr.
    Healthy people of this subtype are not only endearing, they can be very interesting invidivduals. They may have a strong intellectual streak, depending on how much Five-wing is in their overall personality. They frequently have keen insights based either on academic learning or practical knowledge. They are usually shrewd observers of the environment, particularly people, and put a premium on foresight and predicting how others will react. Their perceptions are more original than those of Sixes with a Sevin-wing, but because Six is the basic type, they come across not as intellectuals but as extremely competent, knowledgeable individuals.
    The anxiety we see in average Sixes also causes people of this subtype to be more intense than Sixes with a Seven-wing. Persons of this subtype tend to be constricted in the expression of their emotions, and are usually more cynical, negativistic, and contentious. The legal and business worlds are typical arenas for their energies. They also see the environment as a threatening place; suspiciousness, secrecy, fanaticism, and membership in organizations for mutual protection are common. They also tend to be the more physically attractive of the two major subypes of the Six; this group includes some of th emost physically attractive individuals of all the personality types, by contemporary American standards. Yet, narcissism (arrogance, brashness) may be an overcompensation for insecurity and inferiorty feelings. Sexual conflicts may be a problem, since there is increased suspiciousness of others.
    Unhealthy persons of this subtype are extremely suspicious, tending toward either mild or severe paranoia. They may abuse alcohol or drugs as a way of dealing with anxiety and paranoid delusions, as well as of blostering their inferiorty feelings. There may be sadomasochistic tendencies in sexual expressions. The extent and nature of their self-destructiveness will be hidden from others because of their reclusive nature. This is also a very violent subtype. Intense stress will likely lead to outbreaks of rage and extremely destructive behavior accompanied by breaks with reality. Murder is more likely than suicide.

    The Six with a Seven Wing

    The traits of the Six and the traits of a Seven-wing reinforce each other. This subtype is more clerly extroverted, more interested in having a good time, more sociable, and, for better or worse, is less intensely focused upon either the environment or itself than Sixes with a Five-wing. Noteworthy examples of this subtype include Ted Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Carson, Phil Donahue, Ted Turner, Bruce Springsteen, Sally Field, Diane Keaton, Teri Garr, Elton Joh, Rob Reiner, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Reggie Jackson, Tom Selleck, Billy Carter, Andy Rooney, Fred Mertz, Archie Bunker, and the Cowardly Lion.
    Healthy persons of this subtype desire not only to feel accepted and secure with others, but also happy, particularly with regard to material well-being. People in this subtype are extremely likable and sociable, taking neither themselves nor life that seriously, or at least, not solomnly. If they are intelligent and talented, they may be accomplished in a number of areas, particularly sports, entertainment, politics or the arts - whatever field brings them into contact with people or the public eye. People of this subtype are usually extremely playful and funny, since a sense of humor is one of their most salient means of coping with life and it's tensions.
    Average persons of this subtype do not handle anxiety, tension, or pressures well. They react by becoming ambivalent and indecisive, as well as impulsive, grumpy, and peevish. Their sense of humor is used to deflect others, and their passive-aggressivenes to get them out of unpleasant situations. They have a curmudgeonly quality, easily souring on those people and things that have brought them displeasure and aroused their aggressions or anxiety. However, they do more blustering than real damage. When they overcompensate, they are less prone to be destructive of others and more apt to do those things which may eventually become self-destructive.
    Unhealthy persons of this subtype are more disposed to becoming dependent on others, and they do not attempt to disguise the depth of their emotional needs. Inferiorty feelings combine with the desire to escape from themselves. Unhealthy Sixes with a Seven-wing have few means of dealing with anxiety, and as anxiety gets worse, they become increasingly emotionally erratic. People of this subtype are in a flight from anxiety, tending to become manic rather than paranoid. They act out their unconscious fears, flying into hysterical overreactions more readily than the other subtype. This subtype is also subject to debilitating panic attacks, since anxiety, rather than aggression, has the upper hand. Suicide attempts, as a way of eliciting help, are likely.

    (From Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery by Don Richard Riso)

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