Quoting a woman I know of:

I know the importance of feeling your feelings & they dissipate when they're ready & also to have no resistance. Today I implemented not having resistance & it was great. Yesterday I let my anxiety about going to the doctor get the better of me. Recently I've had a big anxiety fear about getting a pap (haven't had one since January 2016 after my gyno retired) because it seems everywhere I go all I hear is cancer cancer cancer. I feel like I can't watch TV without seeing the cervical cancer commercial. My paranoia wasn't about HPV since I know most people have it, it was because 5 years ago I had a pre-cancerous lesion & had the laser surgery....my paps were fine after that but lately I've been feeling terrified & paranoid that it may have come back while I haven't had a pap in 2 & a half years. When I think or hear about medical issues of that nature, I get extremely light-headed, have shortness of breath & almost collapse. I have always been this way. When I was younger in health class, hearing about medical issues in detail made me white as a sheet, my ears ringing, & about to pass out. It's not easy for me, it's a big anxiety trigger. But this morning, after having felt all my feelings the night before, I felt totally different. I made the appointment this morning. My appointment is first thing in the morning just how I wanted so that I wouldn't have to wait all day, July 14th. I discovered that my fear was actually calling to make an appointment!!After doing so, I no longer felt the anxiety about it. I love how having no resistance helped me to follow through with it when I didn't know how I was going to get to that point. I encourage anyone going through any sort of emotional difficulty, especially anxiety, to fully surrender to it & practice having no resistance. It works!