In regards the devil: in terms of the Abrahamic religions and popular culture, he is obviously represented as an individual who sees himself as a god (perhaps even trumping God himself), and he offers (or claims to offer) material rewards and knowledge. He is often seen as the Great Deceiver and the Great Destroyer (although it is worth remarking that according to the Abrahamic religions, god is even more skilled at deceit and destruction: perhaps the key significance is that the devil is not a Creator of anything lasting), and perhaps more in popular culture, as an embodiment of narcissism.

The character is implausible illogical (the same with God himself) in that he knows he will be defeated (you would assume, considering that the faithful believe that god is omnipotent despite never observing god for themselves), but still he rebels. It would probably be ludicrous to attach this to poor . It is probably fair to conclude that he is more interested in having personal freedoms and his own kingdom rather than living a well-paced aesthetic life.

I probably type the devil as EIE, placing particular weight on his ability to deceive and flatter. I of course think SLEs and other types can do this, and that EIEs of this type feel incapable of taking part in such behaviour. But I think of the most likely candidates for his type based on being the embodiment of certain traits, EIE is the more likely. There is comparatively little description of the devil with SLE-like negative traits. (It might be worth noting that I also type the biblical Jesus as EIE, and would probably type the Old Testament god as LSI).