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Thread: Enneagram Houses

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  1. #24
    Aster's Avatar
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    Ooh house post. I love looking at houses. My impressions....

    1w9- I'm not a fan of this design. It actually might be my least favorite... I just don't like that 'modern look'. It's too plain and uninviting imo
    1w2- First thought, cardboard box. Not a fan of this design either, although I like it better than the 1w9, but that's probably because the 1w2 is in a less open area.
    2w1- I like it better that the 1w9 and 1w2, but it still looks uncomfortable and uninviting to me. And that modern look- not a fan. I also don't like that open look, like people could easily see me.
    2w3- This is a tough pick between the 2w3 and 2w1. I think I might like the 2w1 better because of the setting. But I kind of like the design of the 2w1 more, but this design is not a favorite. The 2w3 seems almost too big and I don't like the entrance stairway. The area is too open. I also wouldn't want to live in a beach or lake house. I'd rather live in a wooded area.
    3w2- I prefer the 3w2 over the 2w1. Maybe because it seem more private than the 3w2. This design is just 'ok' to me but not a favorite. It's definitely not the house design I would choose.
    3w4- My favorite so far. Gives me romantic dreamy vibes. I could live here, easily. But it's still a little off to my 'dream home'.
    4w3- I love it. It's hard to choose between this and the 3w4, but I think I would go with the 3w4. Maybe because the 4w3 seems a little too boxy.
    4w5- Too dark and plain. Does nothing for me.
    6w5- Adorable. But more like a good spot to vacation than live though. Maybe too small..
    6w7- My third favorite so far. I like this style and setting.
    7w6- meh, it's cute but not my style. I'd live there but it wouldn't jibe with me. It'd make me feel like I was living in a hotel.
    7w8- ew. It looks interesting, like I wouldn't mind looking around, but I wouldn't want to live there. Modern gives me this uncomfortable uninviting feel. I'd feel like I was living on plastic, metal, and glass. Just ugh.
    8w7- I don't like it. Modern again. I think I've established I don't like modern. This is interesting because it's on the water, but no.
    8w9- DREAM HOME. You will not get me to leave this place, you will have to pry my fingers from the door.
    9w8- It looks neat, but maybe too much. It also reminds me of ant hills or warts or something and that bugs me.
    9w1- Pretty cool. I might consider it if it was in the woods, but not the city. It would be better than just a plain apartment in a city, though.

    My favorites...

    Last edited by Aster; 10-13-2018 at 04:50 PM.
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