i have a difficult time relating to certain aspects of Si described here... I think if I even have a sense of Si it is more intuitive than anything since I have little care to describe my sensations and get no joy from explaining them very descriptively the way say, a room decorator, wine taster, bed enthousiast, etc. might be able to do. Like I don't see the point when you could simply enjoy what you do instead of having to turn it into an intellectual thing. I'd hate to ever develop narrower tastes of what I already enjoy by trying to learn every minute detail that goes into them. It is like if you become a video game deceloper you enjoy video games less because they suddenly feel so ... fake and something you can't help but perceive as a project or a thing to be improved upon and critiqued than something artistic. Which is why I sympathize with the "epicurus" label for SEIs... Maximum enjoyment by not trying to ruin the magic of other peoples works by actually learning the work myself... ok that sounds awfully lazy and unproductively consumerist xP but it is true!!

that being said... I think id be the one to suffer from my conflict relationship... Id be very stubborn quiet and maybe roll my eyes at their efforts to make me feel guilty or shameful of my lifestyle