Quote Originally Posted by Mr inappropriate View Post
My cousin is LSI, married to an ESE-Fe and i observed them long enough. It looked like ESE was showing carrot to donkey at times to make my cousin do what "should be". Disturbing to watch, he was beng manipulated and my whole family agrees on this actually a common topic to talk in our family gathering how compliant he behaves when she is around.
Observed a similar interaction with LII and some XEI chick. Basicly, girl was distrupting the guy's common sense with showing emotional turbulance.
Socionics also interpretes it similarly. Yet, both LXI were man with an unsuccessful history with women so that can be why they were having that naivity.
I don't see my common sense being unconditionally affected by just emotional turbulence. This is more complicated than that. As you yourself note it.

Interesting, i never thought Alpha NT before but my favourite person as a kid was my cousins husband,ILE, funny guy i looked up to him. I see myself as introverted though.
Well, good luck to you on your typing journey then, I don't have any other thoughts atm.