I'm cutting through the hey im new guy and introduction and bla bla and ask for your opinions. Would appreciate feedback, thanks !

40Q Philosophical Questionnaire

1. Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

Depends at the consequences of failure. If there isnt much to lose from failure, your regret will be much hurtful than failing and whatever feeling associated with failing.

2. If you could choose just one thing to change about the world, what would it be?

Its shape. I would make it rectrangular. Whole reconstruction of phyics, fun to watch.

3. To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

%99 fate or luck. Things that we can control is like the size of football in a stadium where the stadium is shit we can't control.

4. What happens after we die?

Hope I will never find out.

5. Should people care more about doing the right thing, or doing things right?

In general? I dont care. Give me a specific case and I'll tell you what to do.

6. What one piece of advice would you offer to a newborn infant?

Ignore the limitations superficially set by your immediate surrounding. You are more capable than what they tell you.

7. Where is the line between insanity and creativity?

One should have a positive affect on your life; other one, negative.

8. What is true happiness?


9. What things hold you back from doing the things that you really want to?

Laws, social pressure, super-ego related anxiety, physical short-comings of human body.

10. What makes you, you?


11. What is the truth?

Your mom.

12. If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?

Sure. But I dont even think lying is wrong in the first place. Sometimes they are necessary or better way to achieve things. Whats wrong is hurting others with or because of your lies.

13. How do you know your perceptions are real?

... no other way...

14. What makes a good friend?

Someone who's looking after you, taking your interest as close as possible to theirs. Someone who wants to spend good quality time with you and enjoy it together.

15. Why do people fear losing things that they do not even have yet?

Because of expectations. They believe they will have it some day, somehow. I dont see any other explaination for this. Also maybe anxiety related to making an effort to achieve those things.

16. Who decides what morality is?

I do, for a small fee

17. What is the difference between living and being alive?
Nothing technically. But a person who is in coma is usually referred as alive. I guess awareness of self is living and heart pumping blood is being alive.

18. Is a “wrong” act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

Yes. Because if nobody ever knows about it, that means it has just unsignificant effect on others. A factory dumping its waste in soil, for example, is not OK even if nobody knows for that moment. So, actually no, its not OK in most real world situations.

19. Is there a reason to life?

20. How do you know that your experience of consciousness is the same as other people’s experience of consciousness?
It is.

21. What is true strength?

Being the GOD. But for humans, its money, health, dedication and luck.

22. What is true love?
I dunno.

23. Is a family still relevant in the modern world?
It is still relevant. People claiming opposite, are usually mourning conservatists or romantic leftists who can not accept any change. Sure the bonds are maybe less tight but it still matters.

24. What role does honor play in today’s society?
It supplies the basic level of trust in everyday interactions.

25. If money cannot buy happiness, can you ever be truly happy with no money?
No I dont think so. Money is an important aspect in modern life. With no money, you will have difficulties everyfucking minute. But I guess brain can adapt itself to a no-money life in wild natural areas. Like fucking primal age.

26. How should people live their lives?
Up to them.

27. How much control do you have over your life?
Havent I already answered this ? What is this, consistency checking of my answers ?

28. What is freedom?
Absence of restrictions.

29. Isn’t one person’s terrorist another person’s freedom fighter?
No, a terrorist is a terrorist. Almost all freedom fighters groups are fucking pure terrorists but people/countries use these labels to get leverage over others. Terrorist who do stuff in line with your agenda = "freedom fighters".

30. Does nature shape our personalities more than nurture?
I dont think nature has significant effect that cant be altered by nurture in personality wise. However, shit like this happens, if someone is good-looking, s/he is more likely get a respone from his environment which affects his personality development. Or people living the life of their parents, I think it has more to do with sub-concious messages gathered during childhood on how people should act with each other and implementing it later in life without having much control over them rather than genetics.

31. What defines you?

32. What do people strive for after enlightenment?
I dunno.

33. Do we have a soul?
I consider it as another name for conciousness.

34. What is intelligence?
Ability to understand any sorta thing (puzzles, math problems or social interaction, musc etc) and making the right adjustments for desired effect.

35. Do you make your own decisions, or let others make them for you?
I do most of my decisions on my own. Looking for advice isnt same thing for letting other make decisions. Yeah you can be effected to an extent but I dunnno, I usually feel I'm the one making the FINAL decision.

36. What is reality?
Reality is what you experience. At least practically, for sane people. Though, the amount of BS limiting beliefs, taboos everyone has interrupts the reality but hey, work on that then.

37. Is trust more important than love?
For a business deal, yes !
They are obviously two different things. In a relationship both are required. However, I dont think you can love someone you cant trust anyway but opposite is possible. So, I guess trust is bigger, hence more important as a concept.

38. Is it easier to love or be loved?
To be loved is easier. But best feeling would be reciprorated love between partners.

39. Is it better to love and lose or never to love?
Whatever makes you sleep better at night. But experience counts, so I'd rather love and lose. However, I doubt I'd love (romanticly), I just dont feel such strong emotions like other people.

40. Do aliens exist?
I loosely remember news about trails of life (bacteria ?) on an astreoid or sth so yeah. Apart from this, universe is soo huge to reject the possibilty of aliens or non-human concious organic life. I hope I will meet an alien one day, lol, would be epic shit.