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Thread: Help type my friend (video)?

  1. #1
    Saoirse's Avatar
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    Default Help type my friend (video)?

    My friend and I have a pretty good idea of her type, but we're curious to see what y'all think! These are her answers to thehotelambush's questionnaire.

    [redacted, PM for link if interested]
    Last edited by Saoirse; 01-14-2017 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Exodus's Avatar
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    One thing that stood out is how she deconstructed many of the questions or criticized them for being too vague (usually the ones that required introspection or divulging personal information, which seems mostly to do with and ). Similarly there was a lot of logical reasoning like "I don't like this about economics but it's not particular to the field of economics" (). I'm not sure if the is necessarily valued, or just strong though. The point about wanting to talk about interpersonal problems and work through them rather than just accepting them seems like a > conflict. But she also mentioned that being a good person in general is more important to her than ideological positions (other things are "just tools"). She seemed to have no problem talking about her feelings for friends and family either. SLI seems to be the most likely but I would also consider leading types.
    Last edited by Exodus; 12-06-2016 at 05:55 PM.

  3. #3
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    One thing that stood out is how she deconstructed many of the questions or criticized them for being too vague (usually the ones that required introspection or divulging personal information, which seems mostly to do with and ). Similarly there was a lot of logical reasoning like "I don't like this about economics but it's not particular to the field of economics" (). I'm not sure if the is necessarily valued, or just strong though. The point about wanting to talk about interpersonal problems and work through them rather than just accepting them seems like a > conflict. But she also mentioned that being a good person in general is more important to her than ideological positions (other things are "just tools"). She seemed to have no problem talking about her feelings for friends and family either. SLI seems to be the most likely but I would also consider leading types.
    I agree with this assessment. I slightly favor SLI but LII is entirely possible. I do think Si/Ne valuing type though, which would rule out LSI. I didn't see anything suggestive of Ni/Se valuing.

    Some things suggestive of SLI:

    What I do that day depends on how I feel, rarely do anything long enough for it to become a hobby, try most things once.
    --This favors irrationality more than rationality.

    You see yourself as quite modest. / valuing types on the whole tend to present themselves more modestly. Additionally, you see yourself as pretty average, not emphasizing much your uniqueness even though you are obviously a unique person. This seems more common with lead / suggestive types. Types with strong it seems, are more aware of the unique skills and qualities people can bring. Especially delta NFs.

    What areas of life I manage well- take good care of self, healthy, and financially stable. Sounds like / ego although LII has mobilizing and strong but ignored . Still I think this is more likely for SLI.

    Some things in suggestive of LII:
    One thing that she looks for in friendships and romantic relationships is compatible in ideaology. The fact that she even mentioned this might suggest in the ego, although she also said that kindness is most important, is "everything."

    For a living as an economics Ph.D. student you mentioned your interest in learning and studying and the interest in mathematics and ‘precise rigorous reasoning.’ This is common among LII and lead.

    One of the weaknesses you mentioned was being slightly easily bullied and not standing up for yourself very much. This sounds like it could be painful although ignoring is also possible. You didn't seem to care all that much about it so maybe its more of an ignoring function than a painful one.

    Possible criticism from others- perfectionism. This would be more likely for rational types, especially base.

    Overall, your values seemed rather malleable rather than anything black and white. Logic > ethics, perhaps unvalued .

    Some other things of note:

    Had trouble answering the question in depth - “how would friends describe you?” This could be suggestive of low . You did mention though you didn’t want them to think you are a bad person. This could be mobilizing in SLI or role in LII.

    Conflicts- rather have person acknowledge this is irrational and hard to change rather than “this is who I am.” I want to try to understand you. Dislikes putting down barriers and not wanting to talk about them.

    This sounds like a logic type trying to understand ethics.

    Dislikes- procrastination and not getting things done. Dislikes having a hard time achieving what I want. -- It seems like SLI being irrational and weak might be more inclined to procrastinate. Having a hard time achieving what I want- weak and/or ignored perhaps?

    “Household chores- not really a chore. It’s got a purpose- to create a good environment for myself. valuing here. Either as the base (SLI) or the mobilizing (LII).
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  4. #4
    malna's Avatar
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    Logical, most likely Ne suggestive. I agree with the SLI typing.
    I call myself batyote and I fight crime at night.

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