Quote Originally Posted by LuckyOne View Post
I remember him from WIN, but that's all. Also his controversy,is he good? I tried stanning GOT7 for Jackson but I just hate their songs. Actually I can't remember the last time JYP did good to his male artists.

Nothing against youngsters at all, it's just that people are always making fun of me because of it, well guys really. He pat my head and laughed so I was like I feel that must be why people always tell me I'm "cute" when I'm mad. At least until they realize I really mean it.

How am I hilarious? I keep hearing it but I have no clue. I always talk like that, is it really funny?
Good in what way? Bambam is some ESE type, he'll get over it. Their songs are old-school, that's their good point. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS THEY LUV ME

You know what I noticed? JYP as a person is cool, but as an executive, he is mediocre. With SM and YG, it's the other way around. Props to Bang PD for being a decent person and BTS' s clever boss.

Patting the head is like, a no go in eastern cultures. And condescending in general, no matter where. Telling an angry person they are cute sounds manipulative

It IS funny, and I experience the same phenomenon as well? I'm not a native speaker so I blame my basic set of German grammar trying to sound English. You had a bunch of funny expressions in your writing style so far I guess that when people try to be hilarious on purpose, they fail, but their natural selves are comedic enough, it applies to you well.