Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
Well thats the bizarre thing... groups can be assigned based on proximity. A group of the same color in one area will be different than those in another area. I do think there is probably a shared behavioral linkage between all within a race though, as I think there is a commonality between how they are treated and interact in response to the world environment. It may be very subtle but I do think it exists. I mean, look at China, Japan, and Korea. They have similar linguistic relativity, have similar foods, similar all kinds of things. You can say that they all came from the same area, therefore they have similar culture....... but that'd just be playing into my argument. Culture causes changes in epigenetics, which just perpetuates culture. Even if deviations occur, there probably still are very residual similarities.
ugh. well considering the entire continent of africa (it's huge) and just how many "groups" we would be talking about in that continent alone coupled with minimal time (200,000 years is so little time for a species), i seriously do not see how we'd be able to find any meaningful and measurable very subtle behaviors... and if they are so subtle to begin with, why does it even matter. aren't there like less subtle, more easily measurable things we could focus on? if it's so subtle it's like a breath of smoke, hard to notice and quick to fade, who cares about it.