"Well with what we've got so far, the answer would be to get more blacks in college to get degrees."

From what I understand about this situation there are a few major factors at play:
People of differing cultures within the same social setting attempt to force the other out, whittling the other down: though there may be times of peace between the two cultures, usually from compromise on both sides, both want the other to conform to their way of life eventually. Tensions between the varying cultures will always intensify until one caves in to the other's desires. This is why those who, for example, immigrate to America from another nation--say, Japan--eventually adopt the American customs as their primary culture, though they may still respect and recall the former culture they left--or may forget about it entirely. If an individual is forceful in preserving their own culture within a social area where another culture is dominant, they wind up forming their own society within that society, which usually means hardship in integration with that nation's economy vs. their very local economy, thus the individuals who don't integrate wind up living in unbearable poverty and wind up leaving back to where they came--normally. But thanks to the welfare state, foreign individuals no longer have to integrate, they can just live off the tax payer's dime, and so the cultural wars intensify as more members of competing cultures attempt to overtake the other.

Also: variances in intelligence can be vast between two races--e.g. compare Caucasians or Asians to Blacks or Arabs--and, in combination with this fact, intelligence is mostly set from birth and cannot be improved significantly (usually one can only get a 5 point gain to their IQ IIRC, but anything more is rare.) Next, consider that the average IQ of the two latter groups mentioned are within the hot spot for criminal activity (~85).

For these reasons, I don't believe what you've suggested will help. College may or may not improve an individual's intelligence, but if it does, it won't do it by much. In this case, putting your average Joe of these groups into a college environment primarily worsens the college experience overall, which is another way of saying it makes things worse for everyone without helping the intended group. I can personally attest to this fact having gone to a college which accepted federal aid: it was basically the high school experience all over again, complete with mandatory classes which had nothing to do with my major (gotta make it fool proof...) and lots and lots of people who had no hope of making a greatly positive impact on the world, those who would contribute to the pool of individuals who worked at such places like McDonald's and Starbucks with their college degrees, a pool which increases all the time. Among the greatest benefits of college--meeting great minded people--was lost, and it became just an extension of governmental daycare, just another way for people to stay busy without actually doing something.

It doesn't really matter what race they are, the race is just a convenient categorization. What matters as far as social cohesion goes is their mental capabilities, individuals of higher intelligence coexist much easier because such individuals can adapt much easier to one another, at least to the point where adaptation doesn't feel impossible (which would lead an individual back to square one, to getting the other culture to conform to their own culture.) Individuals of lower intelligence find it difficult enough to just coexist with one another. Frankly, some people just don't have what it takes to live in the West. As I see it, there are a few realistic and immediate solutions to this issue:

1. Segregation based on mental capability, that is to abandon the unintelligent people, let them have a nation to themselves, or to remove them from the nation--there are various methods with various levels of peace or violence but the end goal would be to have the two disparate groups separate. Basically do the opposite of what's going on between Europe and the Middle East. Ideally this segregation occurs by the unintelligent people choosing to self-segregate: all that needs to happen is to stop supporting their presence in the nation (going back to the welfare thing, at the very least putting absolute restrictions on what sort of welfare an individual can get and for how long.)
2. Accept things as they are and stop worrying about it. This has issues down the road but in the meantime, you won't have to expend any energy; maybe you can kick the can down the road to a generation you'll never experience. This is the method the previous generations employed, so it seems. Though to be fair, in my city in Texas, racial tensions are virtually non-existent: for an anecdotal example, my current place of employment has ~2 blacks for every non-black (excepting the leadership which is almost exclusively white), but everyone gets along quite well. Though I see the tension in the news, I don't see it in person, and it makes me skeptical whether the media is making mountains out of molehills as it regularly does. As I'm sure you're aware, Dallas recently had an incident, which surely would've worsened racial tensions one would think...perhaps it's just so minute that it cannot be seen except over a long period of time. Perhaps the effects are yet to arise. But I'm not seeing it, in fact I've been noticing an improvement, a decrease in tension, if we're considering all of the past few decades. Whether this is good or bad depends on how far ahead you're thinking. One may think of a decrease in racial tension as a lowering of a society's standards, as an abandonment of one's own cultural values to compromise with another.

"But I have to ask, if blacks commit crimes at such a higher rate than that of whites, isn't the person just playing the odds?"
You can tell from the way a person presents themselves, their attire and their behavior, what they may do. Context is also key: some neighborhoods you just don't want to be in at night, but again it's due to the community of people with the attires and the behaviors you know to look out for. It's entirely possible someone will play the odds, but it is unnecessary. It's entirely possible the statistics closely represent a large portion of this group, as well.