Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post

As a kid, I grew up on a military base in Hawaii where my friends and neighbors were of many different races. My parents (who loved everyone) never talked about race or racial issues while growing up. My best friends were black and I saw them as part of my family and as part of myself. We had a different complexion, but I saw that as no big a difference as people with blue eyes and brown eyes. I didn't actually fully acknowledge race until I moved to Virginia and lived in the Civilian world. At this point I saw a huge separation between people, culture and economic demographics.
As a result most scientists that believed in traditional Darwinian logic are wrong. It is very easy to see how "races" begin. A group of people think they are similar, so they hang in the same social circles. As a result the races have common methylation patterns for their genes and similarities converge. The idea that there aren't races is a preposterous notion, that can only be saved by how you define a race.