Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
A lot of us are just naturally slow, impulsive, and incapable of delaying gratification (it even manifests at a benign level, e.g.. my binge eating, nihilistic spending habits, and lackadaisical comportment in general) - exemplary African diasporan ethnic groups like Nigerian Americans, Ghanaians, etc. are typically members of the small, affluent intelligentsia back in their home countries.
Type related! Many black Americans are SEE type and they don't like or can't be entertained by the slow and methodical nature of higher education but there are exceptions. My dad was SEE (he's not black American )and he was smart but didn't go to college. He thrived in Culinary arts education. I feel like if education was modeled differently it would be possible to graduate more SEE kids.

Racism exists because it's deeply engrained in us. We thrive in small social circles and we want to have social constructs that support our reality and validate us in some way.

And I agree with @Starfall race is a social learned trait it isn't natural