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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    Ok so I just make sure I'm understanding this correctly so I'm going to show how I'm interpreting the LIE as an example. I'm going to assume Si=comfort for the sake of this post.

    LIE has 4D Si- and 1D Si+, which means the LIE is very good at projecting Si outwards toward the environment but at the same time very lacking when it comes to the deeper essence of Si.
    Si- sees sensing aspects of objects, and Si+ sees sensing aspects of subjects. That's the main difference.

    I know some people who go to great lengths to try to "craft" comfort by buying expensive furniture and talk a lot about trying to relax, yet at the same time they are some of the most restless people I know and you can never really seem to get in a state of comfort around them.
    This sounds like the SLI :-) SLI has Ignoring Si+.

    I always assumed these people where Si creative types but I wondering they could be LIEs under this model, since they seem very adept with one aspect of Si (making the physical environment comfortable) yet very lacking in another (having a carefree attitude, not worrying about things).
    They could be LIEs as well. LIE has PoLR Si+, and a 4D Si-.

    Let's also look at ILI again. Ti and Ne are ILI's strongest functions that are pushed at outward due to them being minus functions.
    It isn't true that Ti and Ne are ILI's strongest functions. We must use plus and minus functions. ILI's strongest functions are Ni+, Ti-, Ne- and Fe+.

    What do you mean by "pushed at outward"?

    Does this mean we will get mostly Ti and Ne kinds of topics when talking to an ILI, where they discuss a lot of ideas and theories?
    No, you will get NiTe and NeFi topics. Some ILIs, like Dario Nardi (ILI-4,9 or ILI-4,10), will sound remarkably similar to IEEs. I actually typed him as an IEE.

    LIE in comparison has Te and Si as its strongest outwardly pushed functions, so does that mean we will get a lot of talk on earthy, practical matters when talking to an LIE?
    No, TeNi and TiSe. Business projects and technology.

    It's seems to me that mirror types are far more different then each other under this model then what Model A would suggest.
    YES! Here is one (of many) example: LIE gets along very well with SLE, but ILI and SLE rub each other the wrong way. ILI's Fi+ annoys the SLE, and SLE's Ti+ annoys the ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post

    It isn't true that Ti and Ne are ILI's strongest functions. We must use plus and minus functions. ILI's strongest functions are Ni+, Ti-, Ne- and Fe+.

    What do you mean by "pushed at outward"?
    I already knew that ILI only has 4D Ti- and Ne- and not 4D Ti+ and Ne+. I got lazy and didn't put the minus there since I said earlier I was talking about the minus functions.

    In the link that explains the +/- functions it describes minus functions as being applied globally and having an outward direction, which to me sounded like - functions are pushed more visibly outward towards the environment a.k.a extroverted in sense while it says + functions are applied internally. Therefore it seemed to me like the strong - functions would be the kind of subjects a person would must likely talk about while the + functions are what they would think about , since - functions are described as having the direction as outward and + functions outward. Perhaps I need a little more clarification on what exactly the +/- functions are because that's what it sounded like to me.

    Edit: I say that you mentioned + functions as applying to subjects while - to objects. Is that the main difference between +/-?

    Also I side note I can definitely see myself having better Se- then Se+. You can ask me what was the color of someone's shirt a minute after seeing them and I probably wouldn't remember. I always take note of possible physical threats however.
    Last edited by Muddy; 07-17-2016 at 12:14 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I already knew that ILI only has 4D Ti- and Ne- and not 4D Ti+ and Ne+. I got lazy and didn't put the minus there since I said earlier I was talking about the minus functions.
    In the link that explains the +/- functions it describes minus functions as being applied globally and having an outward direction, which to me sounded like - functions are pushed more visibly outward towards the environment a.k.a extroverted in sense while it says + functions are applied internally. Therefore it seemed to me like the strong - functions would be the kind of subjects a person would must likely talk about while the + functions are what they would think about , since - functions are described as having the direction as outward and + functions outward. Perhaps I need a little more clarification on what exactly the +/- functions are because that's what it sounded like to me.
    +/- are related to process/result and positivist/negativist Reinin dichotomies. No, they are not related to extraversion/introversion, but 'minus' is pushed more towards the environment. It is more like general knowledge (-) vs. specific knowledge (+).

    Edit: I say that you mentioned + functions as applying to subjects while - to objects. Is that the main difference between +/-?
    No, I meant that Feeling/Ethics is about subjects and Thinking/logic is about objects. An IEE's Ne (Ego: NeFi) will focus on possibilities which are related to subjects. An ILE's Ne will focus on possibilities which are related to objects.

    Also I side note I can definitely see myself having better Se- then Se+. You can ask me what was the color of someone's shirt a minute after seeing them and I probably wouldn't remember. I always take note of possible physical threats however.
    Are you ILI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Petter View Post
    Are you ILI?
    I'm a bit hesitant to firmly decide on a type since I can easily change my opinions upon receiving new information, but I would say ILI is definitely one of the more likely types. All I can say for sure is that I'm most likely in introverted perceiver and most likely a logical type.

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