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Thread: Model D

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    Petter's Avatar
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    Default Model D


    1. people-oriented vs. task-oriented (DMN vs. CEN) ... This is the main dichotomy. DMN ---> LN and mirror network B ... CEN ---> DAN/VAN and mirror network A

    2. the external world vs. the internal world (DAN/VAN, mirror networks, the premotor cortex, OFC vs. the precuneus (and the temporal lobe, hippocampus etc)) ... practical vs. theoretical/fact-based ... Se vs. Ni/Si

    3. expressive/impulsive vs. inexpressive (dopamine sensitivity ... or SNS vs PSNS ... or short-term memory (in-the-moment processing) vs. long-term memory) ... SEE vs ESI ... 16PF: Liveliness, F

    4. the dorsal stream vs. the ventral stream ... "how"/"where" vs. "what" ... spatial rel. vs. patterns ... unambiguous vs. ambiguous (vlPFC, heuristic) ... DAN/mirror network A vs. VAN ... dmPFC/mirror network B vs. LN ... Fi vs. Fe

    5. the left hemisphere vs. the right hemisphere ... detail-oriented vs. big picture ... analysis vs. synthesis ... fine motor skills vs. gross motor skills

    6. defend vs. care ... or competitive vs. cooperative (vasopressin vs. oxytocin)

    7. logical reasoning vs. habits, facts, size/shape (PFC vs. the striatum ... or the anterior brain vs. the posterior brain) ... a comparison between two systems/working memory vs. a comparison between two objects ... Ti vs. Se/Si

    8. imagination/prefrontal synthesis vs. memory recall (lateral PFC: high activity vs. low activity) ... DMN: episodic simulation vs. episodic memory ... Ni vs. Si

    9. current strategy vs. alternative strategies (medial frontopolar cortex vs. lateral frontopolar cortex) ... anti-Ne vs. Ne

    10. (long-term) goals vs. immediate sensory needs (limbic SN vs. sensory SN) ... Ne/Te vs. Si

    11. problem-solving vs. decision-making (FPN vs. FPN + CON/SN)

    12. structure vs. cause and effect ... mathematics vs. physics (the parietal lobe vs. the temporal lobe)


    DMN (the default mode network), FPN (the fronto-parietal network), CON (the cingulo-opercular network), SN (the salience network), CEN (the central executive network) ... CEN = FPN + CON,

    DAN (the dorsal attention network), VAN (the ventral attention network, LN (the limbic network)

    large-scale brain networks 2.png

    large-scale brain networks 3.jpg (MPN = the limbic network, LN = the language network ("left VAN"))

    mirror network A: "translates observed actions devoid of any emotional content into motor representations"

    mirror network B: social interaction (the external world) and empathy (DMN, the internal world)

    SN: "select which stimuli are deserving of our attention" ... "plays a central role in switching between the default mode network (DMN) and central executive network (CEN)"

    LN: appraisal of subjective value, emotional expression and recognition of emotion



    Sldp, Sldt, Slvx, Slvy, Srdp, Srdt, Srvx, Srvy

    N, T, F

    l = the left hemisphere

    r = the right hemisphere

    d = the dorsal stream

    v = the ventral stream

    p = the parietal lobe

    t = the temporal lobe

    x = problem-solving

    y = decision-making



    E = expressive/quick decisions

    I = inexpressive

    L = alternative strategies ... lateral frontopolar cortex

    M = current strategy ... medial frontopolar cortex

    C = competitive

    A = agreeableness (cooperative)



    Terence Tao: I, L, A ... N, T + Srdp > Sldp > Srdt

    Bill Gates: I, M, C ... N, T + Sldp > Sldt > Srdp

    Bobby Fischer: I, M, C ... N, T + Srdt > Slvy > Srvx (patterns)


    method 2

    networks = functions


    previous versions of Model D: see post #41
    Last edited by Petter; 02-13-2024 at 10:03 AM.

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