I still remember my enneagram test result the first time I tried it:
"You are most likely a type 3. Taking wings into account, you seem to be a 8w7."

Hahaha. How is that even possible. Even the system was confused.

But it didn't take long for me to figure it out. I was curious, did some research for a few days and that's it.
I always know I have really high 8 and 3. But comparing the two, my 8 is higher.
I value my achievement a lot, but power it still number one for me. I want to be in charge at all times, I want to be in control.
But I know I'm not 8w7, I'm less confrontational than them, I'm definitely an 8w9, which is very rare. Combine with the LIE itself already quite rare for a female. Plus, the subtype Ni.

after 8, 3, then it's 5. Which I can confirm easily. That's how I found my tritype. 835.