When I read about the enneagram type 4 for the first time it was an imidiate hit, I knew that I wouldn't ever find a better fit for me. I never doubted being a 4.
It was also easy for me to figure out my gut type, because 8 is the complete opposite of me and 1...well it is the opposite of me as well. So the only thing that made sense was a 9.
I had really hard time with figuring out my head type... I sort of relate to all of them and none of them at the same time. I was type as 479, 469 and 459...all of them. But I guess 469 makes most sense after all.
When it comes to my stackings, I had a hard time too, but only because I couldn't clearly understand what they are about. I have very low sx instinct, but my sp is even worse... so I guess so/sx just makes sense.