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Thread: Style of walking and type is connected according to Ausra Augustinaviciute (founder of Socionics)

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    Tigerfadder's Avatar
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    Default Style of walking and type is connected according to Ausra Augustinaviciute (founder of Socionics)

    From Dual Nature of Man by Ausra Augustinaviciute

    Here is what about the gait schizothyme P. writes Gannushkin:"Usually they attract the attention of stiffness and angular movements, lack of smooth and gradual transitions between them, and, in some, in addition, it is striking mannerisms and pretentiousness, among others - the desire for style, and finally, the third - just the extreme monotony and poverty of movements. There is a schizoid who had never been in military service, but amazing with almost military bearing, this bearing them comes to the fact that they seem wooden ... Especially a lot of originality in their gait: some go without bending his knees, while others - like jumping, a third dragged his feet when walking, etc. "(" Selected Works ", Moscow, 1964, 143)..

    True, the author writes about here schizoid, that is - schizothyme accented with a fixed or behavior, but according to our observations for perfectly healthy people - it all fits them as well. And the fact that they seem to be "wooden" or "dragging feet", is determined solely by their personality type. The most "wood", in our opinion - logical-sensory extravert, the most "dragging feet" - its opposite - the logical-sensory introvert. The most "jumpy" - logical and intuitive extravert. These differences in gait more pronounced in men than in women.
    LSI drag them feet much. LIE is more jumpy and LSE have wooden legs. Alpha is dragging them feet and so is beta. Gamma and delta however have stiffer legs but LIE jumps.
    Last edited by Tigerfadder; 07-05-2016 at 01:32 AM.

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