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Thread: Someone give me a clear difference between a Fi ego and Fe ego?

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    maniac's Avatar
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    Default Someone give me a clear difference between a Fi ego and Fe ego?

    I dont know which one i am. I care very much if i see someone who seems sad and lonely and no one seems to care about them.
    Most of the time im scared to approach them because i dont know them well and i dont know how i would approach them.

    There are a few exceptions where i dont feel bad. Like if i know this person is a whiny annoying little bitch who is ugrateful when people try bringing her into the group etc and then later whines about fb on how no one wants to be with them and all of their "'friends'" (they put friends in quotation marks) are fake, when they have several people contacting them.
    I dont think im good at raising an atmosphere in a group and frankly i would be scared to just be like HEY LETS DO THIS WOO or whatever it would take to raise the atmosphere. im bad at all emotional things with people overall but apparently im ethical.

    So yeah idk if im Fi ego or Fe. help

    How do you seperate introverted ethical types when both have 4D fi and 3D Fe?
    Last edited by maniac; 07-04-2016 at 10:05 AM.

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