Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
I used INTp instead of INTP based on this: http://www.sociotype.com/socionics/types/ILI-INTp/
Using of INTp is senseless, as these 4 letters just mean 4 preferences. They are same and one (E/I) is compatible with socionics, so this designation can be as INTP = ILI, without variants.
If MBT would had no preferences as main typing instrument, but had as such their wrong functional model for introverts - then there could be sense to change notations. But MBT uses MBTI as main instrument, - preferences/dichotomies.

You may meet a lot of doubtful, wrong or baseless things on Socionics sites. Some of this info is not Socionics at all, just used often with Socionics theories (like Reinin's dichotomies), or is random hypotheses of random people.