Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
Me: INTp
He: ESFj

I should've clarified further. We're both gay men in our 50's.
Thank you for clarifying. Well my mom is INTp and my dad was ESFp while my sister is ESFj. From very person experience I can add the following. My father was very serious externally and his humor was more subtle less willing to personally offend my mom. I find that when ESE reach a negative place they can criticise their society and the norms in it undermining the person implications or personal experience of others which upsets ILI who tells them that those things are not personal and don't be so negative. SEE, in general are not negative. SEE may state behavior in others that are right or wrong but are not negative and are nice.

ESE common comments are "well, if I was in charge I would kill 7 billion people to reduce the human population as to make the planet a better place for the environment.," you won't see SEE saying stuff like this they are more focused on an individual's character "a man had to learn the proper things to say in such a way as to get the other person in front of them to do what they want without coming off like an ass hole" how to find the right approach as to make a meaningful impression. Manipulation of force and will. INTp really appreciate SEE approach to human relations and think of them as nice people.

ESE too can make ILI live a balanced life because the ILI loves the outgoing nature of ESE. Loves that ESE takes them to museums ect. Duality is more relaxing so SEE just take ILI on road trips or hang out with family or strawberry festivals where the senses can be awakened. ESE doesn't really go to strawberry festivals unless it's a school project. Also ESE don't like never ending to do lists while SEE let ILI do what they want and can ignore the ILI criticism lol.