Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
Eliza: Yes, I'm an obvious NOOB to Socionics. I'm still living in the MBTI paradigm. Having done a bit of reading this morning, I'm pretty confident that I'm INTp/ILI and he (yes, we're a gay couple) is ESFj/ESE.

Oh, I see. Well, then, if it is as you say, INTp/ESFj, then that makes "Supervision" relations. These work better for more casual or business type relations, but one-on-one - its sometimes considered the worst position to be in of all to be the Supervisee/Audited (that's you in this). It is also frustrating for the Supervisor, but it is much worse for you.

"These relationships are dangerous by the fact that unlike conflict relations, it is very difficult to break them, but their effects on the person can be deleterious. " - that's the theme, more fleshed out by some of these authors: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...sion-relations (Gulenko has some advice on getting along there).

So I am giving you bad news, if you have not found it already yourself. I suppose some puzzling conflicts got you wondering and maybe brought you to Socionics to learn more.

I always find this frightening about Supervision Relations: "Generally speaking, the closer the relationship, the more dangerous the situation is. This is especially true for family relationships, where communication takes place at very close distances. The process of communication in such situations involves all functions, so that the audit can be quite severe. When it is impossible to avoid such communication the audited may even suffer mental illness" -Filatova

Yes, so instead of healing you mentally it can make you mental.... However, there are other details and explanations in the article that may be more positive and applicable to you than the ones I am pointing out.

And if none of it sounds quite right you might want to figure out if one of your types is figured wrong. Because likely that would be it.