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Thread: Learning about the INTp/ESFj Dynamic

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    Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
    I'm pretty confident that I'm INTp/ILI and he (yes, we're a gay couple) is ESFj/ESE.
    There are no INTp. there are INTP, which are also called ILI. And there is common wrongly identified types, - the average accuracy is <50%. From point of Socionics relations of the mentioned types are rather doubtful, if they are long and you think them as good. I recommend you to check your type, at least.

  2. #2
    Chokon Macaque FeloniousFunk's Avatar
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    I used INTp instead of INTP based on this:

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    Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
    I used INTp instead of INTP based on this:
    Using of INTp is senseless, as these 4 letters just mean 4 preferences. They are same and one (E/I) is compatible with socionics, so this designation can be as INTP = ILI, without variants.
    If MBT would had no preferences as main typing instrument, but had as such their wrong functional model for introverts - then there could be sense to change notations. But MBT uses MBTI as main instrument, - preferences/dichotomies.

    You may meet a lot of doubtful, wrong or baseless things on Socionics sites. Some of this info is not Socionics at all, just used often with Socionics theories (like Reinin's dichotomies), or is random hypotheses of random people.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FeloniousFunk View Post
    I used INTp instead of INTP based on this:
    Don't let Sol confuse you with his MBTI talk.

    Read everything for yourself and then decide which fits best. I learned, through reading, that my own type is a combination of two MBTI type descriptions INFJ/P. Not taking function stack into consideration.

    If you are not sure whether you are Ni or Ti base then read about the socionics functions. INTP is Ti base in MBTI. INTp is Ni in socionics. There is a lot of confusion so treat this as a separate system.

    I thought i had to be INFj when I first joined this forum but when I read the description it was not me. I read INFp and that one was the best fit out of the 16.

    INTPs’ Functional Stack
    Dominant function: Introverted Thinking (Ti)
    Auxiliary function: Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
    Tertiary function: Introverted Sensing (Si)
    Inferior function: Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

    Introverted Intuition (Ni, )

    Introverted intuition in ILIs is predominantly characterized by well developed imaginative abilities and mental wanderings. ILI often spend a great deal of time simply thinking and may spend excessive amounts of time in their mind. Most ILIs somehow manage to spend most of their time in their minds regardless of the responsibilities with which they are burdened. This mental focus can be manifest by reflecting on scenarios, on pondering bodies of information, and assorted concepts of interest. They may be prone to excessive day dreaming, in creation of intricate inner worlds or universes, or in mentally replaying elements of their own personal experience. ILIs may even have novelistic tendencies where they create intricate plots, characters, and places, though many ILIs may be generally unmotivated to display such creativity. However, ILIs are not always inclined to share their imaginative tendencies or thoughts with others.

    The mind of an ILI is an oasis of sorts where knowledge is treated as a toy or even a vehicle that allows them to visit complex mental landscapes that are shaped and continually revised by new information. Nonetheless, an ILI is likely to find the process of accumulating new information tiresome and requiring too much of their energy; consequently, new information is often accumulated and updated in a rather lethargic, periodic, and occasionally incomplete fashion.

    ILIs are often stereotypically represented as reclusive scholars, philosophers, scientists, artists, seers, and sages. The ILI, with their often unusual perceptions, may come across as unreachable, esoteric eccentrics. Because ILIs are confident about analyzing the implications of the knowledge that they have gathered, ILIs often appear perceptive, especially in fields of interest, and commonly tend to view the ideas of others with skepticism and scrutiny. ILIs may tend perceive others' intellectual contributions as deeply misguided or limited in scope, and may hold the viewpoint that many people do not know what they're talking about on a particular topic of interest.

    ILIs predict inevitable disaster not altogether infrequently. This type of fatalism is spurned by their ability to see the negative in anything, which has its roots in the ILI's general dislike of expressing or reinforcing positive emotions. To an ILI, it may be easier to predict pessimistic results in order to avoid an unpleasant emotional reaction. Likewise, the ILI's sense of general self doubt leads him to be very conservative in his general outlook; why unnecessarily subject oneself to the uncertainty of possible disappointment?

    ILIs typically exhibit a general detachment from day-to-day affairs. While an ILI might devote a great deal of time to his inner thoughts, very little attention is likely to be paid to such tasks as household maintenance or cleanliness, which the ILI sees as trivial matters not deserving of his time or effort.

    ILIs can, in certain situations, act very tentatively. In many situations they are inclined to hesitate prior to taking any action or making important decisions. They may commonly be pervasively plagued by gnawing doubts on any topic that they contemplate. They may also prefer to observe and gather an understanding of a situation rather than actively participate. The ILI's restraint complements the hyperactivity of his dual, the SEE.

    Extroverted Logic (Te, )

    ILIs place great importance on factual accuracy and a basic understanding of how things work. Their views and perceptions naturally take into account any new factual information. For this reason, ILI's are often characterized by a nagging and constant sense of doubt, contradiction, and misinformation. They tend to be rather skeptical of other people's positions, and even frequently tend to question their own position. In groups the ILI will often question the validity of information being exchanged. Likewise, ILIs sometimes use a mocking and aggressive tone if they believe that the information being presented is wrong or absurd. ILIs can also be scrupulous in removing errors in facts and statistical data, especially in undertakings that they consider as high priorities.

    A sense of the efficiency of the goings-on in an ILI's life is a prerequisite of sorts for the peace of an ILI. This manifests very differently in ILIs from SLIs; the latter are much more likely to be proactive about making their physical environment comfortable and managed with an efficient use of resources. By contrast, ILIs are largely indifferent about their physical surroundings, and their desire for efficient allocation of resources may extend to less tangible forms, such as the allocation of resources in a game or real world political (ideological) scenario, or the efficiency of a computer program or corresponding piece of code. An ILI may demonstrate such perfectionistic tendencies most conspicuously in such situations where they can work out the details in their head or on paper.

    ILIs may differ significantly from Te dominant types in that they may not see it as critical to channel their energy on direct actions to achieve practical and societal gain, and indeed often do not even pursue the accumulation of new information very actively. ILIs may not directly associate their knowledge with any given purpose rather than to further their own understanding. They are also not very proactive at getting things done in the real world. While ILIs do recognize the necessity of gathering knowledge required for their day to day functioning -- forms, maps, directions -- they may develop a chronic habit of disinterestedly and lazily spurning such menial errands (especially if they need to physically talk to someone else to do something; it may be somewhat easier for them to simply do their errands if the relevant information merely requires looking up on the internet, or is otherwise easily accessible without bothering anyone).

    Often ILIs have a deep factual understanding of subjects or specialized fields of interest which they find interesting or care about. Sometimes ILIs perceive the real-world occurrences around them, such as the daily tedium of work or school, through the lens created to understand the information that they care about most, although they may choose not to share this perception with others. They often have little to contribute in many social situations, but when the topic of their interest comes around they may tend to be the center of attention, disseminating the information of their expertise.

    ILIs can often be highly critical of others' ideas and actions. Typically this is because others' ideas violate the ILI's understanding of the facts, or because ILIs see more efficient or workable solutions. ILIs often channel their energy towards constructive criticism because they frequently lack the initiative to take decisive action themselves. They may also channel their criticism into humor typically coated with irony, cynicism, witticisms, and sarcasm. Like LIEs, they may be inclined to see others around them as essentially ignorant or incompetent, and sarcastic responses directed towards individuals whose ideas they see as foolish can be commonplace.

    Ego Block

    Introverted Logic (Ti, )

    LIIs are adept at organizing their understanding into structured thought. They may organize their cogitations into categories, diagrams, formulaic descriptions, or complex step by step explanations. LIIs may have an uncanny knack for understanding, constructing, and deconstructing the abstract and delicate internal workings of abstract systems like computers, natural phenomena, gadgets, abstract concepts, mathematical equations, and anything that captures their interest. They may be extremely precise in their understanding and can tend strive for highly detailed realizations. They can be skilled at synthesizing new information and incorporating into their established categories. They are often attracted to fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, or other areas of study that deal with highly structured information systems.

    LIIs are often highly attuned to the premises of logical consistency and adherence to predefined principles. They may use such unifying principles as a basis off of which to make normative or philosophical judgments and often seek to communicate these ideas to others. LIIs can be difficult for others to understand because they tend to avoid explaining the intermediate steps in their reasoning, seeing only the conclusion as important.LIIs are, in the colloquial sense, highly rational creatures and may pride themselves on so being. They may live highly structured or regimented lifestyles and can be quite proactive.

    Extroverted Intuition (Ne, )

    LIIs are greatly in tune with novel connections and the possibilities that exist which they could see their systems and analyses applied towards. They are able to see a myriad of concepts and hence strive to cover different and new fields which have not been touched by their logical analysis. They may avoid harping on one area for too long, instead preferring to expand their theoretical constructs, covering various territory through time; to restrict their logical scope would be to hinder true understanding.

    LIIs' primary focus in developing new ideas is to categorize, systematize, and promote understanding about them. They may tend to see novel ideas that have no implications or relevance to a larger ideational framework as disinteresting and pointless. At the same time, LIIs are often minimally interested in real-world application of their ideas, instead preferring abstract and theoretical speculation. They often tend towards contemplative academic fields which allow for abstract speculation to be realized in concrete conclusions.

    LIIs typically tolerate unusual lifestyles and they usually tolerate differing viewpoints.
    So basically, forget everything you thought you knew and start fresh. If you try to make sense of the correlations before you know your base function then you will drive yourself crazy. I am projecting on that last part.

    Welcome to the forum.
    Last edited by Aylen; 06-28-2016 at 05:30 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  5. #5
    maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    There are no INTp. there are INTP, which are also called ILI. And there is common wrongly identified types, - the average accuracy is <50%. From point of Socionics relations of the mentioned types are rather doubtful, if they are long and you think them as good. I recommend you to check your type, at least.
    INTp is INTP what are you saying

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